Light or Darkness in your Body?
“The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly full of light, as when the lamp with its bright shining gives you light.”” (Luke 11:34-36 WEB)
Nowadays when you watch the news on TV or social media, there’s a lot of negative news that inputs fear, worry and worldliness into your heart.
The latest trending news is the Wuhan novel coronavirus.
People just want to know the updates and this curiosity is born out of the flesh’s craving for things about sin and death.
Just the act of looking can affect your body. When you watch negative news or explicit content, that darkness enters your body, planting a seed of sickness, infirmity and death.
Can’t seem to sleep well? Feeling tired all the time and weird body aches and pains arising out of seemingly nowhere?
Check what you’re allowing into your eyes and ears.
What you receive affects what you believe and speak, therefore affecting what you birth into your life.
Guard your eyes by being intentional about what you see and watch. Don’t just let the world turn your head whichever way it dictates.
Instead, fill your eyes with light by reading about God’s word.
Not just once a week at church! You need this light daily, because darkness also fights for your attention every day.
Just a bit of light is sufficient, but make sure you get some.
I read somewhere that your body only needs about 15 mins of sunlight a day for health’s sake.
But if you want to grab this revelation in your heart and run all the way with it, read and hear God’s word often, even throughout the day.
The more of this light you allow into your body, don’t be surprised to find yourself getting healthier, stronger and younger!
Read my eBook “Beautiful, Healthy and Strong Like Jesus” for the Bible’s best-kept secrets about renewal of youth, health and strength. It’s wisdom reserved for God’s children ===>
#BeautifulLikeJesus #Blessings