indus river dolphin 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

#1. Indus river dolphin - Wikipedia
The Indus river dolphin (Platanista minor), also known as the bhulan in Urdu and Sindhi, is a species of toothed whale in the family Platanistidae.
#2. Indus River Dolphin | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
Indus river dolphins are one of only four river dolphin species and subspecies in the world that spend all of their lives in freshwater, and are currently ...
#3. Indus River Dolphin | NOAA Fisheries
The Indus River dolphin, also known as the “bhulan,” is one of the world's most endangered cetaceans. They are closely related to the Ganges River dolphin, ...
#4. Indus river dolphin - WWF-Pakistan
The Indus river dolphin is one of the world's rarest mammals and the second most endangered freshwater river dolphin. It is one of the flagship species, ...
Indus river dolphins are found mostly in the lower parts of the Indus River in Pakistan. The dolphins historically swam freely through about 3500 km of the ...
#6. Indus river dolphin | mammal | Britannica
…itself is home to the Indus river dolphin, a freshwater dolphin whose habitat has been severely stressed by hunting, pollution, and the creation of dams ...
Officially, Indus and. Ganges river dolphins are still perceived as being one species, the. South Asian River dolphin (Platanista gangetica), but clear evidence.
#8. ADW: Platanista minor: INFORMATION - Animal Diversity Web
Platanista minorIndus river dolphin · Geographic Range. Indus River dolphins, Platanista minor, are found only in the Indus River in Pakistan. · Habitat.
#9. Indus River Dolphin: 15 Facts You Won't Believe! - Kidadl
The Indus dolphin and the Ganges river dolphin are the two subspecies of the South Asian river dolphins. Though the population of these mammals once thrived ...
#10. South Asian River Dolphins, Platanista gangetica ...
Indus river dolphins are generally a solitary species; however groups of up to 30 dolphins have been observed. These dolphins are able to swim on their sides, ...
#11. Punjab bats for conservation of Indus river dolphin - The Hindu
The Indus river dolphin is classified as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and, until recently, ...
#12. Indus River dolphins Conservation Case Study
The Indus River dolphin (Platanista minor) is one of the world's rarest mammals and the second most endangered freshwater river dolphin.
#13. Indus River Dolphin - Drishti IAS
Indus river dolphin is a freshwater dolphin and is listed as 'endangered' under the IUCN Red List.
#14. The Endangered Indus River Dolphin
The Indus River dolphin is large, reaching up to 200 pounds and 8.5 feet long. This freshwater dolphin lives in the Indus River in Pakistan ...
#15. Punjab ENVIS Centre - RCE NETWORK
The Ganges River dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica) and the Indus River dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) are obligate freshwater river dolphins found ...
#16. South Asian River Dolphin - an overview | ScienceDirect ...
The South Asian river dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica) and the Indus river dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) have elongated jaws furnished with ...
#17. Indus river dolphin - IAS Gyan
Indus river dolphin · The Ganges river dolphin has been recognized by the government of India as its National Aquatic Animal and is the official ...
#18. Conservation of Indus River Dolphin in Pakistan: A Review
PDF | Present review paper highlighted the current status of endangered Indus River Dolphin specie in Pakistan. Different addressed and non-addressed.
#19. The Indus dolphin is struggling in India, thriving in Pakistan
Indus dolphins (Platanista gangetica minor), locally known as bhulan, are among the eight freshwater dolphin species currently existing in the ...
#20. South Asian river dolphin described as two species ...
The Ganges river dolphin was formally described in 1801, and the Indus river dolphin in 1859. Since then, they have deemed as subspecies or as ...
#21. Indus River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor)
The Indus River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) is an endangered freshwater subspecies endemic to the river of the same name in Pakistan.
#22. Inspired by the Indus river dolphin | WWF
A lovely blog written by our "woman on a mission", Daphne Willems - the Lead of our River Dolphin Rivers initiative.
#23. Indus River dolphin - Simple English Wiktionary
The Indus River dolphin (Platanista indicus minor) is a type of river dolphin only found in the Indus River in Pakistan.
#24. Bhulan - Platanista minor - Marine Species Identification Portal
Owen, 1853- Indus River dolphin. Distinctive Characteristics Indus River dolphins, or bhulan, are almost identical in external appearance to Ganges River ...
#25. Indus and Ganges River Dolphins are Separate Species, New ...
The two subspecies of the South Asian river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) -- the Indus river dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) and the ...
#26. Abundance Survey for Indus River Dolphin - International ...
A total of 1,987 dolphins were sighted (based on the sum of the estimated best (B) group size estimation, following Braulik 2006). The dolphin encounter rate ...
#27. Saving the Indus River dolphin - Asia & Pacific - SciDev.Net
Translocating the Indus river dolphins upstream is risky, but may save them from extinction, says study.
#28. Frontiers | Deteriorating Habitats and Conservation Strategies ...
The Indus River dolphin (IRD; Platanista gangetica minor) is an endangered and blind freshwater cetacean, endemic to the Indus River system ...
#29. Taxonomic revision of the South Asian River dolphins ...
The heaviest Indus river dolphin was a 120 kg male, while the longest Indus river dolphin was a 241 cm male. The smallest Ganges river dolphin ...
#30. Indus River dolphin calves successfully rescued in eastern ...
The stranding of Indus River dolphins in irrigation canals is a potential threat to their existing population. Dolphins regularly travel back and forth into ...
#31. River Dolphins & People: Shared Rivers, Shared Future
Working together to save the dolphins. 26. Stakeholder solutions. 28. PARt 2: DolPhin PRoFileS. Ganges river dolphin. 32. Indus river dolphin.
#32. Conservation of Indus River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica ...
Introduction. The Indus River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) is a global priority, endangered subspecies of freshwater cetacean endemic to.
#33. the Indus River dolphin, Platanista minor Owen, its threats and ...
A beauty of Indus River: the Indus dolphin, its protection in Pakistan: A beauty of Indus River: the Indus River dolphin, Platanista minor Owen, its threats and ...
#34. MCAF: Population Study of Indus River Dolphin
Indus dolphins are endangered because their habitat has been reduced to only one fifth of its historic range. This is because of construction of ...
#35. Ecological Effect to the Status of the Indus Dolphin - Science ...
River dolphins are reported as endangered around the world due to the vulnerability of the riverain habitat to increasing pollution and environmental ...
#36. Indus River dolphin - Encyclopedia of Life
Platanista minor (Indus River Dolphin) is a species of mammals in the family Indian river dolphins. They are listed as endangered by IUCN.
#37. ITIS - Report: Platanista gangetica minor - Integrated ...
Genus, Platanista Wagler, 1830 – Ganges dolphins, Indus dolphins, susu ; Species, Platanista gangetica (Lebeck, 1801) – Ganges River Dolphin, Susuk, South Asian ...
#38. Saving Indus River Dolphins — Pakistan | by WWF | Medium
The Indus river dolphin is the second most endangered freshwater dolphin in the world, due to many threats it faces including fragmentation ...
#39. Pakistan: Fishermen engage in saving Indus river dolphins - DW
The Indus River dolphin has been driven to near-extinction, confined to a stretch of water in Pakistan's southern Sindh province.
#40. Exploring trade-offs between SDGs for Indus River Dolphin ...
Indus River Dolphin population supplementation ... Under the conservation scenario based on IRD population supplementation, the average ...
#41. South Asian river dolphin - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Ganges River dolphins live in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnaphuli-Sangu river systems spanning three countries; Nepal, India and Bangladesh. They can ...
#42. indus river dolphin - Vajiram IAS
Scientific Name: Platanista minor. · Habitat: Indus river dolphins are one of only four river dolphin species and subspecies in the world that ...
#43. Status of the Indus River dolphin Platanista minor | Oryx
The endemic freshwater dolphins in the Indus River system of Pakistan, Platanista minor, have been considered endangered since the early 1970s.
#44. Indus and Ganges River Dolphins - National Marine ...
The Indus river dolphin is endemic to Pakistan and was originally decimated by hunting. A ban on the hunting of dolphins was enacted in the ...
#45. Punjab to begin Census of Indus River Dolphin - GKToday
Indus River dolphin is scientifically called as Platanista gangetica minor. · It is a freshwater dolphin, found in river Beas. · Census will start ...
#46. Our resurgent river dolphin - The Express Tribune
Since the 1870s the range of the Indus River dolphin has been reduced to one-fifth of its historical range, primarily due to shortage of water ...
#47. Indus River Dolphin - Animal Info
The Indus River dolphin generally occurs in the deepest river channel and is less common in secondary channels and small braids. Reported ...
#48. Endangered Indus river dolphins see hope in Beas
The Indus river dolphin (Platanista gangetica ssp. minor) is a subspecies of the South Asian River Dolphin, wh- ich includes the Gangetic river ...
#49. 5-11 Indus River Dolphins found according to a survey by ...
Based on the direct counts, after correcting for dolphins that were missed by the survey, the final estimate of the population of Indus River ...
#50. One of world's rarest dolphins rebounding in Pakistan
The Indus River dolphin is one of just two species known to lie on its side and flap its tail, a behavior called side-swimming. The maneuver ...
#51. Spotting the elusive Indus river dolphin | - The Third Pole
The Indus river dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) is a subspecies of freshwater river dolphin and is found only in the Indus river in India ...
#52. Indus river dolphin|Marine Mammals Information Database
Indus river dolphin. Scientific Name : Platanista minor / Japanese Name : indasukawa-iruka. Details ...
#53. Biological Conservation - IUCN – SSC Cetacean Specialist ...
Freshwater dolphins. Endangered species. Dams. Aquatic biodiversity. Habitat fragmentation. The Indus River dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) is a ...
#54. Indus river dolphin is Punjab's state aquatic animal - Times of ...
CHANDIGARH: Punjab on Friday declared the endangered Indus river dolphins -- one of the world's rarest mammals -- as the state's aquatic ...
#55. WWF International on Instagram: “The Indus River #dolphin, is ...
8646 Likes, 77 Comments - WWF International (@wwf) on Instagram: “The Indus River #dolphin, is a #freshwater #species found in the Indus River, #Pakistan.
#56. WWF survey of the entire range of the Indus River dolphin - 2001
A survey was conducted in March and April 2001, to assess the status of the Indus River dolphin, Platanista gangetica minor, throughout its ...
#57. It's Time to Conserve The Natural Habitat of Indus River ...
Dolphins are an indicator species of healthy river systems. India is one of the few countries in the world that has two fresh water dolphin ...
#58. Conservation ecology and phylogenetics of the Indus River ...
Dolphin sighting and interview surveys showed that river dolphins persist in six river sections, have been extirpated from ten, and are of ...
#59. Ganges and Indus Dolphin: Platanistidae | Encyclopedia.com
Compared to other dolphins, they swim slowly, although they are capable of short bursts of speed. Ganges and Indus river dolphins use echolocation to find their ...
#60. Robust abundance estimate for endangered river dolphin ...
sident in the Indus River system in Pakistan and. India, and the Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica gangetica found in the Ganges-Brahma-.
#61. The Captive History of Blind River Dolphins
At one point, from the end of the 1960's through the mid-1970's, a handful of Indus river dolphins were kept in captivity, in order to better understand how ...
#62. Indus River Dolphin Facts
The Indus river dolphins is one of only a handful of freshwater dolphins in existance today; Others include the Chinese river dolphin, Ganges river dolphin and ...
#63. indus river dolphin | The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global ...
Dean Najam discussed how climate change affects endangered species such as the snow leopard and the Indus River dolphin. Tagged: 2016, Adil, capital tv, ...
#64. Conservation status and distribution pattern of the Indus River ...
Biodiversitas 15: 75-79. Decline in the populations of Indus River Dolphins Platanista gangetica minor throughout its range of distribution and a perception ...
#65. South Asian River Dolphin - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on ...
South Asian River Dolphin. Gangetic dolphin, Ganges susu, Shushuk, Bhulan, Indus dolphin, Indus blind dolphin, blind river dolphin, side-swimming dolphin.
#66. Loss of third Indus dolphin in a month - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
The Indus river has already lost its mega fauna like Mugger crocodile, Gharial crocodile and otters. The Indus dolphin faces the same fate ...
#67. South Asian River dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) - ECOS
01/14/1991, 56 FR 1463, ETWP; Platanista minor (Indus River Dolphin) Listed as Endangered; 56 FR 1463. 11/09/1989, 54 FR 47094 47095 ...
#68. Five Indus River dolphins found dead in Pakistan - EDGE of ...
The Indus River dolphin is an endangered freshwater species endemic to the Indus river system in Pakistan. The dolphin is placed under ...
#69. Engro Foundation - Indus River Dolphin Conservation Program
#70. Indus River Dolphin - Platanista minor WITHDRAWN | CMS
Number, COP1 I/4. CMS Instrument, CMS. Type, Proposals for amendment of CMS Appendices. Status, Adopted. Submitted by, Germany ...
#71. How do Ganges and Indus river dolphins eat their food ... - Atree
An exciting outcome of the work, according to Nachiket, was the discovery that Ganges and Indus river dolphins might detect small-sized fish and shrimp prey by ...
#72. WWF-Pakistan concludes 4th Indus river dolphin survey - The ...
He further said that the population of Indus river dolphins is assessed every five years. The first comprehensive study conducted by WWF- ...
#73. 'In a world in which wildlife is so threatened, the Indus dolphin ...
The Indus and Ganges dolphins live in completely different river systems and never come in to contact with each other. They look broadly similar ...
#74. Endangered, blind river dolphin is rescued from busy canal in ...
A blind Indus river dolphin was rescued from a busy canal in southern Pakistan's Sindh province and moved to a sanctuary in a truck.
#75. Population Assessment and Conservation Strategies of the ...
Indus Blind Dolphin is endangered species sighted in the Indus River from the Indus delta upstream to the Himalayan foothills prior to building barrages but ...
#76. Three Indus River Dolphins Fitted with Satellite Tags in a ...
The Indus River dolphin is an endangered species, but with the joint efforts of the Sindh Wildlife Department and WWF-Pakistan over the last ...
#77. Endangered Indus, Ganges River dolphins separated into two ...
The Indus and Ganges river dolphins are often referred to as blind dolphins because they live in naturally muddy rivers and, over millions of ...
#78. Indus river dolphin's declining range - Phys.org
Results indicate that the historical range of the Indus dolphin has been fragmented into 17 river sections by diversion dams. River dolphins ...
#79. Why Freshwater Dolphins Are Some of the World's Most ...
In Pakistan, dams and drainage has reduced the endangered Indus River dolphin's range by 80 percent.
#80. Platanista minor Owen, 1853 - Indus river dolphin - National ...
Platanista minor Owen, 1853 - Indus river dolphin. Description. Skull and mandible of juvenile (2 years), female, Platanista minor, Indus River, Pakistan, ...
#81. India to undertake river dolphins census every three years ...
The Indus River Dolphin, meanwhile, has a population of 6-8 dolphins in India, distributed only in a small pocket of the Beas River in Punjab, ...
#82. Dolphins dying out in sick Indus | World news | The Guardian
"The Indus River dolphin is the animal we can least afford to lose in Pakistan," said Richard Garstang, a conservation adviser at WWF ...
#83. Dams imperil endangered Indus river dolphins - Business ...
Read more about Dams imperil endangered Indus river dolphins on Business-standard. Removal of river water for irrigation and habitat ...
#84. Pakistan's blind dolphins moving away from extinction
Not only that, dolphins have already disappeared from 80 percent of the Indus River, but they are completely extinct from the country's ...
#85. Indus River Dolphin Archives | RoundGlass | Sustain
Indus River Dolphin · Imaginary Borders and Their Very Real Effects · In Deep Waters: The Conservation Saga of the Ganges River Dolphin.
#86. Abundance and distribution modelling for Indus river dolphin ...
for Indus river dolphin, Platanista gangetica minor in River Beas, India. Mohd Shahnawaz Khan*. WWF India, 172 B Lodhi Estate, New Delhi 110 003, India.
#87. Barrages, Biodiversity and the Indus River Dolphin - Agris (FAO)
The Indus River Dolphin, Platanista minor belongs to the Platanistoidea, or River Dolphins which are probably the world`s most endangered cetaceans.
#88. Status assessment of the Indus River dolphin, Platanista ...
The Indus River dolphin, Platanista gangetica minor, is endemic to Pakistan and occurs only in the Indus River system. The In-.
#89. 29 Indus River Dolphin Photos and Premium High Res Pictures
Find the perfect Indus River Dolphin stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Select from 29 premium Indus River Dolphin of the highest ...
#90. The Endangered River Dolphins Of India And Pakistan
All of this to say, the Indus River dolphins are as important as they are threatened, and though some reviews of their conservation status were ...
#91. Engro Foundation becomes the Largest National Supporter of ...
Considering that the Indus River dolphin is the top predator and keystone species of the river, saving and protecting it will support the ...
#92. Conservation of Indus River Dolphin - NextIAS
Indus river dolphins are believed to have originated in the ancient Tethys Sea. · Currency, they can only be found in the lower parts of the ...
#93. Hamera Aisha and Gill Braulik | Indus River Dolphin
The Indus dolphin, locally known as the Bhulan (pronounced bhull-an), is an endangered freshwater dolphin found only in the Indus River in Pakistan.
#94. A Flash Of Fin, A Glimmer Of Hope - Peepli Project
India's few remaining Indus river dolphins are confined to one short, ... it is neither a human, nor fish, nor even a river dolphin.
#95. Indus River Dolphin declared Punjab's State aquatic animal
One of the world's rarest mammals, Indus River Dolphins has received an exceptional distinction. Found only in India and Pakistan in the ...
#96. Indus River Dolphin - Wild Wood
The Indus River Dolphin is handmade with a dark bamboo wood frame. It's coupled with a high quality blue mirrored lens offering UV400 protection.
#97. ganges and indus river dolphin 中文- 恒河豚科 - 查查綫上辭典
ganges and indus river dolphin中文:恒河豚科…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ganges and indus river dolphin的中文翻譯,ganges and indus river dolphin的發音, ...
indus river dolphin 在 Engro Foundation - Indus River Dolphin Conservation Program 的推薦與評價
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