#Congratulations! Director Hsin-Chien Huang's latest VR works, Samsara and The Starry Sand Beach, were nominated for the 78th Venice International Film Festival!
The 78th Venice International Film Festival (VIFF) announced the shortlisted nominees for the category of VR Film. Taiwanese new media artist, Distinguished Professor of NTNU, Hsin-Chien Huang, winner of the BEST VR Experience in 2017 with his work La Camera Insabbiata, will again contest for the Leone d’oro this year with two of his latest, sci-fi inspired works, Samsara and The Starry Sand Beach. While the Taiwanese athletes are striving for the Gold Medals at the Tokyo Olympics as we speak, director Hsin-Chien Huang dazzles the jury of VIFF with his visually-stunning and thought-provoking works — bringing cutting-edge Taiwanese VR films onto the international stage and letting world-wide audience sees Taiwan!
Before being selected for the 78th Venice International Film Festival, Samsara episode 1. has already grabbed the Jury Award at SXSW and Best VR Story at the Cannes XR Competition. This futuristic VR experience teleports the audience onto a journey that spans millions of years. Samsara is a Sanskrit word meaning “ the world ”. In Buddhism, it means what we perceive as the world is actually an endless cycle of karma (cause and effect), a cycle of life, death and rebirth in the six realms of existence. In this fascinating VR work, the audience is reincarnated into the bodies of different persons and creatures, experiencing the universe in their new bodies and in search for the ultimate spiritual transcendence.
Samsara depicts an apocalyptical story in the near future where human greed has depleted the earth’s resource. Catastrophic wars to fight for resource resulted in global destruction. Finally, the remaining humans had to leave the Earth and go on a search in space for a new place to live.
Nevertheless, their desperate, long quest for a new homeland… could it be just a loop in space and time? The cycle of greedy domination and total destruction that then necessitates the search for a new home…. may have hopelessly repeated itself over and over again? The constant evolutionary process and so-called progress, without transformation in consciousness and spiritual advancement, is nothing more than a Möbius strip that leads nowhere, perhaps…?
Samsara is an experiment based on the theory of Embodied Cognition. Through interactivity and VR, the audience gets to live inside the bodies of different persons and creatures, experiencing their feelings from within. Perhaps It is when we can perceive the world in different bodies that we may truly appreciate the thoughts of others and empathize with them. An experience that will also help us better comprehend our own existence and learn to live in harmony with all.
Samsara explores a complex of deeply interconnected issues of ecology, technology, natural resource and war, etc. It's a story about a journey humans are forced to take on, after having destroyed the earth with nuclear disasters. The survivors seek a new planet, in the boundless, interstellar space, to carry on their lives. Gradually they evolve into a new life form artificially. Yet, many years passed and they’ve come to realize that they would never make it to the new planet they’ve been dreaming of. In fact, they have simply been returning to the Earth, in different life forms, time after time.
Director Huang applies the concepts of embodied cognition, offering a unique way to contemplate about the nature of life. As the audience are transported into different bodies each time, they gain a brand new perspective to experience the world views presented in Samsara.
Samsara was produced under the guidance of Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and Kaohsiung Film Archive VR(VR FILM LAB), it’s a sate-of-the-art VR production made 100% in Taiwan. In the VR experience, viewers are transformed into various kinds of animals to interact with the scenes, including species unique and indigenous to Taiwan, such as Taiwan Blue Magpie and Formosan Black Bear.
Samsara Ep.1 features the latest somatosensory technology, including 4D views shooting techniques by the Industrial Technology Research Institute and TAICCA. A digital shooting system comprised of a high-sensitivity 4 million-pixel, full-color CCD sensor and 48 4DV-EX-Z cameras made it possible for Samsara Ep.1 to be taken from an omnidirectional view and shot without any blind spots, creating the ultimate immersive experience.
THE STARRY SAND BEACH, directed by Hsin-Chien Huang and produced in cooperation with Lucid Reality (France) and Oready 瑞意創科 Oready Innovation Lab (Taiwan), is a scientific fairy tale about a unique ecological wonder in Taiwan and Japan, the shiny starry sand beaches. Foraminifera, from the Latin word “foramen” meaning hole, is a single-celled organism that builds a shell with multiple chambers which intercommunicate with one another through holes. On the Qimei Island, Taiwan and the Yaeyama Islands, Japan, beaches have been formed by a specific species of foraminifera with star-shaped shells made of calcium carbonate. Like the real stars in the legends, grains of the starry sand have also been preserving the earth’s memories for millions of years.
THE STARRY SAND BEACH is a real-time 3D interactive VR adventure into the natural and mythological landscape of the starry sand beaches on Qimei Island in Penghu Archipelago, Xing Sha Wan in Kenting National Park and Taketomi Island in the far south of Japan. The experience is full of aesthetically-amazing elements and enriched with cultural and religious significance like Shintoism in Japan. A beautiful, haunting legend tells the story of the starry sand…
The final winners will be presented at the award ceremony held on Sep11. With great anticipation and hopes, Hsin-Chien Huang is expected to bring home again the grand prize for Taiwan!
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
#samsara #chalkroom
#VeniceInternationalFilmFestival #VIFF
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過87萬的網紅ขุนเขามีคําตอบ - Answers from Khunkhao,也在其Youtube影片中提到,คนขยัน เจอทางตันแล้วยัง "ทำต่อ" แต่คนสร้างสรรค์ เจอทางตันแล้วเริ่ม "ทำต่าง" ถ้าแค่ "ทำต่อ" แล้วไปไม่รอด ลอง "ทำต่าง" ดูบ้าง ก่อนจะมาอ้างว่า "ทำแล้วไม่...
evolutionary theory 在 中衛產業行腳 Facebook 的最佳貼文
一九八○年代開始,生態學和社會學逐漸進入管理理論的雷達圖中,理查.尼爾森(Richard Nelson)和希尼.溫特(Sydney Winter)於1982年出版的《經濟變遷的演化理論》(An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change)堪稱生態經濟學的經典;而自一九九○年代開始席捲管理文獻版面的「網絡理論」(Network Theory),則源自社會學。
一九八○年代,「企業社會責任」(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)這個當代顯學剛才濫殤之際,諾貝爾經濟學獎得主密爾頓.傅利曼(Milton Friedman),以經濟學的效率觀與社會學的福利觀對話,堅持「企業唯一的社會責任是增加獲利」。三十年後,隨著永續發展的挑戰,與資本主義引發的新興社會議題(如青年就業、所得分配惡化),及科技帶來的結構改變(如壽命延長後的高齡化、人工智慧快速發展),政府、民眾與媒體,都對企業承擔更多社會責任抱持著高度期許。科技始終來自人性,因此,在第四次工業革命中,以人為本的創新成為發展主軸,而其終極的關懷仍是社會性的。
evolutionary theory 在 偽學術 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[認真科學] 王道還的20本書:科學寫作講座雜記
開宗明義,科學寫作就是一種「寫作」,王道還直接破題,他問道:「何謂寫作?」並給了個答案:寫作就是實踐。所謂「實踐」(praxis),是指在一個具體的時空中所進行的活動;對於王道還而言,寫作實踐,即妥善地運用文字,其途徑唯有不斷地寫作。王道還舉馬克吐溫作為例證(Mark Twain),在出版《湯姆歷險記》之前,馬克吐溫可是下足了寫作的功夫,他做記者,也做編輯,持續書寫,最後才成為「作家」。「寫作」並非一蹴可成。
而寫作,更是一種沉思,是人類智識工作的具體運作。從科學哲學家Karl Popper的批判理性主義來看,寫作具有「反思性」(reflexivity),其過程就是一種理性的自我批判;寫下文字使人得以從事延續性、組構性、系統性的複雜思考。王道還認為,寫作便是文明的來源,中國人常說的「敬字惜紙」還真是富含智慧,透徹了文化的奧義。
科學是一個十分奇特的思想領域,王道還引用物理學家克羅默(A. Cromer)在《非常識》(Uncommon Sense) 一書中的說法,他認為客觀的科學思維方式對人類而言,是非常「不自然」的腦力活動,如果沒有經過特別的科學啟蒙與方法訓練,一般人是無法擁有此思維方式,而科學就是產生「嶄新認識」的途徑。科學家透過科學研究的過程,展現出新穎的、異端的、不常見的觀點。像是演化生物學家金道斯(Clinton Richard Dawkins)在《自利基因》(The Selfish Gene)提出的有趣觀點:母雞是一枚雞蛋製造另一枚雞蛋的工具,他將一切生物類比為基因的生存機器便是鮮明的例子,科學證實或製造了一些相當奇特的觀點。
王道還舉了幾個科學獨特思維的例子後,話鋒一轉,直言「寫作就是表演,寫作就是思考」,他從《學術寫作之道》(Finding Your Way In Academic Writing)裡聚焦出此研究者寫作的核心。就算是科學寫作,文字語言的使用依然帶有書寫技藝的本質,其源自模仿與再現的樂趣,並且顯示為一種表現,一種表演。該書作者海寧(Elizabeth Henning)在導論中便說,學術寫作就像是知識的表演,如同研究者向讀者社群進行一場精彩的演出,企圖與讀者溝通,嘗試透過寫作與讀者建立起緊密的社會關係。科學家辛苦鑽研的成果,若不用妥善的方式分享給社會大眾,豈不可惜。
另一本書《成功的科學寫作》(Successful Scientific Writing)則直接提供科學研究者一些書寫技巧。該書作者馬修等(Janice Matthews and Robert Matthews)建議每一次動筆前,能夠先問下面四個問題:傳送甚麼訊息?誰會對訊息有興趣?適合那一種書寫形式?在何處出版?再針對引言、故事、寫作風格、詞彙、口頭報告等細節一一探討,作者認為,如果你在寫作工作中能夠找到樂趣與慧詰幽默,那麼讀者同樣也能感受到這篇文章是成功的。
寫作無疑是科學工作的一部分,無論是學術報告,抑或科普書籍,又或者根本沒有「學術」與「通俗」的區別;好的科學寫作,將會使科學的意義得以延伸,蘊育出科學文化。王道還加重了講演的語氣,踱步到投影片的正前方,古生物學家古爾德(Stephen J. Gould)影像打印在他的身上。王道還緩慢且堅定地說:「科學是屬於人民的」。
古爾德是王道還最喜愛的科普作家,他一口氣介紹了《自達爾文以來》(Ever since Darwin)、《個體發生與系統發生》(Ontogeny and Phylogeny)、《我著陸了》(I Have Landed)、《進化論的結構》(The Structure of Evolutionary Theory)、《雷龍面臨的危險》(Bully for Brontosaurus)五本科普書籍。古爾德專長於古生物學、演化生物學,但他最為人所津津樂道的,乃是他的作家身分,古爾德的科學書籍產量豐富,科普類型占了大多數。王道還說,美國社會大眾近三十年的生物演化概念,幾乎是依靠古爾德來奠定的。
古爾德為甚麼會如此重視科普呢?因為他受到社會學家米爾斯(C. Wright Mills)於1956年出版的《權力菁英》(The power elite)一書影響。米爾斯的《權力菁英》描繪了50年代美國上層菁英生活的鉅細靡遺,菁英的權力來源在於對制度的主宰,當然包含各種教育與研究體系。古爾德高呼「人民科學」(science for the people),試圖打破科學知識所設下的籓籬,如法國思想家傅科(Michel Foucault)提示:知識即權力(savoir/pouvoir),古爾德以科普寫作來實現其科學領域中的政治理想,將知道的權力獻給人民。作為知識生產者的科學家是否本應該肩負此任務?
王道還細數「人民科學」的歷史脈絡。1917年,蘇聯在科學技術發展取得輝煌成就之時,同時也非常注重科學與技術的宣傳,當時,蘇聯的科普活動是近代最大規模科普實踐。可以再往歐洲文明史中回顧,在1793年法國大革命期間,革命政府決定,解散法國國家科學院,取而代之的是全新的人民科學機構:自然史博物館(Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle),該館設置12位教授,義務公開授課。這就是為人民所創設的科學,王道還指出,當現代科學家運用了龐大的公共資源來執行自己的研究興趣時,應該負起相應的社會責任,最直接的手段就是「科學寫作」。他又信手捻來幾本科學寫作書籍,像是平克爾的(Steven Pinker)《科學與自然寫作》(Science And Nature Writing) 、葛文德(Atul Gawande)的《美國科寫作選集》(The Best American Science Writing)與《一個外科醫生的修練》,這些科學家與科學寫作,將科學引入大眾,當科學家開始寫作,科學文化便從此展開。
在課堂的尾聲,我想起王道還開場時的那個問題:「何謂寫作?」這讓我聯想到法國存在主義者沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre)的小書《何謂文學?》(Qu'est-ce que la littérature ?)。在此書中,沙特強調,寫作是一種行動與宣示,並且堅持作家的責任在於「介入」(engagement)社會,寫作就是作家參與社會的具體實踐。對科學家而言,何嘗不是同樣的道理。
evolutionary theory 在 ขุนเขามีคําตอบ - Answers from Khunkhao Youtube 的精選貼文
คนขยัน เจอทางตันแล้วยัง "ทำต่อ"
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-ขุนเขา สินธุเสน เขจรบุตร-
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00:00 Intro
01:15 ไฮไลท์คลิป
00:47 ที่นี่คือเกาะ SAN CRISTOBAL
01:56 *ข้อคิดเรื่องความคิดสร้างสรรค์
04:30 บรรยากาศของเกาะ SAN CRISTOBAL
06:00 เก็บตก
07:02 Charles Darwin Research Station
08:07 Darwin Bay
11:14 ไฮไลท์คลิป Galapagos ตอนต่อไป...

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