現在,只要你用這個連結>> http://bit.ly/1XwAl0i 申請美國運通國泰航空尊尚信用卡,你和我都可以額外獲得2,000 Asia Miles! 只要你在九月三十日前申請,你還可以同時參加大抽獎!隨時贏取環遊世界機票或是40份日本來回機票呢!
【期間限定 更快飛往日本】由即日起至2016年9月30日,現有美國運通國泰航空信用卡會員只需成功推薦指定數目之好友申請,除可享基本推薦獎賞3,000里數,更可額外獲得限時里數獎賞。現在您只需成功推薦5位好友,即可享足夠里數兌換來回東京獎勵機票*!成功申請之好友亦可獲得額外2,000里數及自動參加大抽獎,有機會贏取環遊世界機票。 http://bit.ly/2aTNex0
#三五成團遊世界 #新舊會員齊齊賞
【Refer Friends and Fly Faster to Japan 】From now until September 30, 2016, American Express Cathay Pacific Credit Cardmember will be entitled to earn Limited-Time Top Up Bonus, in addition to basic referral rewards of 3,000 Asia Miles when you meet the referral targets. Refer 5 friends today and earn enough miles for a round-trip award ticket to Tokyo*! Your friends will enjoy an extra 2,000 Asia Miles and also automatically enter the Lucky Draw with a grand prize of round-the-world tickets. http://bit.ly/2aXsMwB
*Calculation is based on 30,000 Asia Miles required for redemption of one round-trip Economy Class award ticket between Hong Kong and Tokyo