聰明才智 – 養兒育女必須知道的21件中醫知識(21)
然而,常常看我文章的讀者大概已經猜到了,當我像上面那樣平鋪直敘地陳述,代表事情沒那麽單純,文章一定有轉折。沒錯,這也是爲什麽一開頭時說許多父母都是揠苗助長。我們先暫時跳開中醫的架構,來談一談腦部的運作。人頭腦的運作十分複雜,並非你想做一件事情,頭腦就會老老實實按照指令來進行。人類的意識(Mind)和頭腦(Brain)的關聯性,至今仍然沒有被充分理解,和物理的統一場論一樣,被列爲人類最迷惘的幾個大問題之一。不過,所有腦部研究都同意一點,那就是「The mind uses the brain to make the mind. (意識使用頭腦來建立意識)」,簡單的說,人的意識會改變頭腦實質的結構及反應,而頭腦的實質結構及反應會改變人的意識,無論人們是否有靈魂或佛教所謂的「自性」,這個意識與頭腦的相互改變的關係都是存在的。
舉個例子,當人壓力大、心情緊綳的時候,頭腦會自動進入備戰狀態,好像馬上要和敵人打鬥或逃離老虎追趕一般,增强主導負面情緒的頭腦部位反應,壓制主導正面情緒的頭腦部位反應,也大幅增强反射動作的快速控制,壓制思考複雜問題的大腦部位。頭腦也會下令分泌大量的皮質醇(cortisol),壓低免疫系統的功能,以免發炎現象為戰鬥能力帶來負面的影響。頭腦也會自動減少製造新的神經元(neuron),降低新神經元鏈接的不確定性。同時,不同神經元在短時間内一起反應,彼此的鏈接即會加强,以後會更常一起反應。因此,當主導負面情緒的頭腦部位有大幅反應時,無論當時你做什麽事情,都會和負面情緒連結,一起被收藏到隱性記憶(implicit memory)裡,長期改變主導隱性記憶的頭腦部位結構。換句話説,下一次你做類似的事情時,明明應該是高高興興的,負面情緒卻突然跳了出來。這也是爲什麽有時候我們會覺得,一聼到某個人説話的聲音就開始莫名地煩躁,一看到某個場景就開始莫名地害怕等等。如此的意識與頭腦互動會產生惡性循環,一開始壓力大、心情緊綳造成頭腦的改變,做類似事情時自動產生負面情緒,而這樣的反應加强及擴大與負面情緒連結的事情範圍,直到有一天,做什麽事情都心情不好或怨氣十足,變成了所謂的憂鬱症、躁鬱症等等,而這種情況下的學習及思考能力,當然也就糟糕透了。另一方面,神經元越使用越容易激發,越不使用越不容易激發,而神經元彼此之間的鏈接越少互動,就越可能被頭腦自動修剪掉。也就是説,大腦用來思考複雜問題的部位越被壓抑,該部分的神經元的反應會越差,人的聰明才智也就越低落。而學習及思考能力下降,挫折感增加、心情低落,使得負責思考複雜問題的部位更被壓制,這又是另一個惡性循環。
這裡得補充一點,許多父母讓小孩子不斷地做數學練習題、背很多英文單字等等,大量的重複練習確實可以加强神經元的鏈接,在腦部產生强固的處理網路,通常也很容易在考試成績上表現出效果來。然而,這樣的做法也有不少負面的問題。第一,如果小孩子在這個過程中不快樂、壓力很大,那麽思考複雜問題的整體能力會被抑制下來,得不償失。第二,大腦爲了處理某項不斷重複的動作,得修剪附近部位的神經元鏈接,也就是當人太專注在某一項工作時,學習及應付其它事情的能力將無法同步成長。這點對專業人士而言,可能問題不大,但對正在成長、學習各種不同事物的小孩子而言,不一定是件好事。第三,許多醫學及教育專家指出,小孩子每天都需要一段「無聊」的時間,讓他們自己去找東西來玩、來想,藉由這樣的過程來提升他們的想象力、思考力、創造力。如果每天的時間都排得滿滿的,又是數學、又是鋼琴,短時間内可以讓父母虛榮地炫耀小孩子數學多好、音樂多好,長時間下來卻損害了小孩子獨立思考及應付複雜問題的能力。那麽,小孩子長大了,或許可以成爲馬雲手下領高薪的程序員,卻失去了像Elon Musk那樣引領Tesla和SpaceX的思維能力。
implicit memory 在 Jeremy C. Photography Facebook 的最佳貼文
Thanks Vogue Hong Kong for featuring me as one of the HK street photographers 🙏🏼
Below is the previously unreleased complete interview in which I shared about my inspirations, creative flow and philosophy, as well as some techniques. Feel free to take a look & CLS (comment, like & share) 😀
(V: Vogue J: Jeremy)
What/who inspired your photography style?
When I started photography, Hong Kong’s legendary photographer Ho Fan’s work has inspired me a lot, mostly about the use of light and composition as well as the way to authentically capture the secular life of Hong Kong people. Around 6-7 years ago, I met some friends from Instagram whose double exposure film works are fascinating. They have inspired me to explore deeper in this special way of photo story-telling, which I tried to incorporate daily ordinary elements to make new interpretations of what I feel and perceive about the city. After years of experimentation, I am still enjoying the possibility double exposure brings to my creative journey.
How would you describe the Hong Kong that you present in your photos?
Hong Kong is a city of varying landscapes (hills, harbours, hyper-dense urban hubs etc). My photos always try to illustrate snippets of things happening around the city, mixing the common experience with a bit of poetic imagination if possible (including openness or even ambiguity for the readers to interpret). At the same time, I always put in mind not to create something too cliche or off-the-ground. Words also play a role in my photos too, as they could add another layer (or twist) of background info or feel to the photos themselves.
In what way do you present it?
Analogy with an implicit storyline is what I always aim at when I take photos. Although double exposure comprises of only a fraction of my photography work, I believe it suits my visual philosophy well in (1) recording things happening or surrounding around myself/the city in terms of both factual archives and personal-based memory, (2) freeing up the mind by letting imagination flow in (as to temporarily overlap the concrete realities into some forms of surrealism, creating as a remedy for the chaotic world). So I would say it is an aesthetically refreshing way of visual representation.
Why did you choose this photo?
One of my mostly used double exposure approaches is the experimental blending of observed urban moments with on-the-spot patterns/materials (I have been using the instagram hashtag #rambler_hkdouble to collect my double exposure photos posted on IG). For this picture of Mongkok, I first captured a V-shaped pattern of bluish/greenish tiles from a nearby pedestrian underpass, then I captured the second layer on the Argyle Street footbridge which oversees the V-shape urban canyon of Mongkok. This was taken by an old Nikon film camera with a discontinued film stock called Rollei CN200. I like how the grains and tints worked together to offer a mood of ruggedness.
Is there a message that you’d like to share through your photos?
I always try to capture the subtlety of a place (incl. urban fabrics and artefacts) through compositions and lighting. I hope my photos would bring a sense of resonance, reminiscence and reflection to my audience (whether HKer or not), connecting them with a place’s own history, her present reality and an extrapolation of the future.
My main channel of photo sharing is on Instagram, but I really treasure the interactions with my audience both online and offline, local and overseas, mostly through web comments, my own photo exhibitions or occasional organised photowalks. I love the moments when I try to inspire people, I got reversely inspired by them too. I hope these modes of sharing could continue in the future.
2020 Aug
Vogue Hong Kong
implicit memory 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
Can You Learn Anything While You Sleep?
Is sleep learning possible? The answer is yes and no, depending on what we mean by "learning."
Absorbing complex ( ) information or picking up a new skill from scratch ( ) by, say, listening to an audio recording during sleep is almost certainly impossible. But research shows that the sleeping brain is far from idle ( ) and that some forms of learning can happen.
The first study to demonstrate ( ) a memory and learning benefit from sleep was published in 1914 by German psychologist Rosa Heine. She found that learning new material in the evening before sleep results in better recall compared to learning during the day.
In recent years, multiple ( ) studies have found that a basic form of learning, called conditioning ( ), can happen during sleep. In a 2012 study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience ( ), Israeli researchers found that people can learn to associate sounds with odors ( ) during sleep.
Although the memory was implicit ( ), it could affect the people’s behavior, researchers found in a 2014 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
德國心理學家Rosa Heine在1914年發表第一項證明睡眠有益記憶和學習的研究。她發現,相較於在白天學習,在晚上睡前學新東西能記得更好。
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