想要一窺AIT內湖新館的風貌嗎!?現在在高雄《立穩根基,共創未來:AIT@40 — 1979 年後美台關係特展》當中可以搶先使用虛擬實境(VR)探索新館內部樣貌!🔭不僅可以看到綠草生動的隨風舞動,還有美國及台灣原生種蝴蝶飛上天際和你打招呼😊立刻前往看展,體驗VR! #AIT@40 #高雄 #虛擬實境
Want to peek inside AIT’s new office complex in Neihu? You can explore the building through the magic of VR during a visit to the AIT@40 exhibition in Kaohsiung! Not only you can see green grass blowing in the wind, but you can also see both American and Taiwan butterflies represented on the walls at the entrance to AIT’s consular services, known as the Butterfly Pavilion. Come and visit the exhibition to have an amazing VR experience right now! #AIT@40 #Kaohsiung #VR #ButterflyPavilion