你知道每年四月白宮的的草坪都會對外開放嗎?想參加滾復活節彩蛋活動的美國民眾,只要登錄 recreation.gov 網站,就可以參加這項活動的門票抽獎。幸運抽中門票的民眾將受邀到白宮的南草坪,參加各式各樣的精彩活動,包括名人說故事、遊戲、 歌舞表演,當然也少不了傳統的「滾彩蛋」活動。最初的滾彩蛋活動是在國會山莊的草坪舉行,小朋友會呼朋引伴在復活節過後的星期一來到國會山莊的草坪玩滾彩蛋遊戲和其他活動。這項活動在1878年獲准移師到白宮草坪舉行。自此之後,幾乎每年白宮都會邀請小朋友來滾彩蛋。今年是第139屆白宮復活節滾彩蛋活動,將在4月17日,也就是今天舉行。想知道今年精采的活動內容請參考: https://whitehouse.gov1.info/easter-egg-roll/ #TodayinHistory #Easter #EasterEggRoll
Did you know the White House lawn is open to the American public for the Easter Egg Roll in April every year? Americans can enter an official lottery for Easter Egg Roll tickets online at recreation.gov. Lucky winners are invited to the South Lawn of the White House to participate in fun activities including story time with celebrities, games, live entertainment, and of course the traditional egg roll. Originally, young children would flock to Capitol Hill every Monday after Easter for egg rolling and a day of activities. In 1878, the event was moved to the White House; nearly every Easter since, the White House has invited young children to roll eggs on the White House lawn. The 139th White House Easter Egg Roll will be taking place on the South Lawn of the White House today - check it out https://whitehouse.gov1.info/easter-egg-roll/