2020年7月5日 ·
2004年左右我就曾為文記錄如何從消費者保護法中的「科技抗辯(state of art)」判斷當年因止痛藥Vioxx瑕疵陷入集體訴訟法律風險、股價腰斬的默克藥廠,其實真正面臨的風險並不高,並大膽$26美元危機入市,兩年半後$50多美元陸續獲利了結。
近日因Covid-19在美國失控的疫情,我們又看到新一波影響更廣的法律爭議浮出抬面:營業中斷(business interruption)。
1. 預期收入損失(For lost income from the destroyed merchandise (minus expenses you may have already paid, such as shipping).Your pre-loss earnings are the basis for reimbursement under business interruption coverage. Lost earnings, also known as the actual loss sustained, are typically defined as revenues minus ongoing expenses. )
2. 額外支出( For extra expenses if you must temporarily relocate your business because of the fire (for example, the cost of rent at the temporary location).)
然而近日上百萬家申請保險賠償的中小企業卻遭到保險公司拒付,理由是:「Covid-19疫情並未造成實質物理損失(actual physical loss)」。
一、美國商業保險營業中斷(business interruption)條款法律爭議
多數保險公司紛紛於近日在各自網站上強調「實質物理損失(actual physical loss)的存在是申請保險支付的先決條件」。實質物理損失在保險公司方面的定義為:真實損害(damage)造成營業設備、不動產失去部分或全部原本功能/效用,造成商業收入損失。
換言之,目前美國保險公司的態度是 -- 病毒並未造成中小企業保戶物理上營業設備或不動產失去運作能力,病毒讓人致病又不讓機器廠房店面生病,當然不構成支付賠償金的條件。
中小企業主的立場顯然相反 -- 病毒與政府封城措施造成營業上之不可能,我當初買保險不正是為了這種不可預期之風險?沒了收入但租金、工資與各項支出依然照付,損失哪裡不真實不存在?
為何保險公司可以如此狹隘限縮解釋?這是因為此類商業保險的營業中斷條款最早源自於美國南北內戰時期,當時的商家因戰爭破壞或徵調的關係,其所擁有的商業設備或店面因此不再能持續生產失去收入,在此侷限條件下商界所應運而生的保險制度。故,美國保險法律與習慣上,對實質物理損失的看法是有歷史累積,而因循前例恰恰是普通法(common law)的核心邏輯。
有的,而此問題的法律突破口在一個我想台灣讀者大概都想不到的關鍵點 -- 「附著與污染」。
附著概念在1980、1990年代都已經有州法院判決提供了初步概念,但最標誌性、最多後來者引用的則是2002年康乃迪克州聯邦地方法院的⟪Yale University v. CIGNA Ins. Co.⟫一案。
此觀點在2009年也於⟪Essex Ins. Co. v. BloomSouth Flooring Corp.⟫案得到位於麻州的聯邦第一巡迴法院支持,認為附著於財產上的「惡臭(odor)」也是種能造成實質物理損害的汙染。
這也是為什麼目前我們看到針對Covid-19相關幾百個保險訴訟案中,最活躍的佛羅里達州律師John Houghtaling II主張:「『附著』於建築物、商業設施表面的冠狀病毒也是一種造成實質物理損害的汙染」。即便事實上多數公衛專家均指出目前科學證據顯示,Covid-19主要還是透過人傳人機制傳染,透過附著物體表面傳染案例屬於極少數特例。
因為熟悉英美法的人都知道,common law的先例是一個比較可能勝訴的框架,律師多盡量把訴之主張想辦法塞進成功框架裡,即便看起來很彆扭。要是跳脫既有框架另創新法律見解,則勝訴機率很可能大減。
各州法院之間對於營業中斷(business interruption)的法律定義不同勢必會增加各州中小企業與保險公司各自在營運上的不確定性。當然,這也會增加再保險公司的不確定性。
於是乎我們就見到美國知名四大主廚--Daniel Boulud (米其林兩顆星), Thomas Keller(米其林三顆星), Wolfgang Puck(米其林一顆星) 以及 Jean-Georges Vongerichten(米其林三顆星)-- 結盟,並於今年3月底去電美國總統川普,要求逼迫保險公司支付停業的商業損失。
川普果然也在4月份內部會議上提出:「他知悉保險公司對多年支付保費的餐廳業者雨天收傘一事,雖然他也知道保險公司保單涵蓋範圍有限,但如果支付賠償金是公平的,則保險公司就應該支付。(... saying restaurateurs had told him they paid for business-interruption coverage for decades but now they need it and insurers don’t want to pay. He said he understood that some policies have pandemic exclusions, adding: “I would like to see the insurance companies pay if they need to pay, if it’s fair.)」
熟悉制度經濟學的朋友都知道,當「無主收入」出現時,意味著租值消散(rent dissipation),也代表著整體社會的浪費。租值消散是整個經濟學最難掌握的高級概念,許多有名的經濟學家或教授,甚至某些諾貝爾獎得主,也不見得能正確理解並掌握此概念,本文並不打算詳談,請有興趣的讀者自行參考我過去幾篇舊文。
就我所知,一般經濟學者未曾討論「準租值消散(rent dissipation on depend)」狀況 -- 在法律定義未由最高法院統一見解前,被保險人無從得知是否可以取得保險賠償金;保險人雖暫時對保費有所有權,但一旦訴訟發生依會計原則也必須劃出一部分作為賠償準備金。可是在真實世界,我們目前不存在比曠日廢時的司法或所費不貲的政治遊說(包含政治獻金/賄絡),更有效率且廣為接受的制度來安排這樣的權利衝突。
(此處on depend概念類同於英美財產法中的on depend概念,我就不岔題解釋)
但此次對「營業中斷」定義爭議卻碰上歷史罕見的大規模被迫停業狀況,根據美國普查局 (United States Census Bureau)的資料顯示,截至今年5月8日,因被迫停業而申請Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)的中小企業高達360萬家,借款金額達$5370億美元。4月26日~5月2日該週資料更是超過51.4%企業受到疫情影響(見圖)。
我在今年五月份【美國失業人數破2千萬為何股市上漲?再來怎麼看?】一文中特別強調我們應該多關注CLOs(Collateralized Loan Obligation)潛在違約危機,也是著眼於此類別個別性風險轉為系統性風險的可能性激增。
根據富國銀行(Wells Fargo)的推估,美國目前含有營業中斷條款的保險金額約$8千億美元,其中50%透過再保險方式轉嫁。值得慶幸的是我並未查到此類保險有轉化為其他衍生性金融商品,這表示風險可能未如CDO、CLO般倍數放大。富國銀行認為美國商業保險公司應該有能力吸收$1500億左右的賠償,但根據美國普查局資料受影響商家超過5成,意味著假設$4千億索賠發生時,即便能移轉$2千億至再保險公司,依然還有約$500億的差額。
我們要特別注意的是保險公司收到保險金後必須轉為投資方能獲利,這表示當股市下挫時保險公司的資產也會跟著縮水,償付能力也會隨之下降。例如巴菲特的Berkshire Hathaway旗下保險集團於今年第一季因支付保險賠償金淨損$4.89億美元,但同時集團資產卻也記入$550億資產減損。
身為投資人還要再小心的,是本屆Fed主席Jerome H. Powell屢破歷史紀錄的灑鈔救市風格,也很可能在前述因保險爭議而生之系統性風險可能實現時再度開啟瘋狂印鈔機制,而在經濟學上會有什麼效果,我在【美國失業人數破2千萬為何股市上漲?再來怎麼看?】一文已經講得清楚,簡言之:
a. 證券資產價格將局部出現嚴重通貨膨脹。尤其這段時間持有美國資產者獲利率可能超越持有其他國家資產者。
b. 各國因貨幣政策多少掛著美元,而將出現輸入性通膨。
c. 寬鬆貨幣產生的貨幣幻覺(money illusion)將埋下更多錯誤投資地雷。
d. 每次寬鬆貨幣救市都是以美元地位為代價。當美元地位跌破均衡點,人民幣等主要貨幣不再支撐美元,美國將出現全面性嚴重通貨膨脹,美國債券價格將大跌,許多州政府、市政府有破產可能。此時,持有美元與美國境內資產者恐受相當傷害。
掌握真實世界的關鍵侷限條件必須:a. 累積大量、多範圍的各種知識,其中法學、經濟學、基礎物理/化學/醫學乃至於某些工程實務等都是必須;與b. 有足夠的能力從無數侷限條件中分離出「關鍵」。
我也談過,Benjamin Graham以降至巴菲特的傳統價值投資法最大缺失在於「忽略貨幣因素」,一旦出現極端貨幣現象時,價值投資幾乎失效。這部份價值投資者必須自行強攻以價格理論出發的貨幣學來彌補。
巴菲特老夥伴Charlie Munger認為投資者需具備各種不同知識體系,吾人深以為然。此文為一又牛刀小試。
✤ Yale University v. CIGNA Ins. Co., 224 F. Supp. 2d 402 (D. Conn. 2002)
✤ Matzner v. Seaco Ins. Co., 1998 WL 566658 (Mass. Super. Aug. 12, 1998)
✤ Arbeiter v. Cambridge Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 1996 WL 1250616, at *2 (Mass. Super. Mar. 15, 1996)
✤ Essex Ins. Co. v. BloomSouth Flooring Corp., 562 F.3d 399, 406 (1st Cir. 2009)
✤ Roundabout Theatre Co. v. Cont’l Cas. Co., 302 A.D. 2d 1, 2 (N.Y. App. Ct. 2002)
✤ Newman, Myers, Kreines, Gross, Harris, P.C. v. Great N. Ins. Co., 17 F. Supp. 3d 323 (S.D.N.Y. 2014)
✤ The Wall Street Journal, "Companies Hit by Covid-19 Want Insurance Payouts. Insurers Say No." June 30, 2020
✤ Steven N.S. Cheung, "A Theory of Price Control," The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. XVII, April 1974, pp. 53-71
✤ Willam H. Meckling & Armen A. Alchian, "Incentives in The United States," American Economic Review 50 (May 1960), pp. 55-61
✤ Milton Friedman, "Money and the Stock Market," Journal of Political Economy, 1988, Vol. 96, no. 2
✤ Irving Fisher, "The Money Illusion," 1928
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Kawasaki Zefar (ZEPHYR) is a motorcycle that Kawasaki Heavy Industries is manufacturing. Only ZEPHYRχ is put on the market as of 2008 though it was ma...
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About Sentences
1. 一個句子只能有一個動詞(兩個動詞在一起會打架), 當主詞和受詞的一定是名詞(或做名詞用) , 一定要形容詞或名詞才能當補語(補充語意)
2. 助動詞和 be 動詞的否定在後面直接加 not 即可
3. 有疑問詞的問句,疑問詞要擺最前面, 有助動詞和 be 動詞的疑問句,要把助動詞或 be 動詞移到主詞前
4. 用什麼助動詞問,就用什麼助動詞回答, 一般動詞的否定和疑問要用助動詞
5. 祈使句要用動詞原形, 祈使句的否定在前面加 Don't 或 never
6. 間接問句不是問句,如: I know what it is. what it is不是問句,是一個名詞子句,或想成一個大名詞組。
7. 關係子句多半是形容詞子句,形容前面的先行詞,如: I see a man who lives there.
11. 某處有某物要用“There is(are) ...”的句型
12.整句當名詞: 名詞子句 I think he is a nice man. (he is a nice man相當於it 這件事)
About Nouns.
1. 一個名詞在句中當主詞或受詞或補語
2. 普通名詞前面要有冠詞,要不然就是後面要加 -s 或 -es
3. 有特指的名詞前面要有定冠詞 the (特定或特指)/相對a或 an 用在沒有特指的東西上
4. 人稱代名詞的用法要熟悉,如: I my me mine 其中my 具形容詞特性。
About Verbs.
0. 動詞的種類包括: be (am is are, was were, been, be) has (has have had) do (does do did) 一般動詞 go, cut, walk ...
1. 及物動詞後一定要有受詞,不及物動詞後不能接受詞
2. 不完全的(及物和不及物)動詞後面,一定有補語
3. 助動詞後用原形動詞 Did he come here?
4. 連綴動詞後面要用形容詞 She looks beautiful.
5. 主詞第三人稱單數,現在式一般動詞要加 +s 或 +es -y+ies
6. 過去完成式要有過去式引導 He had come here since yesterday.
7. if 句型: if 子跟主要子句是相對應的,如:
A. if 現在式, 主要子句現在式或未來式
B. if 過去, 主要would have +過去分詞
C.if 過去完成 (would have pp), 主要子句 過去完成 (would have pp)
8. 使役動詞後面用原形動詞(受詞主動去做某事時) He makes her cry. 或,
使役動詞後面用過去分詞(受詞被....時) He makes it done.
9. 感官動詞後面用原形動詞或現在分詞(受詞主動去做某事時) He sees her go.
About Adjectives.
1. 形容詞形容名詞
2. 形容詞如果只有一個字,放在名詞前面,顏色大小好壞..有順序性 a red good pen
3. 動詞的過去分詞可當形容詞用(放名詞後倒修飾名詞) He read a book written by Mr. Wang.
4. 所有格後面要 + 名詞 所有格+名詞可以用所有格代名詞來代替 my book=mine.
5. 現在分詞有主動和進行中的意思,過去分詞則有被動和已經完成的意思
6. 冠詞、指示性形容詞、所有格不能同時形容一名詞
7. a friend of mine = one of my friends
8. 定冠詞加形容詞等於那一類名詞的複數 the public = people
9. 形容詞的原級、比較級、最高級規律和不規律的變化要記得good//better//the best
About Adverbs.
1. 副詞修飾動詞、或形容詞或其他副詞
2. 頻率副詞的位置: be 動詞後、一般動詞前、助動詞和本動詞之間
About Prepositions.
1. 介系詞+名詞 形成介系詞片語 當 副詞片語用 修飾動詞 或 整句
2. 介系詞後面動詞要加 -ing,介系詞後面要加什麼樣的名詞是固定的 要背起來
About Conjunctions.
1. 對等連接詞連接的一定是兩個對等的東西 He and she are students.
2. 兩個句子不能用「,」連接
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had pp 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
Kawasaki Zefar (ZEPHYR) is a motorcycle that Kawasaki Heavy Industries is manufacturing. Only ZEPHYRχ is put on the market as of 2008 though it was manufactured as a series model according to the displacement.
Fate of background and model put on the market
The style without a caul that dares to be yearned is pushed forward in the racer replica glory age and it puts it on the market. It receives from the user from whom this requests choices other than a full caul, explosive sales is shown, and it becomes the key mover of a naked boom. The horsepower setting not to consider the self-imposed restraint dared to come to create a stir in the catalog spec competition that overheats too much, and to become a turning point into which the style of the choice of user's motorcycle changes.
The hit of this Zefar became a mainspring to make the two-wheeled vehicle business of Kawasaki Heavy Industries where the withdrawal was examined by weak sales in the replica boom reborn to big sources of revenues of this company.
Zefar (ZEPHYR) meant the west wind in English, the wish of becoming a new phase to the industry that blew from Akashi at the Kawasaki Heavy Industries two-wheeled vehicle manufacturing base factory was put, and it was named. At that time, Kawasaki Heavy Industries has details of negotiating with Ford to want to name ZEPHYR to this new car by all means, and having obtained the use right of the name though had already acquired ZEPHYR as the trademark for the four-wheeled vehicle that the Ford company manufactures.
It was general for the manufactured motorcycle of the manufacturer two wheel in the country four company to write the manufacturer logo in the fuel tank and to write the model name in the side cover, and the design written in 'ZEPHYR' and the side cover oppositely in the fuel tank as 'KAWASAKI' was very fresh at that time.
Both receiving the smash hit of 400cc afterwards, 750cc model and 1100cc model who exceeded it were put on the market, and it became a long hit model. The atmosphere of Z-2 that is the model model is told by the same specification as 400cc model such as the steel pipe frame, 1 round eye light, and no both cauls, four air cooling series cylinder engines, and two Riyasas. Especially, the fuel tank where roundness was worn, the cam cover, and forming the tail strongly associate Z-2 as for 750cc model who is the same "Nanahan" as Z-2.
Moreover, the Cast wheel of the standard issue is changed to the spoke wheel (tube tire specification) to make the atmosphere of Z-1・Z-2 thicker, and Zefar 750RS・1100RS that distributes a solid emblem of "KAWASAKI" (However, the style of type is different from the one of Z-1・Z-2) to the fuel tank is U for a certain period of time.
Founder 400cc of two valves was U by about two years though ZEPHYR(400cc) was put on the market as ZEPHYRχ of four valve specification (Zefarcai 399cc・53 horsepower) to oppose a naked motorcycle of the other companies. Moreover, 750cc model is used as an instruction car of the large-scale automatic operation two wheels.
It became a production end at the end of 750cc the model 1100cc model and 2006, and the final edition model by whom the fire ball color and the seat emblem to make the founder model of Z-1・Z-2 done in were changed was sold.
The first year of manufacturing
* ZEPHYR(400cc) - 1989
* ZEPHYR750 1990 of -
* ZEPHYR1100 1992 of -
Valve air cooling series four stroke DOHC 2 four cylinder engine
* ZEPHYR(400cc) - 46-horsepower 398cc (Z400FX that appeared in 1979 is a
* ZEPHYR750 68- horsepower 738cc (The engine of Z650 (alias zapper) system that
appeared in 1976 is used).
* ZEPHYR1100 86- horsepower 1062cc (The engine of Boejar XII that appeared in 1986 is made air cooling, it uses, and the spark plugs of two a cylinder are used).
* Steel pipe double Cradle
* Reception desk: Telescopic Sata (There is no device).
* Two (It is not Yunitoraccshistem). Rear: chokedamps enclosed shock
Transition of specification by restyling
* ZEPHYR (400cc and two valve engine) → 1996 year and ZEPHYRχ (400cc and four
valve engine)
* ZEPHYR750・ZEPHYR1100 → 1993 year and RS (spoke wheel specification)
Sisters car
ZEPHYR550 of the car only for export existed in the past, too.
* The July edition in 2005 Kawasaki motorcycle magazine and pp.32-33

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食べ物が湿気ることをgo staleと言います。例えば、These cookies have gone stale already(このクッキーはもうしけってしまった)のように使います。

had pp 在 ASHA ETC Youtube 的最佳貼文
It was a messy year. A lot happened.
Thank you CP for 8 years.
For those who would like to know about the cats:
- PP, the older b/w cat Caro and I had together passed away in December.
- Coke coke, Moe and Frank are all healthy and happy with Caro in London.
- I miss them.
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✨ Twitter : https://twitter.com/ashacuthbert

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例句:I had hoped to get a ticket, but there are no more tickets.
小弟困惑很久也爬很多文章 ,再請大大幫忙解答 感謝!
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