杜拜Mall 音樂噴泉 English After Mandarin
What's heaven like? The look of heaven should embody what's most sought after in this mundane world. But, what confuses me is why white light is always used in those lame Hollywood movies. Islamic heaven, on the other hand, has a clearer definition with icy cold spring water, vegetation and fruit. This concept originates from the desires of desert people. Whatever desert travelers desire the most becomes heaven.
在世界上最大的購物中心後方,據說有個世上最大的音樂噴泉。夕陽在世上最高的建築哈利法塔後方冉冉落下的同時,噴泉響起了 Time To Say Goodbye 這首經典之作。似乎是在暗示這趟旅程也該告個段落。而這美景就像天堂一樣撫順了疲憊的旅人。視線越過了噴泉,遠處的天際線讓我想起了家。是啊,家就是我企盼的天堂。
Behind the world largest shopping mall lays, so I heard, the world's largest music fountain. While the sun is setting in the back of the world's tallest building, the fountain sounds one of the classic songs, Time To Say Goodbye, which seems to hint it is time for our trip to come to an end. And, the heavenly view soothes the weary travelers. Look beyond the the fountain. The skyline reminds me of home sweet home. And then, It just dawns on me that home is heaven I look for.