#Vertax #2S2D #Original #雙星效應
一年前某一次練習有了這個想法,當時試了10分鐘 跟趙昱淞都說這是不可能做出來的招式,這個動作對我來說像個鑰匙打開了一個系列可能性的大門.
創造是一件付出不一定會有回報的事情,花了很多時間想了試了你不知道會不會成功,練會一招動作不難 難的是怎麼想出一招,沒有什麼不可能 扯鈴=無限 .
I had this amazing idea about a year ago. At that time, I thought this was impossible to accomplish, but I DID it. Realizing my new concept is the most difficult process. It took a lot of practice along with numerous failures. The possibilities for diabolo are really infinite.
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