這是關於今次展覽最深入的一篇訪問,在回答小編問題時自己亦反思了很多 -- 關於城市印象、關於攝影思路、關於菲林重曝、關於變幻香港、關於記錄回憶...... 都在文中分享了。
我們都活在一個紛亂的世代 -- 政局動盪、瘟疫肆瘧、巨星隕落... 似乎未來只會發生更多不能控制的人和事...
每一次當聽到不同朋友說,從我的展覽作品/分享中得到不同的inspiration/共鳴,那份感動每每都是難以言喻的,同賣到一張print一樣興奮 (當然,大家買我的prints我也會非常開心的🤓 溫馨提示:2/2展期完結前落柯打還有$200折扣😃)
還未過來的,請把握最後機會,和朋友一齊來吧~ 如無意外,我大部份日子都會駐場的,希望見到大家 😃🙏
再一次謝謝 Ming's 的專訪!
Remaining Exhibition Date/Time: # 初五啓市
* 29-31/1 (Wed-Fri) : 11am-8pm
* 1/2 (Sat) : 12n - 4pm
* 2/2 (Sun) : tbc
Venue : Photato , Kwun Tong
張俊謙 攝影藝術展 : 若夢 HONG KONG DÉJÀ VU: when reality feels unreal
hongkongdejavu 在 Jeremy C. Photography Facebook 的精選貼文
Introducing "Parallel Horizons" from #HongKongDejaVu Film Multiple Exposure Exhibition
Faraway from Hong Kong’s urbanity, this shot was taken on a bright autumn day approaching the evening at the southernmost tip of the city close to the Po Toi Islands, overviewing the actual marine boundary of the city (South China Sea).
Two exposures were taken in the space of few minutes, with each take composed of 1/3 sky & 2/3 sea, one standard & one upside down - the expired positive film Fujichrome MS100/1000 was the medium with cross-processing (E2C 正冲負).
This was the earliest picture taken (2014) among the 24 exhibiting photos. Exactly during the overwhelming Umbrella Movement, this shot served as a little ‘way-out’ amidst the chaos.
「若夢 Hong Kong Déjà Vu: when reality feels unreal」photo exhibition
Remaining Exhibition Date/Time:
* 24/1 (Fri) : 11am-6pm
* 29-31/1 (Wed-Fri) : 11am-8pm
* 1/2 (Sat) : 12n - 4pm
* Closed on CNY/public holidays # 初五啓市
Venue : @photatohk , Kwun Tong @ Po Toi Islands
hongkongdejavu 在 Jeremy C. Photography Facebook 的最佳貼文
Introducing "Bridging Urban Canyons" Series from #HongKongDejaVu Film Multiple Exposure Exhibition
“ In the space of just 5 years, how has Hong Kong's cityscape changed? My original intention was just to experiment using film camera to create geographically impossible bridges, merging the streetscapes of Kowloon Peninsula and Hong Kong Island.
Yet, after revisiting this series recently, I am astonished by the pace by which things in this city disappeared and regenerate, such as the vanishing streetsigns and tang-laus.
It is always a game of memory against time - while Hong Kong's streets might still look similar to many, a certain déjà vu still happens to city dwellers who are ever-present, with their impression of 'home' constantly stockpiled and reshaped under a subconscious process.”
This series is one of the most frequently asked sets of pictures by audience over the past week! 🙇🏻♂️ Sharing half of the displayed photos here on FB/IG. Hope you can come visit & explore the whole collection in real framed prints 😃🙏🏼
「若夢 Hong Kong Déjà Vu: when reality feels unreal」photo exhibition
Date : Now until 24/1 & 29/1-2/2/2020
* Mon-Fri : 11am - 8pm
* Sat : 12n - 4pm
* Closed on CNY/public holidays # 初五啓市
Venue : @photatohk , Kwun Tong