guinea pig meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

「PUI PUI 天竺鼠車車」的天竺鼠, 英文是 guinea pig ,… More Guinea 的讀音像中文「幾內亞」嗎? 完全不像,所以錄了段影片跟大家分享。 ... <看更多>
#1. GUINEA PIG | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
a small animal covered in fur with rounded ears, short legs, and no tail, often kept as a pet by children: Guinea pigs need a covered area with ...
#2. guinea pig in Traditional Chinese - Cambridge Dictionary
guinea pig noun [C] (ANIMAL) · guinea pig noun [C] (TEST).
#3. Guinea pig definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
A guinea pig is a small furry animal without a tail. Guinea pigs are often kept as pets. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Copyright © ...
#4. Guinea pig Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
GUINEA PIG meaning: 1 : a small animal that is often kept as a pet; 2 : a person or thing used for testing something.
#5. Guinea pig Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of GUINEA PIG is a small stout-bodied short-eared tailless domesticated rodent (Cavia porcellus) of South American origin often ...
#6. Guinea pig Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Guinea pig definition, a short-eared, tailless rodent of the genus Cavia, usually white, black, and tawny, commonly regarded as the domesticated form of one ...
The Japanese word for guinea pig is モルモット (morumotto), which derives from the name of another mountain-dwelling rodent, the marmot. This is what the guinea ...
#8. Guinea pig - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
noun. stout-bodied nearly tailless domesticated cavy; often kept as a pet and widely used in research. synonyms: Cavia cobaya. see moresee less. type of: · noun.
#9. guinea-pig noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
a small animal with short ears and no tail, often kept as a petTopics Animalsb1. Definitions on the go · a person used in medical or other experiments.
#10. guinea pig Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of GUINEA PIG (noun): small furry animal, often kept as pet; someone who is used in an experiment.
#11. guinea pig - Wiktionary
The origin of "guinea" in "guinea pig" is hard to explain. One theory is that the animals were brought to Europe by way of Guinea, leading people to think ...
#12. Guinea pig Idiom Definition - Grammarist
The idiom guinea pig means the subject of experimentation, research, or testing. Someone who is a guinea pig is being used as a test case in a situation ...
#13. guinea-pig noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
1a small animal with short ears and no tail, often kept as a pet. Take your English to the next level. The Oxford Learner's Thesaurus explains the difference ...
#14. Medical Definition of Guinea pig - RxList
Guinea pig : 1.Cavia porcellus, also known as Cavia cobaya, a plump rodent native to South America brought to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors.
#15. Guinea Pig Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace - YouTube
Meaning of the word GUINEA PIGPronunciation: /ˈɡɪni pɪɡ/Meaning: Guinea pig means - a tailless South American rodent of the cavy family.
#16. Guinea Pigs: Useful in Research, Conversation
Some say that the term guinea pig, meaning “one subjected to an experiment,” was first used in the 1920s. And this expression is still very ...
#17. guinea pig - Longman Dictionary
guinea pig meaning, definition, what is guinea pig: a small furry animal with short ears and...: Learn more.
#18. 14 Synonyms & Antonyms for GUINEA PIG - Thesaurus.com
On this page you'll find 15 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to guinea pig, such as: rodent, cavia porcellus, cavy, examinee, experimental animal, ...
#19. guinea pig - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
Principal Translations. Inglés, Español. guinea pig n, (small South American mammal), cobaya nf. conejillo de Indias loc nom m. (AR, BO, CO, EC), cuy, cuye, ...
#20. Guinea Pig Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
Guinea Pig Definition ; Any of various small, plump rodents (genus Cavia) with short ears and no external tail: often domesticated and used in biological ...
#21. Why are Guinea Pigs called Guinea Pigs? - HayPigs!
Literally meaning 'Little Sea Pigs' (so cute!). This goes back to the days when guinea pigs were transported on ships as an easy and cheap source of fresh ...
#22. guinea pig (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
from a native word perhaps meaning "respectable." Related: Guyanese. pig (n.1). Middle English pigge "a young pig" ...
#23. Understanding Your Pet Guinea Pig: A Guide to Behavioral ...
Whistling: Guinea pigs will often let out a high pitched squeal or whistle, and this noise means your furry friend is excited, perhaps about feeding time or ...
#24. GUINEA PIG - Translation in Arabic - bab.la
Translation for 'guinea pig' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations.
#25. Guinea pig - definition of guinea pig by The Free Dictionary
Any of various small, stocky, short-eared rodents of the genus Cavia of South America, having no visible tail. The domesticated species C. porcellus is ...
#26. "human guinea pig"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的 ...
human guinea pig的意思A Guinea pig is something you experiment on. When someone calls himself a human guinea pig, he means he tested a ...
#27. Guinea Pig Sounds | The Anti-Cruelty Society
And, it usually means that they are angry, unhappy or agitated at a certain situation. It's common for chattering to occur when you first introduce a guinea pig ...
#28. Keeping Guinea Pigs As Pets - RSPCA
Guinea pig fact file. two guinea pigs greeting each other nose to nose Guinea pigs, also known as 'cavies', are social animals ...
#29. Guinea Pig Sounds and Their Meanings - Oxbow Animal Health
AKA “I'm having fun!” Sometimes referred to as a “clucking” sound (like a mother hen would make), this is a sound of contentment. Guinea pigs ...
#30. guinea pig | General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
English translation: treating it like an experimental guinea pig ... I think that you should keep the analogy as it gives more meaning than ...
#31. Guinea pig | Smithsonian's National Zoo
Each vocalization conveys a different meaning. A chutt is used during predatory pursuit and whines after predatory pursuit. Squeals, squeaks and tweets indicate ...
#32. Guinea pig meaning in Hindi - गिनी मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
Definition of Guinea pig. a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; ...
#33. The guide to guinea pig behaviour
The well known 'wheek-wheek' is a sign of excitement or a way to locate their piggie house mate. While guinea pig wheeking is quite common and a good sign, the ...
#34. Guinea pig noises and their meanings - ExoticDirect
Rumbling or rumble strutting is a sound that Guinea Pigs will make as part of their mating ritual. Purring: this can mean your Guinea pig is happy or angry, so ...
#35. Guinea Pigs – Their History - FOUR PAWS International
Guinea pigs played – and continue to play – an important role in Peruvian medicine and religion. Some believe that guinea pigs can be used to ...
#36. Guinea pig - Urban Dictionary
A guinea pig is a tube with a brain. Stuff goes into this tube at one end and comes out of the other. The purpose of the brain is to cause the tube to find ...
#37. Guinea Pig Sounds and Their Meanings! - GuineaDad
Wheeking is most commonly expressed when guinea pigs are anticipating food. In some cases, they may even use this vocalization to remind their ...
name and the original meaning of the German designation are made. There can be of course no doubt that the modern English syntagm guinea pig con-.
#39. English Phrase: being a guinea pig - PhraseMix.com
Today, we use the term "guinea pig" for a person who gets used to test something, like a new drug, product, or process: He's been developing a new weightlifting ...
DENTAL DISEASE. The dentition of the guinea pig is described as aradicular hypsodont, meaning all teeth grow throughout the animal's life and are open-rooted.
#41. Guinea pig care | Blue Cross
Including advice on guinea pig cages, guinea pig bedding and more. ... This means you can control the length, depth and width.
#42. The saying 'Guinea-pig' - meaning and origin.
What's the meaning of the phrase 'Guinea-pig'?. A person or animal who is used as the subject of an experiment. What's the origin of the phrase 'Guinea-pig ...
#43. 8 strange sounds your guinea pig makes and what they mean
Rumbling is similar to purring but sounds much deeper. The rumble is used by male guinea pigs to get the attention of female piggies, whilst ...
#44. Guinea Pig Common Behaviour Meanings | Pets At Home
Did you know yawning is a sign of dominance? Find out more about your guinea pigs behaviours and sounds they make here at Pet Talk today!
#45. guinea pig 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
guinea pig. 'gɪniː pɪg. Main. English Definition. (名) As a noun ... Hyphenation, guin•ea pig. Part of Speech, (名短语) noun phrase ...
#46. Lost in translation? Guinea pig speak explained
Yes, guinea pigs purr and yes, it can mean they're telling you that they're feeling very contented. Feed one of your piggies their favourite treat while they're ...
#47. Guinea Pig in Tagalog
Guinea Pig in Tagalog. The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word guinea pig. The English word "guinea pig" can be translated as the ...
#48. Guinea Pig Sounds and Body Language - The Spruce Pets
Guinea Pig Sounds · Wheeking: This is a distinctive (and common) vocalization made by guinea pigs and it is most often used to communicate ...
#49. What is another word for "guinea pig"? - WordHippo
What is another word for guinea pig? · A tailless rodent of the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia · A subject used in tests or experiments · Device for testing ...
#50. Understanding Your New Guinea Pig's Behavior
In most cases, it's a squeal of delight because your little cavy is excited. Usually, guinea pigs wheek when supper is about to be served!
#51. Guinea pigs - Research - University of Cambridge
Guinea pigs have biological similarities to humans, which make them useful in many fields of research. They have been used as experimental animals for ...
#52. How to pronounce guinea pig | HowToPronounce.com
Meanings for guinea pig. It is a species of rodent that are small, gentle, and personable. Add a meaning ...
#53. 天竺鼠的英文guinea pig 怎麼讀? - Facebook
「PUI PUI 天竺鼠車車」的天竺鼠, 英文是 guinea pig ,… More Guinea 的讀音像中文「幾內亞」嗎? 完全不像,所以錄了段影片跟大家分享。
#54. Is a guinea pig the right pet for you?
Young children often lack fine motor control and self-restraint, which means they may inadvertently drop a guinea pig, squeeze them or scare them into ...
#55. Owning Guinea Pigs | VCA Animal Hospitals
Guinea pigs, also called cavies (or cavy for a single guinea pig), originated in South America ... More guinea pigs will mean larger, more frequent messes.
#56. How to pronounce guinea pig in English - Forvo
How to pronounce guinea pig in English. The definition of guinea pig is: a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; ...
#57. Guinea Pig Facts | Live Science
porcellus, means "little pig" in Latin. Size & appearance. Guinea pigs are tailless rodents that weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs. (700 to ...
#58. Guinea Pig Symbolism & Meaning | Spirit, Totem & Power ...
The Guinea Pig stands as an emblem for surrounding yourself with supportive, affectionate, and emotive people. If you have been hiding behind a wall or tucked ...
#59. Sounds of Guinea Pigs - PetMD
Screaming, squealing, or shrieking sounds are high-pitched and generally mean the guinea pig is unhappy, in pain, or in danger.
#60. guinea pig Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com
Phrases, Idioms & A. prep. guinea pig /noun/ গিনিপিগ;
#61. guinea pig meaning in Telugu - Shabdkosh
Definitions and Meaning of guinea pig in English. guinea pig noun. stout-bodied nearly tailless domesticated cavy; often kept as a pet and widely used in ...
#62. What is my Guinea Pig Saying? Decode Your Guinea ... - Kaytee
Guinea pigs with scream when they have a fright or when they are in a fight with another animal. Pay close attention to your pet if you hear a scream. Squeal:
#63. How Smart Are Guinea Pigs? - Kavee
Guinea pigs are fun, affectionate, and curious animals. ... out our blog to learn more about guinea pig sounds and what they mean here.
#64. Human guinea pigs and the history of the iconic lab animal.
Same goes for the Dutch proefkonijn, meaning “trial rabbit.” The French say cobaye, “guinea pig,” perhaps influenced by Koch's archrival Louis ...
#65. Guinea Pig Care Sheet: Food, Habitat & Health | Petco
... by making various sounds that have different meanings, and “popcorn” or jump in the air when happy. Includes Hairless Guinea Pigs.
#66. How to say Guinea pig in German? - OUINO Languages
What does Meerschweinchen mean in English? German translations and examples in context. How to Say “Guinea pig” in German? What is the meaning of “. Guinea pig ...
#67. GUINEA PIG • ASL Dictionary - HandSpeak
Signs for GUINEA PIG. Meaning: A small stout-bodied short-eared tailless domesticated rodent of South American origin often kept as a pet and widely used in ...
#68. guinea pig meaning|TikTok Search
Discover videos related to guinea pig meaning on TikTok. Videos. lifewithguineas. 35.7K. guinea pig behavior! :D #guineapig #guineapigtips #animals.
#69. Definition & Meaning of "Guinea pig" | LanGeek
guinea pig. [NOUN]. 1. a small furry animal with rounded ears, short legs ...
#70. How To Say Guinea Pig In Different Languages – Lafeber Co.
And with so many languages in the world, that means guinea pigs have a whole lot more names than just guinea pig or cavy.
#71. Guinea Pigs | Neffsville Veterinary Clinic
Part of their species name porcellus means “little pig”. The America Cavy Breeders Association recognizes 13 different breeds of guinea pig.
#72. Guinea pig body language guide - Petcover AU
Like with most animals, a guinea pig will sniff to find out what is going on and get to know other guinea pigs. This means that they can ...
#73. guinea pig - Translation into Chinese - examples English
Translations in context of "guinea pig" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Are your a google guinea pig?
#74. Why Do Guinea Pigs Chatter Their Teeth? - WebMD Pets
They'll often do it when meeting a new guinea pig. The chattering notifies other guinea pigs to respect their territory and stay at a distance.
#75. Why does my guinea pig jump? What is 'popcorning'?'
Guinea pigs are known to popcorn as a display of joy and happiness. It is a behaviour often associated with younger animals but can be seen in ...
#76. Why do guinea pigs squeak? And other FAQs - Newhay
Guinea pigs use a variety of noises that sound a lot like squeaks to communicate their feelings and needs. The chirrup is used as a way to get ...
#77. Guinea Pig Noises and Body Language: The Ultimate Guide
Teeth chattering is the most aggressive sound to come from a guinea pig and is a sign of a very annoyed pet. Your guinea pig may look like they ...
#78. What's The Difference Between Guinea Pigs And Hamsters?
Guinea pig vs. hamster: What's the difference? Guinea pigs and hamsters are related, both being part of the Rodentia order, meaning they're ...
#79. My Pet Guinea Pig - 博客來
書名:My Pet Guinea Pig,語言:英文,ISBN:9781605960906,作者:Foran, Jill,出版日期:2009/08/01,類別:童書(0-12歲)
#80. Guinea Pig 10 facts - Understanding Animal Research
The structure of the guinea pig ear is similar to that of humans, meaning that their hearing range is also similar. Guinea pigs also display the Preyer reflex ...
#81. What Do Guinea Pig Noises Mean? - Omlet
A sound similar to purring is rumbling, a noise guinea pigs make to show their dominance. Males will often emit this very low sound when they're trying to ...
#82. Guinea pig - AnimalResearch.info
Guinea pigs have biological similarities to humans. ... The structure of the guinea pig ear is similar to that of humans, meaning that their ...
#83. 10 Incredible Guinea Pig Facts - AZ Animals
Each vocalization they produce has a different meaning. Purring usually means guinea pigs are content. Chutting is a sound they make when they ...
#84. What do the noises my guinea pig is making mean?
Wheeking: An excited noise that sounds just like it is written! Guinea pigs usually make this noise around feeding but can also ...
#85. 10 Common Guinea Pig Behaviors Explained | BeChewy
6Guinea Pig Sounds Mean Something · When they're excited, you may hear a high-pitched squeal. · When they're relaxed, content, and feel safe · When ...
#86. The Ultimate Guide to Guinea Pig Breeds, Colors, and Markings
Rex means king, and although the Rex guinea pig probably thinks they're the king of the cavy castle, the name actually comes from their ...
#87. Taming your guinea pig for trust
Dogs and Cats are predators not prey animals. So let's ask first what is a Prey Animal and what does this mean in terms of guinea pig behaviour with humans.
#88. 用中文说: "Guinea pig"
Welcome to "用中文说", let's learn some new phrases in Chinese now! 用中文说: "Guinea pig". Guinea pig. 【中文】试验品、实验对象、尝试.
#89. Being a Human Guinea Pig: What Are the Risks? - ABC News
The trial was known as a phase one study, meaning that the drug was given to healthy people to help determine its safety. Rigorous animal testing is typically ...
#90. What does Guinea Pig mean? - Definitions.net
Definition of Guinea Pig in the Definitions.net dictionary. ... includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of the word Guinea Pig.
#91. Guinea Pig Sounds and Their Meaning - AnimalWised
If the screeching is higher, faster, or louder than usual, it's very likely that your guinea pig is scared or in pain. If you suspect that your ...
#92. Why is a Guinea Pig Called a Guinea Pig? - GlobeNewswire
Guinea pigs originated from the Andes mountains of Peru and are actually rodents, not pigs like the name implies. Many also believe the "pig" ...
#93. guinea pig meaning in Chinese - Ichacha
guinea pig in Chinese : :豚鼠;天竺鼠;豚鼠,天竺鼠;荷兰鼠;豚鼠属…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.
#94. What Is Guinea Pig Popcorning? And Why Does Your Cavy ...
On the whole, guinea pigs tend to popcorn when they're happy or excited. Did you know you can train your guinea pig to popcorn? If you notice ...
#95. Guinea Pig Noises - BUNS
But did you know that they also purr, rumble, yip, hoot and chirp? Have you heard these sounds? Did you wonder what they mean? Would you like to speak guinea ...
#96. Why Do Guinea Pigs Squeak? - Petbarn
This noise is when your guinea pig makes a rapid succession of quick squeaks. It can be caused by anger in your pig, or when they are feeling ...
#97. Having Fun with Your Guinea Pig - PetPlace
Having fun with your guinea pig means indulging him in some of his favorite pastimes, like eating, exploration, and exercise.
#98. What is a Guinea Pig? Plastic Surgery and the Second World ...
The Guinea Pigs were the wounded airmen who received treatment at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, Sussex, England during the ...
#99. Meanings of Guinea Pig Sounds and Body Language
Small squeaks: When a guinea pig makes a bunch of small squeaks in a row, it usually means they are happy and content. They might also be ...
#100. All About Guinea Pigs | Sydney Animal Hospitals
Feeding. Guinea pigs are herbivorous, meaning they eat only plant material, requiring the fibrous material to maintain their teeth and body health.
guinea pig meaning 在 Guinea Pig Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Meaning of the word GUINEA PIGPronunciation: /ˈɡɪni pɪɡ/Meaning: Guinea pig means - a tailless South American rodent of the cavy family. ... <看更多>