According to the dictionary the two words are synonymous to each other but I think there is a subtle difference in meaning between the two words ... ... <看更多>
According to the dictionary the two words are synonymous to each other but I think there is a subtle difference in meaning between the two words ... ... <看更多>
innuendo 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. (the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do…。了解更多。
#2. Innuendo Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
: a statement which indirectly suggests that someone has done something immoral, improper, etc. His reputation has been damaged by innuendos about his drinking ...
#3. Innuendo definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Innuendo definition : Innuendo is indirect reference to something rude or unpleasant . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
An innuendo is a hint, insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a denigrating or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or ...
#5. Innuendo Definition & Meaning |
Innuendo definition, an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. See more.
#6. INNUENDO (noun) definition and synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of INNUENDO (noun): statements with second possible meaning, usually sexual; negative comments that are not stated directly.
#7. innuendo noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
Word Originmid 16th cent. (as an adverb in the sense 'that is to say, to wit', used in legal documents to introduce an explanation): Latin, 'by nodding at, by ...
#8. innuendo - Longman Dictionary
innuendo meaning, definition, what is innuendo: a remark that suggests something sexual ...: Learn more.
#9. Innuendo - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
Speaking in innuendo is when you say something indirectly — often of a hurtful or sexual nature. Innuendo in Latin means "to point to" or "nod to.
#10. Innuendo Meaning | Best 8 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
Innuendo meaning · An indirect remark, gesture, or reference, usually implying something derogatory; insinuation. · An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory ...
#11. INNUENDO | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
nounplural noun innuendoes, plural noun innuendos ... An allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one. ... 'And, in their laddish ...
#12. innuendo - Urban Dictionary
An indirect or subtle -- in the case of urban slang, not often subtle as so -- usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation. The foundation of ...
#13. What is INNUENDO? What does INNUENDO mean ... - YouTube
#14. Innuendo - The Free Dictionary
innuendo · 1. an indirect or subtle reference, esp one made maliciously or indicating criticism or disapproval; insinuation · 2. (Law) law (in pleading) a word ...
#15. innuendo - Wiktionary
EnglishEdit. Alternative formsEdit. (archaic) inuendo. EtymologyEdit. From the Latin innuendō (“by nodding”), ablative singular form of innuendum (“a ...
#16. Innuendo in Literature: Definition & Examples | SuperSummary
An innuendo (in-YOO-en-doe) is an insinuating, indirect remark frequently associated with veiled sexual comments. However, it can also refer to something ...
#17. Remembering Queen's Last Masterpiece, 'Innuendo' - Rolling ...
We look back at 'Innuendo,' the 1991 Queen album on which an ailing Freddie Mercury confronted mortality. John Rodgers/Redferns/Getty.
#18. innuendo - Meaning in Hindi - इन्यूएन्डो मतलब हिंदी में
An innuendo is a hint, insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a denigrating or a derogatory nature.
#19. Innuendo - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
innuendo · His reputation has been damaged by innuendo. · The movie relies on sexual innuendo for its humor.
#20. The Meaning of Innuendo, Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo
Innuendo is a subtle or indirect observation about a person or thing, usually of a salacious, critical, or disparaging nature.
#21. innuendo - Dictionary of English
[countable]The article was simply a list of innuendos. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2021. in•nu•en•do ...
#22. Innuendo: Definition and Examples |
An innuendo (pronounced in-yu-EN-do) is when you say something which is polite and innocent on the surface, but indirectly hints at an insult or rude comment, a ...
#23. 在中文中翻译"innuendo"
使用Reverso Context: There were rumours, innuendo. I always took it as false bravado.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"innuendo"
#24. synonyms for innuendo -
Find 13 ways to say INNUENDO, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, ... See definition of innuendo on
#25. Search Legal Terms and Definitions
The innuendo is that Alabaster took a bribe. See also: defamation libel slander. The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen ...
#26. Innuendo - ScienceDirect
Venomous innuendo usually involves the public accusation of another's impropriety and is most often found in political discourse. Venomous innuendo is defined ...
#27. innuendo 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
innuendo 諷刺,譏諷(vi.)說諷刺話(vt.)用諷刺表達. ... 說諷刺話(vt.)用諷刺表達 來源(2): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
#28. innuendo - definition and meaning - Wordnik
innuendo : An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; ... the defamatory meaning of the publication or utterance in a libel suit.
#29. innuendo - Italian translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "innuendo" – Italian-English dictionary and search engine for Italian translations.
#30. innuendo是什么意思 - 海词词典
innuendo · n. 讽刺;含沙射影;讥讽 · v. 说讽刺话.
#31. Innuendo – Podictionary Word of the Day | OUPblog
The reason I said that innuendo used to be physical is because of its etymology. The Latin word gained its meaning of “hinting” because one ...
#32. What does innuendo mean? -
An innuendo is an insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or question, ...
#33. "Innuendo" in the Restoration - jstor
dent to assign meanings to their own words or those of others.3 The cate ... put into English, meaning was used to translate innuendo. To make clear.
#34. Etymology, origin and meaning of innuendo by etymonline
INNUENDO Meaning : "oblique hint, indiscreet suggestion," usually a deprecatory one, 1670s, from Latin innuendo "by… See definitions of innuendo.
#35. Innuendo meaning in Hindi - इन्युएन्दो मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
INNUENDO MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · Advertisements · Definition of Innuendo · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms): · Information provided about innuendo: ...
#36. Innuendo - Definition - Gymglish
Definition. an innuendo: a hint, an implication, an insinuation, a reference, a suggestion. noun. to make innuendos to make a suggestive remark.
#37. innuendo | Free On-Line English Dictionary | Thesaurus - Kids ...
Definition of innuendo. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth.
#38. Innuendo | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Innuendo means an indirect hint. It is derived from the Latin word “innuere,” which means “to nod forward.” Innuendo is used in lawsuits for defamation ...
#39. Examples and Definition of Innuendo - Literary Devices
Innuendo can be defined as an indirect or a subtle observation about a thing or a person. It is generally critical, disparaging, or salacious in nature, ...
#40. Meaning of "innuendo" in the English dictionary - Educalingo
An innuendo is an insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or question, ...
#41. What is Innuendo? Definition, Examples of Innuendo - Writing ...
Innuendos are defined as subtle or indirect comments made regarding a person or thing that are often critical or reproachful in nature. There are several types ...
#42. definition of innuendo by Mnemonic Dictionary
innuendo. innuendo - Dictionary definition and meaning for word innuendo. Definition (noun) an indirect (and usually malicious) implication. Synonyms : ...
#43. Innuendo Meaning in Hindi - अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Innuendo Meaning in Hindi. अंग्रेजी शब्द यहां टाइप करें और खोजें. innuendo. परोक्ष वचन Edit.
#44. Innuendo - Oxford Reference
(in an action for defamation) A statement in which the claimant explains the defamatory meaning of apparently innocent words that he alleges are defamatory.
#45. innuendo - American Heritage Dictionary Entry
Law A plaintiff's allegation explicating the defamatory meaning of the publication or utterance ... [From Latin innuendō, by hinting, ablative of innuendum, ...
#46. innuendo - Indian Kanoon
Statement maligning personal character and conduct of candidate-Innuendo meaning to be proved by special or ex- trinsic facts-Statements ... election ...
#47. The Innuendo Effect: Hearing the Positive but Inferring ... - NCBI
These negative inferences mediated the effect of the innuendo ... specific context emphasizes one dimension over the other – meaning that positivity on a ...
#48. A case of innuendo? | Global Media and Communications Watch
The second was an application by the Claimant to amend his particulars of claim to include an action for an innuendo meaning (the “Amendment ...
#49. 547. The True Or Legal Innuendo. | Defamation | LexisNexis
The 'true' or 'legal' innuendo is a separate defamatory meaning, different from the natural and ordinary meaning because it is apparent only to those ...
#50. Definitions of innuendo - OneLook Dictionary Search
Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "innuendo" is defined. General dictionaries General (33 matching dictionaries).
#51. INNUENDO - Translation in Korean -
Translation for 'innuendo' in the free English-Korean dictionary and many other Korean translations.
#52. innuendo_百度百科
innuendo ,暗讽,英语修辞的一种,是一种温和的反语。用一种比较隐晦曲折的方式表达对所提及的某事某物的不一致和不赞赏。 中文名: 暗讽. 外文名: innuendo ...
#53. Legal Meaning of Innuendo - Definitions
This article explains the legal definition of Innuendo and how it applies to the law. ... Latin word meaning ” an indirect implication” .
#54. innuendo meaning in tamil - Hello English
an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one. ... You do not mean those snitchy 'innuendos' about your friends being ...
#55. innuendo synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Synonyms for 'innuendo': joke, pun, witticism, one-liner, wordplay, wisecrack, shaggy dog story, ... statements with second possible meaning, usually sexual.
#56. High Court rules on defamatory meaning and innuendo defence
... and also made comments (per curiam) about the defence pleading innuendo. (Johnson v League Publications Ltd [2014] EWHC 874 (QB), ...
#57. innuendo中文 - 查查在線詞典
innuendo とは意味:innuendo n. (pl. ~s, ~es) 當てこすり.【動詞+】◇cast an innuendo at sb 人に當てこすりを言う◇Why did you drop such an unjustified innuendo?
#58. Implication and Innuendo
... and the definition of a logically valid argument). Innuendo occurs when statement A suggests the truth of statement B, without logically implying it.
#59. 從“innuendo” 想起- 高本衲的部落格
innuendo :an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one. 跟她解釋的意思一樣只是用字不同。算了我認了,「在美祖 ...
#60. Innuendo - B&B Associates LLP
Innuendo. Innuendo. LITERAL MEANING. An indirect remark / Make a sign to. ORIGIN. The word innuendo comes from the Latin phrase innuere meaning ...
#61. Allusions and other 'innuendo' meanings in libel actions
Allusions and other 'innuendo' meanings in libel actions: the value of semantic and pragmatic evidence. Alan Durant. Issued Date: 1 May 2013 ...
#62. an innuendo meaning | English examples in context - Ludwig ...
"It was all irresistible fun, in the true tradition of British music hall, bawdy vulgarity, littered with innuendo, double meanings and everything thrown in ...
#63. Dreye權威釋義|innuendo
an allusive or oblique remark, typically a suggestive or disparaging one. History. The word innuendo dates from the 16th century. It is a Latin word meaning ...
#64. innuendo - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English ...
Meaning of innuendo, Definition of Word innuendo in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#65. Attitudes, Innuendo, and Regulators - Gallaudet University Press
Interpreting Innuendo Between ASL and English ... By its most pedestrian definition, innuendo is a hint or sly, usually derogatory, remark or an insinuation ...
#66. Determining the meaning of an innuendo : can the context be ...
Determining the meaning of an innuendo : can the context be separated from the words? : notes · Christin Gowar · C.J. Visser.
#67. Innuendo - FindLaw Dictionary of Legal Terms
The FindLaw Legal Dictionary -- free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. term: Innuendo.
#68. How to Use Innuendos in English - Bespeaking
What exactly is innuendo? Innuendo is when you say something that sounds polite, innocent, and above board (neutral, not offensive), but there's ...
#69. Definition of innuendo - online dictionary powered by ...
innuendo. noun. Definition: 1. an indirect implication, often malicious or improper; 2. in law, an explanation of a legal term or an interpretation of ...
#70. What does innuendo mean - Search words by mask
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. innuendo. noun. EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES. ▫ She found his relentless sexual innuendoes irritating. ▫ The ...
#71. Innuendo Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
For example, in defamation law, innuendo is the plaintiff's explanation of a statements defamatory meaning when that statement is not apparent from the ...
#72. innuendo Meaning in Bengali at
Phrases, Idioms & A. prep. innuendo /noun/ পরোক্ষ, সাধারণত অসম্মান জনক ইঙ্গিত.
INNUENDO : MEANING AND SCOPE ... Libel – It as an actionable tort and a criminal offense which is basically a statement that is either written or ...
#74. Innuendo Examples and Definition - Literary Devices
An innuendo is a veiled remark about someone or something that indirectly insinuates something bad or impolite. When taken literally, an innuendo can sound ...
#75. Innuendo meaning in Hungarian - DictZone
innuendo meaning in Hungarian » DictZone English-Hungarian dictionary. ... innuendo [innuendos] noun [UK: ˌɪ.njuː.ˈen.dəʊ] [US: ˌɪ.njuː.ˈendo.ʊ].
#76. Allusions and other 'innuendo' meanings in libel actions
Request PDF | Allusions and other 'innuendo' meanings in libel actions: the value of semantic and pragmatic evidence | Allusions and other cultural ...
#77. innuendo in English - KHANDBAHALE.COM
innuendo meaning in English is a translation of innuendo in English dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word innuendo.
#78. What is INNUENDO? definition of ... - Black's Law Dictionary
Definition of INNUENDO: This Latin word (commonly translated "meaning") was the technical beginning of that clause iu a declaration or indictment for ...
#79. Usage of innuendo and double entendre in comedy | Britannica
#80. Innuendo and Damage to Reputations | ACR - Association for ...
ABSTRACT - An innuendo is a statement about something combined with a qualifier ... comprehend the meaning of qualifiers attached to information statements.
#81. innuendo - meaning in Urdu | Rekhta Dictionary
See Urdu words and phrases for innuendo in Rekhta English to Urdu Dictionary.
#82. Innuendo: Definition, Features and Examples - Literary Ocean
Innuendo is a figure of speech in which a thing is insinuated or hinted at, instead of being plainly stated, for the purpose of damaging one's ...
#83. Innuendo | Literature - Ultius
Innuendo is an insulting or disparaging remark made through suggestion or hint that concerns a person's social standing or reputation. Innuendo is indirect and ...
#84. innuendo - English–Irish Dictionary (de Bhaldraithe)
innuendo, s. Ciúta m (teanga), leath-thagairt f -artha. To throw innuendos against s.o., sáiteáin a thabhairt do dhuine; gearradh chuig duine.
#85. Double Entendre & Innuendo in Much Ado About Nothing
Often, one party is innocent of understanding the second meaning. Similarly, innuendo is a remark made with sexual or derogatory undertones, however in the ...
#86. Katherine Heigl Just Heard What Harry Styles' "Watermelon ...
Katherine Heigl was just told the real meaning behind Harry Styles' song, ... Turns out "Watermelon Sugar" is a sexual innuendo. Who knew?
#87. Innuendo Facts for Kids
An innuendo is an indirect or implied statement of ideas or opinions. It can also be a remark or question, often disparaging (also called insinuation), that ...
#88. innuendo - word meaning, usage, and definition in English
Definition of: innuendo. (in′y oomacr ·en′dō) noun plural ·dos or ·does 1. A suggestion or hint about some person or thing; an indirect aspersion; ...
#89. innuendo meaning in tamil - KitkatWords
innuendo Definitions and meaning in English. noun: an indirect (and usually malicious) implication [also: innuendoes (pl)]; suggestion ...
#90. Translate innuendo to Hebrew - מורפיקס
innuendo in Hebrew - Translation of innuendo to Hebrew from Morfix dictionary, the leading online English Hebrew translation site, with audio pronunciation, ...
#91. Innuendo - Reading Between the Lines
The definition of innuendo retains this idea of a word or phrase hinting or signalling a different meaning. The listener or reader is ...
#92. Innuendo Meaning | Tagalog Dictionary
Meaning of "innuendo". innuendo •. n. an indirect hint: parungit, pasaring, parinig, patutsada. » synonyms and related words: pasaring. n. innuendo ...
#93. Are the words 'innuendo' and 'insinuation' different in meaning?
According to the dictionary the two words are synonymous to each other but I think there is a subtle difference in meaning between the two words ...
#94. Innuendo - Definition and Examples - Poem Analysis
An innuendo is an indirect observation of an event, person, thing, or idea. It is not stated clearly or obviously. An innuendo requires the reader to pay close ...
#95. What is the meaning of "innuendo"? - Question about English ...
Innuendo means something that has a meaning different from it's definition. It is most commonly used to describe sexual innuendos, ...
#96. innuendo - definition, etymology and usage, examples and ...
Definition of innuendo in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of innuendo with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of innuendo and its etymology.
#97. Court of Appeal upholds strict liability for innuendo meanings
... of Appeal has rejected the newspaper's argument that the strict liability rule which applies to innuendo meanings should be abolished.
#98. innuendo: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
innuendo in. English; Latin. innuendo (English). Alternative forms. (archaic) inuendo. Origin & history. From the Latin innuendō ("by nodding"), ...
#99. Innuendo Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
Innuendo is a english word. Innuendo Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब). innuendo = व्यंग्योक्ति. Usage: The minister showered innuendos ...
innuendo meaning 在 What is INNUENDO? What does INNUENDO mean ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>