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#1. What is Bias? - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
· [countable, usually singular] an interest in one thing more than others; a special ability · [uncountable, countable] the fact that the results of research ...
#2. bias | meaning of bias in Longman Dictionary of ...
bias · biasbi‧as /ˈbaɪəs/ noun (plural biases) [countable, uncountable] · MARKETING ...
#3. BIAS (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
1. singular/uncountable an attitude that you have that makes you treat someone in a way that is unfair or different from the way you treat other people.
#4. [Grammar] - bias or biases | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum
Hello! I learned "bias" is a uncountable noun or countable noun but usually in singual. I am wondering why it is in plural in above context? Please help.
#5. bias | definition in the English-Norwegian Dictionary
bias - translate into Norwegian with the English-Norwegian Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary. ... [ countable-uncountable ].
#6. What is the plural of bias? - WordHippo
The noun bias can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will be biases. However, in more specific contexts, ...
#7. Bias Meaning | Best 38 Definitions of Bias - YourDictionary
(countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. noun. 0.
#8. BIAS | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
A systematic distortion of a statistical result due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation. 'Furthermore, the statistical bias varies with the ...
#9. bias Definition in the dictionary English - Glosbe
In a slanting manner; crosswise; obliquely; diagonally. noun. (countable, uncountable). inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, ...
#10. Is it bias or biases? - Movie Cultists
Is bias countable or uncountable? NounEdit. (countable & uncountable) A bias is a preference in one direction that makes things unequal. There is strong ...
#11. bias - HausaDictionary.com
(countable & uncountable) A bias is a preference in one direction that makes things unequal. <> son rai, son zuciya, nuna bambanci ko wariya, magudi. Ba shi da ...
#12. Associations to the word «Bias
(countable) (uncountable) inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. BIAS, noun. (countable) (textiles) ...
#13. bias or biases | WordReference Forums
Since bias is both countable and uncountable, can either of the two sentences above replace the other without losing the meaning of the ...
#14. How to Tell if a Noun is Countable or Uncountable - Scribbr
Countable nouns refer to individual items. Uncountable nouns refer to a mass of something. Many nouns can be either depending on context.
#15. bias - definition and meaning - Wordnik
bias : A line going diagonally across the grain of fabric. ... noun countable ( uncountable ) inclination towards something; predisposition , partiality ...
#16. BIAS in Scrabble dictionary? - Word Finder and Unscrambler
Is BIAS a valid Scrabble word? ... BIAS how many points in Words With Friends? ... bias (countable and uncountable, plural biases or biasses).
#17. The word BIAS is in the Wiktionary - Welcome to Wikwik.org
(countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference… bias n. (countable, textiles) The diagonal line ...
#18. survivorship bias: meaning - WordSense Dictionary
survivorship bias (English). Noun. survivorship bias (countable and uncountable; pl. survivorship biases). A form of selection bias where only the people or ...
#19. Count and Noncount Nouns - Grammar and Mechanics
In addition, some nouns that are noncount in English may be countable in other ... Sometimes, a noun that is generally countable becomes uncountable when ...
#20. Find Info For - Purdue OWL
If you aren't sure whether a noun is countable or not countable, try attaching a ... Most adjectives can modify both countable and uncountable nouns .
#21. Bias vs Undefined - What's the difference? | WikiDiff
is (countable|uncountable) inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. As a verb bias. is to place bias upon ...
#22. is “crystal” and “bias” countable? | HiNative
"crystal is countable. "bias" is uncountable, countable, usually singular.
#23. Bias - Intermediate District 287
bias (countable and uncountable, plural biases or biasses). (countable, uncountable) inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, ...
#24. BIAS is a valid scrabble word
(countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference… bias n. (countable, textiles) The diagonal line ...
#25. bias - Etymology dictionary
bias. {{11}}bias (n.) 1520s, from Fr. biais "slant, slope, oblique," also ... bias — bi‧as [ˈbaɪəs] noun biases PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] ...
#26. fondness vs bias - what is different - Character Quotes
bias (countable and uncountable, plural biases or biasses). (countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something. Synonyms: predisposition, partiality ...
#27. Meaning Of Bias Against Or Bias Towards - English Forward
That is, these things defy logic, and usage is subject to change through the ages. Whether or not a particular noun has both a countable and a ...
countable (we can enumerate it—H, T, HH, HT, TH, TT, and so on) while the space of hypotheses is uncountable. There can be no function.
#29. Glossary of Statistical Terms
Bias can be deliberate, but it is not necessarily so. See also nonresponse bias. Bimodal. ... If a set is not countable, it is uncountable.
#30. это... Что такое bias towards? - Словари и энциклопедии на ...
bias — bi‧as [ˈbaɪəs] noun biases PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] MARKETING in market research, errors in results, usually caused by working with a ...
#31. AlibaliSidney2015.pdf
Variability in the natural number bias: Who, when, how, and why. Martha W. Alibali. *. , Pooja G. Sidney ... Thus, the bias is evident, not only in learners.
#32. Plural of bias | English | Preply
Need a small advice Is there a plural of bias? Thanks for your answers. ... It's not clear what you need help with.
#33. Biased Model - GM-RKB - Gabor Melli
A Biased Model is a model that systematically differs from its referent. ... Template:Countable Template:Uncountable inclination towards something; ...
#34. What Type Of Word Is Bias - SeniorCare2Share
(countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. (countable, textiles) The diagonal line ...
#35. Ignorance and Bias in Collective Decisions | Request PDF
Committee members do not know which of two alternatives is the best,... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate.
#36. Bias in Natural Actor-Critic Algorithms - Proceedings of ...
possible states and actions, which may be countable (dis- crete), or uncountable (continuous).1 P is called the tran- sition function, where Pa.
#37. Definition of the word BIASES - 6 letters
(countable) (uncountable) inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection · (countable|textiles) the diagonal line ...
#38. Translate bias from English to Ukrainian - Redfox Dictionary
noun. (countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. (countable, textiles) The ...
#39. Bias in Natural Actor-Critic Algorithms
bias makes the existing algorithms more ap- ... may be countable (discrete), or uncountable (con- ... NAC-LSTD is not biased when γ = 1 because then.
#40. biased person meaning in telugu - Gestão de Medição e ...
(countable) (uncountable) inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, ... Biased and definition english collins dictionary.
#41. Chapter 30. Properties of estimates - Probability Models and ...
Perhaps the telescopic sight is not set right, and this caused the systematic error. This is the bias. Both bias and variance contribute to missing the ...
#42. Is bias an adjective or adverb? - AnswersToAll
bias. (countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection.
#43. von Neumann's biased coin revisited - Archive ouverte HAL
which you suspect to be biased (but do not know the bias). Can ... B is a countable basis for the topology of X (we assume.
#44. What does bias mean - Definition of bias - Word finder
The social class bias in university entrance is not matched by a corresponding ... 1 (context countable uncountable English) inclination towards something; ...
#45. Bias definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Bias definition: Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#46. Unit 7 - • Articles/countable and uncountable nouns ...
Singular countable nouns (when we are not being specific or when we mention something for the ... articles as they express the writer's bias. A about cover.
#47. AWL8 Flashcards | Quizlet
These errors may bias the statistics. Their methodology resulted in biased findings. [uncountable, countable, usually singular] a strong feeling in favour ...
#48. A Plethora of Methods for Learning English Countability - ACL ...
nouns have both countable and uncountable lemmas, with differences in meaning: I submitted two papers ... vidual metrics tend to be biased toward particular.
#49. Orthonormal basis - Wikipedia
H, but it may not be the entire space. If we go on to Hilbert spaces, a non-orthonormal set of vectors having the same linear span as an orthonormal basis may ...
#50. Commentary on Ami Mamolo on argumentation and infinity
Argumentation, Objectivity, and Bias: Proceedings of the 11th International ... so we do not have to ascend even into the lower, countable regions.
#51. Bias meaning in telugu. bias in Telugu English-Telugu ...
(countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, predilection. Implicit bias and racism are ...
Prime races and Chebyshev's bias · Hardy-Littlewood Twin Prime Conjecture ... algebraic and transcendental numbers, countable and uncountable sets, ...
#53. biasの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
【発音】bάɪəs【変化】biasing(現在分詞),biassed(過去形),biassed(過去分詞) - 1000万語収録 ... bias (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 biases または biasses).
#54. Using non-count and count nouns - Canvas@Cornell
Some/Any: Some and any countable and uncountable nouns. ... Deceitful Language and Euphemisms · Stereotypes and Biased Language · Appropriate Pronoun Usage.
#55. bias meaning and definition
textiles A wedge-shaped piece of cloth taken out of a garment (such as the waist of a dress) to diminish its circumference. electronics a voltage or current ...
#56. Ne - Vadiesel
A collective noun is a singular (not plural) noun that represents a ... Forms on Intergroup Bias. ... The noun laziness can be countable or uncountable.
#57. another word for preference or liking
1. countable/uncountable a feeling of liking or wanting someone or ... Talking about like or prefer synonyms - What is bias take new:! My ...
#58. Von Neumann's Biased Coin Revisited - LaBRI
which you suspect to be biased (but do not know the bias). Can ... Flip the biased coin twice. ... B is a countable basis for the topology of X (we assume.
#59. Markovian Architectural Bias of Recurrent Neural Networks
number of IFS (countable, or even uncountable). E.g. Dynamical recognizers studied by Pollack, Moore, ... Accept. Start. Reject. State transitions:.
#60. From Vulnerability Formalization to Finitely Additive ...
the axiom of countable additivity is not needed, and hence in this case there ... ples, such as tossing a (biased) coin, again, the operational definition ...
#61. Backward incompatible changes - Manual - PHP
count(new stdclass), // objects not implementing the Countable interface are ... machines (due to the fixing of a modulo bias bug in the implementation).
#62. Data Is, or Data Are? - APA Style 6th Edition Blog
Although these terms are not mentioned in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual, you are correct that media is the plural of medium and ...
#63. A Plethora of Methods for Learning English Countability
nouns have both countable and uncountable lemmas, with differences in meaning: I submitted two papers ... vidual metrics tend to be biased toward particular.
#64. Multiple levels of infinity [closed] - Stack Overflow
Sounds to me like there are an infinite (countable or uncountable doesn't seem to make a difference) number of problems.
#65. BIAS - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias
BIAS. [1] Burroughs Intergrated Adaptive Routing System ... bias — bi‧as [ˈbaɪəs] noun biases PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] MARKETING in market ...
#66. Bias - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam ...
Definition of bias written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, ...
#67. Bias Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
They are not interchangeable, however. The adjective that means “exhibited or characterized by an unreasoned judgment” is biased (“a biased news story”).
#68. hill countable or uncountable - Pat Parry Homes
Some nouns which are uncountable in English are countable in other languages (e.g. They have ... Unbiased Estimator A quantity which does not exhibit BIAS .
#69. So you think you can write? - Manila Bulletin
... he or its derivative him, I concur, is guilty of gender bias. ... have learned from grade school grammar about countable and uncountable ...
#70. 12pt { 63 1 @ueedon & "See # 1 [ (+ #peoidn ~… - ITProSpt
Linked 111 Basically the original plane described by But he's not the clean ... and should be included in the model specification_ Explain the bias in B; ...
#71. Bias Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Bias definition, a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, ... In effect, this quiz will prove whether or not you have the skills to know the ...
#72. Nouns In the English Language: Types and Examples - Google 圖書結果
Uncountable + Countable (Singular form -- Plural Form) - Usually Singular ... basis + (basis -- bases) | also -- [s] bias + (bias -- biases) | also -- [usy.
#73. Corpus-Based Analysis of Ideological Bias: Migration in the ...
... countable] [noun, opposition between two or more large socio-political ... SENSE 2 FIGURATIVE EXTENSION [noun, uncountable] Interpersonal conflict or a ...
#74. The Logic of Reliable Inquiry - 第 8 頁 - Google 圖書結果
I will argue that it is exactly this questionable, enforced bias (of the near future ... with respect to some finitely but not countable additive measure.
#75. Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives
A widely adopted distinction here is between countable and uncountable ... it is important that universal theories avoid any form of domain-based bias.
#76. The Semantics of Chinese Classifiers and Linguistic Relativity
... from implicit bias and semantic irrelevancy in characterizing the domain, ... in Yucatec refer to unformed substances rather than countable entities.
#77. Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, ...
... image representation space from the countable integer space into the uncountable float space. ... needs to be tuned by t to get the real movement bias.
#78. bias meaning in telugu. For example, if you Korean ... - Annuella
See more meanings of bias. brutally unfair or harsh English to Telugu ... (countable, uncountable) Inclination towards something; predisposition, ...
#79. Lightwave Communications - 第 903 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 41 change of, 48, 102, 745 countable, 39, 751 finite field, 613 Fourier, ... 370 spatial modes, 147 square-root, 840 uncountable, 751 Bayes' rule, ...
#80. bias definition | Open Education Sociology Dictionary
Not accounting for students with disabilities when designing a test. Framing a question on a survey to ensure a desired response. Types of Bias. ethnocentrism ...
#81. Bias Meaning - YouTube
#82. What is bias? | Macmillan Dictionary Blog
Although the origin of the word bias is not known for certain, it may derive from Old French in the 13th century by way of Old Provençal 'biais' meaning 'at ...
bias countable or uncountable 在 Multiple levels of infinity [closed] - Stack Overflow 的推薦與評價
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