#職場在走 #俚語要有 #推薦學習資源
職場在走,small talk 真的要有。賓狗畢業以來,曾經在公司工作、出來自由接案翻譯、現在自己在外打滾,真的覺得,small talk(閒聊)非常重要!
工作跟人脈,全部都需要 small talk 來潤滑,一切才能水到渠成、順順利利。
英文的 small talk,更是超級重要!在英文環境中,寒暄閒聊是一定要的。閒聊的時候,就會碰上「英文俚語」這個大魔王。
1 【You tell me】 -- 超級同意、我也覺得、「還用你說嘛!」
A: It’s a scorcher today!
B: You tell me!
A: What do you say we go grab a drink?
或是變化成現在進行式:You’re telling me.
"Mom’s in such a bad mood today."
"You're telling me!"
I agree.
I agree with you.
I’m with you.
I feel exactly the way you do.
2 【go big or go home】-- 豁出去、卯足全力
Go big or go home. I have faith in you.
A: You sure you wanna spend that much time making your podcast?
B: Go big or go home. I have faith in myself.
Go all out: His team will go all out for a win.
go to great lengths: She'll go to great lengths to fulfill her dreams.
bet the farm: Don't bet the farm on these stocks. You’ll regret it!
3【be one sandwich short of a picnic】-- 少一根筋;怪怪的
This guy is really one sandwich short of a picnic.
be the meat in the sandwich -- 兩方爭論,你夾在中間的狀況
I’m fed up being the meat in the sandwich.
* 兩者很像,不要混淆了喔!
這些俚語是不是很有趣啊!如果你意猶未盡,希望英文變得更道地,我推薦你 VoiceTube 的這檔線上課程《Dr. J 的道地英文俚語課 !ncredible !diom》。
Dr.J(J 博士)的母語是英文,畢業於哈佛大學,現在在台科大 MBA 教書,同時是外語教育機構格林希爾的 CEO,絕對專業。
我自己試上的心得是:Dr. J 發音非常清楚好懂、速度適中、很適合學習者,而且雖然慢慢講,但抑揚頓挫還是很漂亮,還會不時搭配中文講解、幽默風趣,我覺得很親切、很喜歡。
現在,這檔課程,正在早早鳥售價!45 折!從 4,800 折到 2,160 元,非常划算,而且只到 3/23,只剩兩天。
而且而且,小星星有專屬優惠碼 bingovip200,使用專屬優惠碼,直接再折 200 元。推薦各位,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結,使用專屬優惠碼,這兩天內立刻下訂課程,就可以拿到 45 折優惠,再折 200 元喔~
重要資訊如下,你要把握這兩天的優惠,趕快下訂唷,英語俚語是絕對必修、絕對用得到的 💪
👇👇👇 優惠連結 👇👇👇
《Dr. J 的道地英文俚語課 !ncredible !diom》
賓狗的專屬連結: https://bit.ly/3cNjOBY
你的專屬優惠碼:bingovip200(直接現折 200 元)
!! 現正早早鳥優惠,下殺到 45 折,趕快搭配優惠碼,直接 45 折後再折 200 元 !!
#賓狗 #線上課程 #業配 #英文 #學英文 #英文學習 #道地 #道地英文 #英文俚語 #播客 #podcast #中文podcast
in such a way that 用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
⏳Coronavirus Vaccine Front-Runners Emerge, Rollouts Weighed
-front-runner 領先者、領跑者
-emerge 出現、浮出水面,同 come out
-roll out 當動詞時有「開展、啟動、推出」的意思,此處作為名詞 rollout,指「生產分配(計畫)」
💉 Governments and drugmakers are weighing how to roll out coronavirus vaccines, including reserving the first batches for health-care workers, as several shots race to early leads.
-weigh 字面意思為「秤重」,衍生為「謀劃、權衡、斟酌」的意思
✍️常見用法:weigh in on sth 提出對(某事)的看法
-batch 一批
-leads 領先者、領跑者
✍️常見用法: in the lead 指「處於領先地位」;在商業語境中 lead 還有「機遇、機會、潛在客戶」的意思
🧪 A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus, and to curb its transmission, public-health officials say. Drugmakers say they are developing potential coronavirus vaccines at remarkably fast speeds.
Yet there isn’t a guarantee that any of the most advanced vaccine candidates will prove to work safely on such a short timetable. Some, like vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, are based on relatively new technologies that haven’t been approved previously.
-curb 遏制、抑制,同 limit, restrict
✍️常見用法: put a curb on sth 限制、約束某事
-guarantee 保證、擔保
-timetable 計畫週期、時間表
🎖Several drugmakers that have been building up their capabilities to make coronavirus vaccines, have promised to make hundreds of millions of doses this year. Yet a fuller supply to vaccinate the general population might not become available until well into 2021, according to company projections and estimates by vaccine experts. Public-health officials and vaccine experts hope more than one vaccine will cross the finish line, to boost the total number of doses available.
-build up 提升、構築
-capacity 生產能力
-full supply 充分供給
-cross the finish line 字面意思是「通過終點線」,在此表示「(疫苗)獲得批准」
Johnson & Johnson expects to have some batches of its vaccine ready ___ early 2021, which Chief Scientific Officer Paul Stoffels said should be _______ to vaccinate health-care workers globally. The company expects to eventually make more than a billion doses.
嬌生公司預計在2021年初之前可望生產數批疫苗。該公司首席科學總監史多福(Paul Stoffels)表示,這些疫苗應該足夠全球醫護工作者接種。該公司預計最終將生產超過10億支疫苗。
A. on / efficient
B. by / sufficient
C. in / effective
華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!
in such a way that 用法 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[#台味甜蜜蜜 / The Sweet Taste of Taiwan] 老闆,來一碗滷肉飯!/ Taiwan in a bowl: Lu Rou Fan (English below)
說到法式甜點的 #台灣味,怎麼能不提萬華的 菓實日?
前幾年就為菓實日將台灣傳統文化融入法式甜點的創意心折,如果說巴黎有日式銅鑼燒店 Pâtisserie TOMO 作為日法甜點水乳交融之作的代表,(參見 #法式甜點學 p.156, 241, 336, 337),菓實日便似乎象徵著法式甜點真正能在台灣生根、與在地庶民文化結合開出的芳草奇卉。TOMO 以法式甜點技法重新詮釋日式甜點,外型融入了銅鑼燒與法式經典(如 Paris-Tokyo、檸檬塔、反轉蘋果塔、日本威士忌聖托佩塔等)、口味也兼有兩者之長;菓實日則不受限於單一類型糕點,代表作「紅龜」與「滷肉飯」大膽地用法式蛋糕(entremets)重新詮釋了他們心目中的台味與台灣精神。
前兩個禮拜我提到「是否有 #台灣神髓?」、「什麼是台灣神髓?」、「台灣神髓是否能被表現出來、又該怎麼表現?」,而菓實日的「滷肉飯」幾乎是不偏不倚地回答了這些問題。所有曾經必須對外國友人介紹台灣飲食的朋友,都會知道「台灣味」、「台菜」非常難以定義與畫出界線,因為台灣就是一個充滿了移民的島嶼、乘載了各種不同文化混雜的歷史,尋求「純粹的」台味很難不落入徒勞無功的下場。事實上台灣的活力,確實也來自於那種能將不同文化輕鬆且毫不做作地混搭、交融的自在。菓實日的「滷肉飯」恰恰體現了這種看似大膽奔放、但成果無比協調的餘裕。多達八層,且有香菜、地瓜、八角、肉鬆等台灣常見的料理元素,被妥貼地收納在這個「法式蛋糕」中。或許你無法一口氣分辨出每一種元素與層次,但它們卻如此完滿、歡欣地在嘴裡融合在一起,讓人不由得脫口而出「好吃」!哎呀,這不正是「台灣」和「台灣神髓」嗎?
📌 菓實日目前正在休息準備下一步計畫中,門市並未對外營業。饅頭主廚與先生韞豐正在忙著籌備他們的線上課程,也有一些與桃園 雙口呂 Siang kháu Lū 文化廚房合作的實體教學。接下來會有小量對外販售的計畫,關心他們動態的朋友記得追蹤菓實日的粉絲頁;好奇這些台味甜點如何設計、製作,也可以了解他們傾囊相授的線上課程!https://tinyurl.com/y8cchelc
🔖 延伸閱讀:
#Ying的台味甜蜜蜜 系列
亞洲甜點在巴黎的還魂與新生- Café Lai'Tcha 與 Fu Castella:https://tinyurl.com/y3pcspn5
👉🏻👉🏻 更多 #台北甜點店 影音,記得來 Instagram 找我玩:https://tinyurl.com/yb3a783m
Kajitsu, a hidden treasure in Taipei’s Wanhua district, is a little French pastry shop that makes Taiwan-inspired pastries. Chef Mantou transforms traditional festive pastry “Âng-ku-kóe” and “Lu Rou Fan”, Taiwan’s national dish, into French entremets. It is not unusual that food adapts to local tastes when it travel overseas. It takes place in different forms. Take French pastries for instance, adding local ingredients in the classics is one way. For example, Japanese chefs may use yuzu to replace lemon when making their tarte au citron. Employing foreign skills to revisit or transform one’s traditions is another. Pâtisserie TOMO in Paris that combines Dorayaki and classic French pastries serves one of the best examples. In Taiwan, Kajitsu is another interesting case.
“Âng-ku-kóe”, “red tortoise cake”, used to be the most popular local festive pastry in old times. It’s shaped as a turtle and coloured in red (sometimes in green) since turtles are a symbol of longevity, fortune, and fame in Taiwan. Red is also the lucky color here. In Kajitsu, chef Mantou tries to transform this traditional delight into a French entremets. She keeps the sweet red bean paste in the filling and matches it with sweet rice wine mousse to modernise the traditional taste. “Lu Rou Fan”, braised pork rice, one of the most beloved dishes that can be seen everywhere in Taiwan, is the chef’s another brilliant creation. Mantou takes sweet potato confit and caramel sauce to create a “trompe l’œil” of the famed braised pork and its sauce, star anise mousse hints the indispensable spice during the braising, the rice crispy and white chocolate coating shape the bowl of rice, and the unusual combination of pork floss and cheesecake gives a little surprise beneath. A refreshing coriander leave on top takes you to the humid summer of Taiwan instantly. Lots of seemingly conflicting ingredients are grouped together, resulting in, however, an incredible harmony. It is a fascinating dessert that can only be created by a Taiwanese pastry chef as it parallels Taiwan’s history and reflects its source of energy: immigrants with diverse origins, cultures and values cohabit and learn to evolve together.
As Kajitsu’s pastries are deeply rooted in the everyday life of Taiwan, there are also other intriguing creations such as petits fours with motifs of old tiles and the sweet “Doom crackers” inspired by the role of the god ruling the Qing Shan Temple in Wanhua district.
Click on the photos and have a closer look!
🔖 Read more on this topic
What is the taste of Taiwan? What is the spirit of Taiwan? https://tinyurl.com/y7ewoon4
Asian pastries in Paris part 1: https://tinyurl.com/y36tprn8
Asian pastries in Paris part 2 - Café Lai'Tcha & Fu Castella: https://tinyurl.com/y3pcspn5
👉🏻👉🏻 Don't miss out my "Taipei pastry shops" featured story on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/yb3a783m
#yingspastryguide #yingc #taiwan #tasteoftaiwan #菓實日