Aaqib’s height has always been a concern of mine. Mak mak mesti pikir, anak aku ni membesar cukup ke tak untuk umur dia.. kan? Masa Althea dulu lagi my Pediatrician suggest untuk try Pediasure.. Since then mmg guna Pediasure je n now for Aaqib jugak.. it’s scientifically formulated to support all-round growth and development. I now look forward to seeing him grow strong and tall :)
#PediaSure #CatchUpGrowth
Link: http://bit.ly/2Ct1JJq
Promocode: SCPD08NA
catchupgrowth 在 Nana Mahazan Facebook 的最讚貼文
Saya rasa semua mak mak nak anak dorang aktif dan healty.. Kan? Sometimes i feel bad sbb kadang tu sibuk, kerja and shoot so kadang mmg takde time nak make sure Althea n Aaqib makan dan dapat the right nutrition at all times. So, walupun sibuk, mesti nak make sure dorang akan minum susu Pediasure, sekali lah at least, but most of the time, 2 kali kalau boleh.. I to ensure that they do not miss out on their growth potential.
#PediaSure #CatchUpGrowth
Try it guys, boleh purchase kat > http://bit.ly/2lAy2wo
dan guna Promo code SCPD08NA ok? 😘😘
catchupgrowth 在 Nana Mahazan Facebook 的最佳貼文
Look at my 2 fav boys! Aaqib selalu cakap “i will be as tall as daddy soon..” hehehehe.. Alhamdulillah he is growing fast... Mummy make sure Aaqib minum at least 2 glasses of Pediasure a day.. So Aaqib mesti akan tinggi mcm daddy nanti (or even taller 😜). Formula yg ada dalam susu Pediasure memang boleh membantu pembesaran.. Tengoklah Althea, mmg dari dia kecik smp skang still minum! 😘
#PediaSure #CatchUpGrowth
Link: http://bit.ly/2CuY25U klau korang nak try Pediasure k.. n jgn lupa Promo code SCPD08NA ok? 😘😘