[XR21 與秋栗的愛情]
11月,Johnnie Walker 於香港推出全新21年奢華威士忌 "John Walker & Sons XR21"。以 Johnnie Walker 大師私人珍藏的稀有穀物和麥芽威士忌調配而成,每款年份都有21年以上,包括來自1811年建於格拉斯哥市(Glasgow)最高點、現已失傳的蒸餾釀酒廠 Port Dundas 的絕版威士忌。
XR21的特色是麥芽和栗子香,今次品酒活動在HUE進行,HUE特別設計了4款栗子鹹點及2款栗子甜點,配搭 Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Highball與John Walker & Sons XR21。
原本喝highball的人,對所用的威士忌都不大講究,普普通通的夠凍就好。一旦嚐到用Gold Label Reserve的奢華版highball,清爽的口感(以及低碳低熱量)相信每個女生都會愛上。XR21我就留下配甜點,先辛辣後香醇,即使配甜度極高的Caramel Fudge都沒有被搶風頭,還帶出了更富層次的焦糖味。
XR21酒瓶設計參考歐洲古代的香水瓶,比我預期中更適合女生收藏及飲用。如果你覺得今年聖誕送香水比女朋友好像太普通,送支XR21她可能會更喜歡。酒精濃度 40%,750ml 建議零售價HK$998,價格實在親民,值得入手。
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I will never get enough of their Striploin.
For starter, I had Hue Caesar (HKD130) with cos lettuce, anchovies, smoked egg & vadouvan. It's just like a lettuce wrap. I didn't enjoy the anchovies as much as I'd hope, it was too salty overall.
For mains, I highly recommend Rangers Valley Striploin (HKD380) with burnt carrot puree, trumpet mushrooms & fermented shimeji. The steak was very tender and juicy in a rich Chinese-style mushroom sauce which is the most important part of the steak. Spanish Mackerel (HKD370) with abalone, crustacean dashi & poached winter melon. It also pronounced with Asian flavors. The soup was not too rich but it paired so well with the fish. I have to say it's a good choice to cool you off in the summer.
Hue Dining
📍1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
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