同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,420的網紅afratubetube,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Remix, Rap & Artwork by AFRA Tom Misch - Cranes in the Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct6vbezIneQ Lyrics from a Japanese poetry "Tsuru" by Nori...
humanitarian crisis 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
轉自 Weichen Chou
來自阿富汗女導演薩赫熱·卡里米Sahraa Karimi 的親筆信
A Letter From An Afghan Film Maker to Save Afghanistan from Taliban(The original English text is below)
致世界範圍內所有電影團體和熱愛電影的人們!我叫薩赫熱 · 卡里米Sahraa Karimi,是一名電影導演,目前是 「阿富汗電影」的總導演,這是於 1968 年成立的唯一一家國有電影公司。
這些家庭從被塔利班佔領的省份逃離之後,目前居住在喀布爾(阿富汗首都)的難民營裡,他們處於不衛生的環境裡面。在難民營裡時有搶劫行為,同時出現嬰兒沒有牛奶喝而天折的情況。這是一場人道主義危機,然而世界對此嗓若寒蟬。我們已經習慣了這種沉默,然而我們清楚這不公平。我們知道,政府拋棄我們的人民的決定是錯誤的,倉促撤軍是對我們人民的背叛,是對阿富汗人為西方贏得冷戰時我們所做的一切的背叛。彼時我們的人民被遺忘,導致了塔利班的黑暗統治,而此刻,在我們國家中特別是年輕一代在隨後的 20 年裡取得巨大成就之後,一切都可能在這種拋棄中再次化為烏有。我們急需你的聲音。
媒體、政府和世界人道主義組織都在保持沉默,彷彿他們與塔利班的「和平協議」是合法的。這從來都不是合法的。塔利班認識到政府給了他們重新掌權上台的信心。在整個談判過程中,塔利班一直在殘忍地對待我們的百姓。我作為一名電影製作者,我在我的國家所努力創作的一切都將毀於一旦。假若塔利班上台,他們將嚴禁所有藝術。我和其他電影製作者們可能成為他們暗殺名單中的下一個人選。他們將會剝奪婦女的權利,我們將會被推到家庭的陰影之中,我們的聲音、我們的表達將被彈壓製到沉默之中。當塔利班掌權的時候,學校將不再會有女孩子。而此時,阿富汗有 900 多萬的女孩在上學。難以想像的是在剛剛陷入塔利班手中的赫拉特省,它是阿富汗第三大城市,在當地大學裡面有將近 50 %的女學生。全世界幾乎不知道這些難以置信的事實。就在這幾週之內,塔利班摧毀了多所學校,目前有 200 萬的女孩被迫輟學。
薩赫熱 · 卡里米砂巴
To All the Film Communities in The World and Who Loves Film and Cinema!
My name is Sahraa Karimi, a film director and the current general director of Afghan Film, the only stated-owned film company established in 1968.
I write to you with a broken heart and a deep hope that you can join me in protecting my beautiful people, especially filmmakers from the Taliban. In the last few weeks, the Taliban have gained control of so many provinces. They have massacred our people, they kidnapped many children, they sold girls as child brides to their men, they murdered a woman for her attire, they gauged the eyes of a woman, they tortured and murdered one of our beloved comedians, they murdered one of our historian poets, they murdered the head of culture and media for the government, they have been assassinating people affiliated with the government, they hung some of our men publicly, they have displaced hundreds of thousands of families. The families are in camps in Kabul after fleeing these provinces, and they are in unsanitary condition. There is looting in the camps and babies dying because they don’t have milk. It is a humanitarian crisis, and yet the world is silent.
We have grown accustomed to this silence, yet we know it is not fair. We know that this decision to abandon our people is wrong, that this hasty troop withdrawal is a betrayal of our people and all that we did when Afghans won the Cold War for the west. Our people were forgotten then, leading up to the Taliban’s dark rule, and now, after twenty years of immense gains for our country and especially our younger generations, all could be lost again in this abandonment.
We need your voice. The media, governments, and the world humanitarian organizations are conveniently silent as if this “Peace deal” with the Taliban was ever legitimate. It was never legitimate. Recognizing them gave them the confidence to come back to power. The
Taliban have been brutalizing our people throughout the entire process of the talks. Everything that I have worked so hard to build as a filmmaker in my country is at risk of falling. If the Taliban take over they will ban all art. I and other filmmakers could be next on their hit list. They will strip women’s rights, we will be pushed into the shadows of our homes and our voices, our expression will be stifled into silence. When the Taliban were in power, zero girls were in school. Since then there are over 9 million Afghan girls in school. This is incredible Herat, the third-largest city which just fell to the Taliban had nearly 50% women in its university. These are incredible gains that the world hardly knows about. Just in these few weeks, the Taliban have destroyed many schools and 2 million girls are forced now out of school again.
I do not understand this world. I do not understand this silence. I will stay and fight for my country, but I cannot do it alone. I need allies like you. Please help us get this world to care about what is happening to us. Please help us by informing your countries’ most important media what is going on here in Afghanistan. Be our voices outside Afghanistan. If the Taliban take over Kabul, we may not have access to the internet or any communication tool at all. Please engage your filmmakers, artists to support us to be our voice.
This war is not a civil war, this is a proxy war, this is an imposed war and it is the result of the US deal with the Taliban. Please as much as you can share this fact with your media and write about us on your social media.
The world should not turn its back on us. We need your support and your voice on behalf of Afghan women, children, artists, and filmmakers. This support would be the greatest help we need right now.
Please help us get this world to not abandon Afghanistan. Please help us before the Taliban take over Kabul. We have such little time, maybe days. Thank you so much. I appreciate your pure true heart so dearly.
With regard,
Sahraa Karimi
Babak Taghvaee - Μπάπακ Τακβαίε - بابک تقوایی
humanitarian crisis 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最佳解答
1. Malaysia is deeply saddened and disappointed by the war crime and violent attack by the Israelites against Palestinians which obviously violates the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention. The heartless and cruelty of the Israeli’s regime of violence and widespread bombing has clearly violated the international law, human rights law, international humanitarian law and the Charter of the United Nation.
2. As I follow closely with the latest developments and news updates in Palestine, I am deeply disturbed and devastated to know that until now, the UN Security Council has not issued any statement on the current situation in Palestine even after reports by the Palestinian Health Ministry on the innocent and brutal death of 213 Palestinians and 1,500 civilians greatly injured in the attacks. Why is the UNSC ignoring this? Why are the Palestinians getting murdered daily in the land that belonged to their ancestors? It is only natural for them to defend their land and home from the attacks of the Israeli militaries’ attempt in forcefully expelling the residents from Sheikh Jarrah’s neighbourhood. Palestinians are not terrorist. Palestinians are human beings and all humans have the right to live freely without fear. Innocent children in Gaza should not be killed and must be protected at all cost.
3. The international community especially the UN Security Council should act swiftly in compelling Israel to stop its oppressive and violent attacks on Palestine. The cruel and despicable actions of the Israeli military, without a slight hint of compassion and mercy for Palestinians must be strongly condemned not only in Malaysia but also the rest of the world. This is not an issue of religion. A person doesn’t have to be a Muslim in order to stand and support Palestine. This is a worldwide issue and plight. We must collectively stand together in voicing out our repugnance on this wicked crime by Israel.
4. The Malaysian government has also reiterated their stand in consistently giving their strong political, economical and moral support to Palestine. Malaysia will also continue to support all efforts for a peaceful, just and lasting solution through negotiation involving all relevant parties based on international laws and the relevant UN resolutions.
5. I stand in solidarity and support in saving Palestine from the hands of tyrants. I condemn the Israeli attacks against Palestinians and call for Israel to immediately stop its aggression across the territory of Palestine. Don’t lose hope, Palestine. We mourn with you. We cry with you. We stand with you. We are praying for you. We are with you until the end.
Ainie Haziqah
EXCO Srikandi BERSATU Malaysia
Versi Bahasa Melayu
1. Malaysia berdukacita dan kecewa dengan jenayah perang dan serangan ganas oleh pihak Israel terhadap Palestin yang jelas melanggar Konvensyen Geneva Keempat 1949. Perilaku tidak berperikemanusiaan dan kekejaman rejim keganasan Israel serta pengeboman besar-besaran jelas melanggar undang-undang antarabangsa, hak asasi manusia, kemanusiaan dan Piagam Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB).
2. Saya mengikuti perkembangan terkini berita di Palestin, sejak bulan suci Ramadan hingga Aidilfitri dan saya sangat sedih serta kecewa mengetahui bahawa sehingga kini, Majlis Keselamatan PBB (UNSC) belum mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai keadaan semasa di Palestin walaupun setelah laporan Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin mengumumkan kematian 213 orang Palestin dan 1,500 orang awam tercedera dalam serangan itu. Mengapa UNSC mengabaikan perkara ini? Bagaimana nasib anak-anak Palestin yang tidak bersalah menjadi mangsa kezaliman ini? Mengapa mereka dibunuh setiap hari disebabkan tindakan keji tentera Israel di tanah milik nenek moyang mereka? Tindakan mereka yang mempertahankan tanah dan kediaman mereka adalah wajar bagi membalas tindakan tentera Israel yang secara paksa mengusir penduduk Palestin dari kawasan Sheikh Jarrah untuk membina penempatan haram orang Yahudi. Palestin bukan pengganas. Palestin adalah manusia dan mereka berhak untuk hidup bebas tanpa rasa takut. Kanak-kanak di Gaza tidak boleh dibunuh. Semua orang awam, pelarian, kanak-kanak, wartawan dan pekerja media mesti dilindungi dengan apa cara sekalipun.
3. Komuniti antarabangsa terutama Majlis Keselamatan PBB harus bertindak pantas dalam memaksa Israel menghentikan serangan yang menindas dan zalim ke atas Palestin. Ini bukan masalah antara agama dan tidak perlu menjadi Muslim untuk menyokong Palestin. Ini adalah isu sejagat. Kita harus bersama dalam menyuarakan bantahan terhadap kezaliman oleh Israel ini. Kerajaan Malaysia juga mengulangi pendirian mereka secara konsisten bagi memberikan sokongan politik, ekonomi dan moral secara padu kepada Palestin.
4. Malaysia akan terus menyokong segala usaha untuk penyelesaian yang damai dan adil melalui rundingan yang melibatkan semua pihak yang berkepentingan berdasarkan undang-undang antarabangsa dan resolusi PBB yang relevan.
5. Saya bersolidariti dan menyatakan sokongan untuk menyelamatkan Palestin daripada kezaliman Israel. Saya mengutuk serangan Israel terhadap Palestin dan menyeru mereka menghentikan segera pencerobohan di seluruh wilayah Palestin. Jangan putus asa, Palestin. Kami menyokong Palestin. Kami menangis bersama Palestin. Kami berdiri bersama Palestin. Kami sentiasa mendoakan Palestin. Selamanya kami bersama Palestin.
Ainie Haziqah
EXCO Srikandi BERSATU Malaysia
humanitarian crisis 在 afratubetube Youtube 的精選貼文
Remix, Rap & Artwork by AFRA
Tom Misch - Cranes in the Sky
Lyrics from a Japanese poetry "Tsuru" by Noriko Ibaraki.
Message on Tom's original video;
"I'm keeping these sessions ad free but if you would like to make a donation to Warchild that would be 🙏- they’re an amazing charity that help children in areas of conflict around the world. Info below:
"Covid-19 has the potential to develop from a global health emergency to a global humanitarian crisis, particularly in countries without fully functioning public health services. War Child has 27 years’ experience of responding to large-scale crises in challenging environments. We are well placed to do everything we can to protect communities and children in these difficult circumstances and aim to continue our work, where possible, during the outbreak of coronavirus. Donate to War Child today to change the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable children"
Follow Tom Misch
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humanitarian crisis 在 橋本絢子Ayako Hashimoto Youtube 的最讚貼文
■Sylvia Browneの「End of Days」はこちら
以下、「End of Days」より抜粋
In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.
◆ a period of natural convulsions will take place during which a large portion of the human race will perish; earthquakes of great severity and enormous tidal waves would seem to be the agent.
◆ war will appear only in the early stages and will appear to be a signal for the crisis to follow; the crisis will come in an instant.
◆ the destruction and dislocation of civilized life will be beyond belief.
◆ there will be a short period of chaos followed by some reconstruction; the total period of upheavals will be roughly three years.
◆ the chief centers of disturbance will be the Eastern Mediterranean basin, where not less than five countries will entirely disappear.
◆ in the Atlantic there will be a rise of land which will be a cause of those waves which will bring about great disasters upon the Americas, the Irish and Western European shores, involving all of the low-lying British coasts.
◆ further great upheavals would occur in the southern Pacific and in the Japanese region.
◆ mankind can be saved by returning to its spiritual values.
“The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.”
The year 2020 will mark the end of the U.S. presidency and the executive branch of the government. Let’s just say the American public will finally be fed up by then and leave it at that.
By 2020 America will see the end of IRAs, mutual funds, pension, and retirement plans, and yes, it’s true, the stock market. And hard as it may be to believe at this moment, by the mid- 2020s the global image of the United States will be significantly rehabilitated. What’s fascinating is that we’ll accomplish this by shifting the vast majority of our humanitarian focus back on our own problems and their solutions. The United States will evolve into a nation that inspires rather than invades and be admired all the more for it.
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