在這熱熱的暑期,來一首夏威夷曲Guava Jam 應景一下!🌿
Ukulele Model:ANueNue Guitar & Ukulele Anuenue x 音樂生活
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過32萬的網紅SuperAppleshow,也在其Youtube影片中提到,คลิปนี้จะทำให้เธอมีกำลังใจในการหัดเล่นอู๊คมากขึ้น...เชื่อสิ ฝากแชร์หลายที!! --------------------------- สั่งซื้ออู๊ค/จองคอร์สเรียนทั้งเจอตัว และสดOnli...
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- 關於hawaiian guitar 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的最讚貼文
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[國際政治錄音室] Ukulele的國際關係
歷史上,夏威夷經歷過兩次「文藝復興」(Hawaiian Renaissance)。第一次在十九世紀的王國時代,卡拉卡瓦國王(David Kalākaua)倡導在美英文化影響力下復興本土傳統文化,建構當代國家認同,深具民族主義情懷。例如他恢復了當時被西方教會以「傷風敗德」之名禁制近半個世紀的草裙舞(Hula),以歌頌開國君主卡美哈梅哈一世(King Kamehameha I)的《Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī》作為國歌,取代歌頌上帝的《He Mele Lāhui Hawaiʻi》。一時間,夏威夷王室為提倡「本土主義」,成員都學習ukulele,更用ukulele來演奏國歌。
夏威夷亡國後,末代女王利留卡拉尼(Queen Liliuokalani)曾努力復國,美國左翼也有不少人同情夏威夷,ukulele以這背景在美國大盛。1915年,ukulele經在三藩市舉行的首屆「巴拿馬太平洋國際博覽會」傳入美國本土,引起熱潮,美國生產商開始仿傚夏威夷樂師,製造自己的ukulele。到了四、五十年代,ukulele一度成為美國的主流樂器之一,通常在爵士樂演奏使用。不過,ukulele與其象徵的夏威夷文化一樣,在短暫熱潮過後一度沒落,淪為掛牆裝飾和家居擺設。其得以復興,和夏威夷第二次「文藝復興」運動息息相關。
時為七十年代,代表人物不少來自檀香山的Guitar and Lute Workshop(GLW)。GLW是當地幾位樂手開設的樂器工場,成員包括樂手Beamer兄弟(Keola Beamer和Kapono Beamer)、弦樂器工匠兼音樂教授George Gilmore等,除了製作和維修各種樂器,像夏威夷滑音結他(Slack-Key Guitar)、雙孔結他(Twin-hole Guitar)、ukulele,還發行音樂雜誌《Guitar and Lute magazine》。他們工餘在附近的Territorial Tavern開音樂會,慢慢聚集了一群音樂人,號稱「GLW同好會」,成了推廣夏威夷音樂的橋頭堡。加上幾位當地著名樂手,例如樂隊Sons of Hawaii靈魂人物Gabby Pahinui、夏威夷假聲演唱樂手Dennis Pavao等,令夏威夷傳統文化得到美國本部重新認同,甚至在學術界興起「夏威夷研究」,可謂軟實力重構身份認同的例子。
在這波文藝復興嶄露頭角的,還有夏威夷殿堂級樂手Israel Kamakawiwo’ole。他早年加入Makaha Sons of Niʻihau樂隊,1970年代崛起,在美國本土作巡迴演出,以結合夏威夷傳統和當代音樂取得成功,一共發行了15張專輯。獨立發展後,他在九十年代推出首張個人唱片,在1993年的專輯《Facing Future》,收錄了以ukulele重新演奏的經典歌曲《Over the Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World》,終於大紅大紫,歌曲不斷被用作廣告、電視劇及電影配樂,包括美國經典《仁心仁術》(ER)。Kamakawiwo’ole的音樂不時流露對恢復夏威夷王國、爭取夏威夷獨立的渴望,例如《Hawaiʻi 78》有這樣的歌詞:「Cry for the gods, cry for the people /Cry for the land that was taken away/ And then yet you'll find, Hawai'i」。
在香港,ukulele起初以潮流玩物的姿態興起,大概因為互聯網上有不少ukulele的演奏和教學短片,近年則出現專門教授ukulele的課程。加上ukulele輕巧,按弦力度不像吉他般要刻苦鍛鍊,和弦也不及吉他複雜,初階入門就較易上手。但這種受歡迎,依然停留在「奇技淫巧」,未算登堂入室。相反在西方,近年有不少音樂評論指ukulele將成主流樂器,會帶領新一輪punk rock(龐克搖滾)革命,因為ukulele始終有「邊陲顛覆主流」的政治含義。
例如美國樂評人、punk音樂專家Ryan Cooper曾撰文探討「uke punk revolution」,指ukulele正快速打入藝術、政治兼容的punk音樂。年前美國爆發佔領運動,Punk cabaret始創人Amanda Palmer就提着ukulele,出現在華爾街、波士頓等「佔領」現場,大唱作品《Ukulele Anthem》,歌詞中「Ukulele small and fierceful, Ukulele brave and peaceful」、「Play your ukulele badly, play your ukulele loudly」等,又真的將這種小巧樂器跟示威、「革命」連結起來,成為龐克的另一種形式。英國亦有Extreme Noise Terror、UK Subs等樂隊提倡「the pUKEs」,以ukulele重玩經典龐克歌曲。
Ryan Cooper更指,ukulele輕巧、便於擕帶和收藏,切合了新型革命的「快閃」需求。例如在奉行伊斯蘭教法(Sharia law)的印尼亞齊省,龐克搖滾本被定為非法,2011年12月就有約60名年輕樂迷在一場龐克音樂會上被捕,判入勞教中心。直到近年出現樂隊Chaotic Pavement,由五名主音配合一支ukulele,「看起來像Woodie Guthrie,但歌曲歌詞則有Crust punk樂隊Nausea、Doom的憤世、無政府主義訊息」,又成功繞過打壓而興起。夏威夷有這國粹流傳至今,即使國家早亡,也足以在人類文明史上留下自己的烙印了。
麥日凰 星期日生活 Sunday Mingpao 2015年6日
延伸閱讀:從牙買加的Bob Marley談起
hawaiian guitar 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1898年,夏威夷被兼併為美國領土,而進入二十世紀之時,原住民人口銳減至歷史新低,只剩兩萬多人。1959三月,夏威夷成為美國第五十州,帶來無限商機與旅遊業發展,原住民生存空間卻更加被壓縮,還要忍受美軍長期對自己土地的試射轟炸。上面提到的原民衝浪家Eddie Aikau的弟弟Clyde在其紀錄片中受訪時提到,當時看到夏威夷烏克麗麗、hula舞、傳統lū‘au盛宴被拿來招待大批觀光客,自己棕色的皮膚走在Waikiki海灘時卻不受歡迎,是非常不舒服的滋味,說著說著淚水也流了下來。不過也是在這個時候,所謂「夏威夷原民文藝復興」正開始在醞釀。
此文化復振運動的先鋒也是一位烏克麗麗樂手,Eddie Kamae。他曾在60年代走遍夏威夷各個島嶼部落,採集原民傳統歌謠。他與夏威夷滑音吉他(slack-key guitar)先驅Gabby Pahinui組成的The Sons of Hawaii樂團專唱這些包含神話、傳說、地景的夏威夷語歌曲,與同時期Don Ho “Tiny Bubbles”那種浪漫島嶼的英語歌曲形象大相逕庭。受到這些前輩的啟發,血脈可追溯到尚未被觀光侵犯的禁忌之島Ni ‘ihau的Iz,其第一個團體The Mākaha Sons of Ni‘ihau便接下這火炬,且更進一步地將夏威夷著名抗議歌曲、關於主權、歷史與土地的 “Hawai‘i 78”發揚光大。Iz的傳記作者Rick Carroll回憶起一件插曲:有個晚上當The Mākaha Sons在一個夜店表演時,台下一個遊客要求他們演奏英語歌曲“The Hawaiian Wedding Song”,結果Iz竟悍然拒絕,堅持改唱夏威夷語的婚禮歌曲“Lei Aloha Lei Makamae”。在單飛後,他也陸續唱了"Living in a Sovereign Land"、"E ala Ē"這些關懷原民主權的歌曲。烏克麗麗在他手中,成為捍衛自己身份認同與土地的武器。
hawaiian guitar 在 SuperAppleshow Youtube 的最佳貼文
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hawaiian guitar 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi! Here's an #EdensFIRST video about my first time riding in a parade for the 77th Nisei Week Grand Parade. It was a huge honor and incredible experience! Thanks so much to all who went to the parade, your support means so much!!! This year's theme was "Ohana" which is Hawaiian for a family with the festival, parade, and events bringing families together. It was really special to share this moment with my Dad. Hope you enjoy this video about "My First Trip to LA" part 4, my life after being Yusuke on Netflix Terrace House Aloha State.
Special thanks to: Randy Masada Little Tokyo VIbes for your awesome help making this amazing trip happen! Big Mahalos to the Nisei Week Foundation and Hawaiian Airlines for sponsoring my first trip to LA!!! We were looking good with the Hawaiian Airlines t-shirts!!! Mahalo!! :-)
You can see the 2017 Nisei Week Grand Parade here on UTBHollywood TV. Thank you for the interview! :
CONTACT(連絡): imagine@edenkai.com
MERCH(グッズはこちらから) : http://edenkai.store
CAMEO (For personal video shoutouts ビデオメッセージをご希望の方はこちらまで)https://www.cameo.com/edenkai
Let's Connect!(SNSやってますー!):
WEBSITE(WEBサイト): https://edenkai.com/
INSTAGRAM(インスタ): https://instagram.com/edenkai_official
TWITTER(ツイッター): https://twitter.com/edenkaiofficial
FACEBOOK(フェイスブック): https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial
Song: Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4DyBUG242c
Download/Stream: http://bit.ly/cartoon_onon
Song: Rivero & Anna Yvette - Heaven [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/WS9ludtQmqs
Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/HeavenCr

hawaiian guitar 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi! I'm Eden Kai aka Yusuke from Netflix Terrace House Aloha State. Hope you enjoy this video about "My First Trip to LA" part 3. In this video, some behind the scenes when I collaborated with famous YouTuber Andrew Fung of the Fung Bros and Japanese actress Narisa Suzuki in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles! Narisa is also friends with one of the Terrace House Aloha State castmates, too! Hint: his nickname is the "guilty samurai", lol... ;) I had an awesome time and we ate lots of delicious food!
Then, a short clip of me playing "She Saw Me Dance" at the JACCC Plaza for the 77th Nisei Week Festival 2017. Also, met the beautiful 2017 Nisei Week Royal Court Princesses at the Aratani Theater. They had a special request for me to play "Monogatari"... I had so much fun with an impromptu performance at the Aratani Theater. The acoustics and sound were amazing there! Glad I had my ukulele with me! :-)
▸ YOUTUBE | https://www.youtube.com/FungBrosComedy
▸ INSTAGRAM | http://www.instagram.com/FungBros
▸ YOUTUBE | http://www.youtube.com/narisasuzuki
▸ INSTAGRAM | http://www.instagram.com/narisasuzuki
***Check out the video we collaborated on: "LITTLE TOKYO FOOD CRAWL" w/ YUSUKE & NARISA - Fung Bros Food: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScWE5fVVo1Q&lc=z234gdlb5qvavhmntacdp435fdc04vqmuayko3k4qr5w03c010c.1507585987992411
Special Thanks: Kaitlin Hara and the 2017 Nisei Week Royal Court princesses for the Aratani Theater video clip!
Thank you to the Nisei Week Foundation and Hawaiian Airlines for sponsoring my first trip to LA!!!
CONTACT(連絡): imagine@edenkai.com
MERCH(グッズはこちらから) : http://edenkai.store
CAMEO (For personal video shoutouts ビデオメッセージをご希望の方はこちらまで)https://www.cameo.com/edenkai
Let's Connect!(SNSやってますー!):
WEBSITE(WEBサイト): https://edenkai.com/
INSTAGRAM(インスタ): https://instagram.com/edenkai_official
TWITTER(ツイッター): https://twitter.com/edenkaiofficial
FACEBOOK(フェイスブック): https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial
With millions of fans around the world, Eden Kai has earned his reputation as being a ukulele and guitar virtuoso, a Pop/R&B vocalist, and an accomplished actor. While many were first introduced to Eden when he joined the cast of Netflix and Fuji Television’s Terrace House: Aloha State, the young star’s success had already been years in the making. He has since gone on to make additional appearances on Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020, appeared on Shiro to Kiiro on Amazon Prime and has performed at the Fuji Rock Festival (the largest outdoor music festival in Japan), Nisei Week Festival in Little Tokyo, OC Japan Fair and ANA Honolulu Music Week in Waikiki. Eden’s accomplishments have earned him interviews by NBC News and The Yomiuri Shinbun (the world’s most circulated newspaper).
His most recent album, Home Sweet Home, released in 2018 and was recorded in Tokyo, Japan, produced by his music label in Japan Victor Entertainment. Three tracks from that album were featured in episodes of Netflix Japan’s Terrace House during the show’s Opening New Doors and Tokyo 2019-2020 seasons. The series also featured Eden’s instrumental compositions of “Touch the Sky” and “Feel the Earth.” “Monogatari” was his debut pop vocal single, which he wrote and performed on the show. That music, as well as Eden’s past album releases, can be heard on all major streaming services and is available for purchase on Eden’s official website, www.EdenKai.com.
In addition to working on his own music, Eden has collaborated with some of the world’s top artists and producers, including EXILE and Dream. One of his compositions was used to create “Anuenue,” a hit J-Pop single recorded and released by Dance Earth Party, which landed at #11 on the Oricon Music Charts in Japan.
Eden also recognizes the importance of using his music to help others. He has hosted several ukulele workshops in Honolulu and Japan, been the featured performer at the Waikiki Spam Jam, benefiting the largest non-profit in Hawaii that feeds the needy, and the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival from which proceeds helped local children in the community. Eden has donated proceeds from some of his songs to assist humanitarian causes, including the support of a health center in Haiti and the purchase of educational materials for children in Bangladesh.
Song: Elektronomia & JJD - Free [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Va88Kt0NN0
Download/Stream: https://www.hive.co/l/2mm98
Song: Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ULJ92aldE
Download/Stream: http://bit.ly/SynColeFeelGoodDL
Song: Rivero & Anna Yvette - Heaven [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/WS9ludtQmqs
Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/HeavenCr

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It looks like your guitar has ball end steel strings. By the look of the photo, all you need to do is buy a set of nylon strings and secure ... ... <看更多>
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Even though I'm an avid Hawaiian music 78 RPM record collector I won't typically pay more than a dollar or two… More for most issues by steel guitarist Palakiko ... ... <看更多>