知名市調機構 Research and Markets 最新報告指出,新冠肺炎疫情帶動全球社群商務快速成長,2020 年總交易量預計可達 894 億美元,且市場在未來幾年將持續擴張。
iKala 旗下的 Shoplus,便是以獨家的 AI 技術,協助東南亞社群賣家及中小型商家,拓展社群商務市場。泰國女裝網路品牌 Loonnystore,透過 iKala 獨家開發的 AI 語意及圖像偵測技術、 AI 智能商務機器人、及 AI 智能管理後台,讓消費者觀看直播的同時,不用跳出就可以即時完成購買,因此成功增加 15% 的平均客單價、提升 20% 的訂單量,也成為 Facebook for Business 的成功案例。
「因為有 Shoplus,我們才能在 Facebook 直播中有效管理訂單,也才能成功引起消費者的關注和互動。」Loonnystore 創辦人 Nunthapong Boonnao 說。
iKala 期盼,透過我們的 AI 技術,讓人們可以聚焦在創意和服務,用 AI 找回人與人之間的溫度。
點擊連結看 Loonnystore 的完整案例介紹 👉 http://bit.ly/loonystoreshowcase
According to Research and Markets, the global market for Social Commerce is estimated at US$ 89.4 billion in 2020, and will continue to grow in the coming years.
iKala's Shoplus is an AI social commerce selling service targeting SEA social sellers and SMEs. One of our clients, the Thai fashion brand Loonnystore, adopts iKala’s AI-Live Sell, AI-Chatbot, and AI-Order Management System in its social commerce platform, successfully earning a 20% increase in orders, and a 15% increase in average order value.
“Without Shoplus, we would not have been able to effectively manage our ecommerce business on Facebook Live and gain more traction and engagement from our customers.” said Nunthapong Boonnao, Founder of Loonnystore.
iKala believes that, with our human-centered AI services, people can focus more on innovation and services, and build up a stronger connection with each other.
Read the success story of Loonnystore 👉 http://bit.ly/loonystoreshowcase
#iKala #iKalaCloud #iKalaCommerce #Shoplus