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Written by:
Lingyi Xiong @Blingyi
Thomas K @HeyThomasK
Filmed and Edited by:
Elson Huang @elsonfilmmaker
Produced by:
Jeanette Yeap @Jeanettoes
Yun Tong @skullbonexx
Lingyi Xiong @blingyi
Chrysan Lee @chrysanlee
Nicholas Teo @hargaohunk
Thomas K @heythomask
Outro Song by MMXJ -
Twitter/Instagram/Tik Tok @wahbananasg
「job allocation」的推薦目錄:
job allocation 在 FAKE 文青 Facebook 的最佳解答
四.第一隻job -「在逼科的每一個人,也在找自己的出路,不是做到manager 就是成功,亦不是做到senior year 1 (做了三年) resign 就是失敗,畢竟她的前途永遠也是未知之數。」
2015年11月,我第一隻job是製造帽的上市公司,在孟加拉亦有分公司,今次落field 主要處理pre-final (註:大部份上市公司都要做pre-final,以減輕一點final audit 的workdone。
作為全team 最底層的員工,出job 一定要預備上年的external file,所有的文具,薯餅,薯條,空file,所以我就大包小包的提到客戶的門口,再跟我當時的senior in charge (SIC) 會合。我們一行三人(全女班),略為整理一下衣服,就浩浩蕩蕩的行進客戶的公司,迎面而來的是一個中年男人,他滿面笑容的迎接我們。
客戶看一看我:「我們又見面啦,今次又有fresh grad加入。來吧!我幫你們book 了房,schedule 我過一會兒會send 給你。」
SIC:「無法啦,上市公司做完final audit,過數月就開interim,之後又要做pre-final。」
在寂靜中,SIC聚精會神的看著螢幕,頭也不抬問我:「為何你選擇做audit? 」
我想也沒有想:「我知道這數年會好辛苦,但我需要學到更多的technical skills,而在逼科是最快的方法。」
SIC不帶一點的感情說:「你知不知這裡的turnover rate 有多高?有多辛苦?每天做到凌晨只為客戶的annual report,但沒有人會欣賞你付出的努力,最後即使你的薪水看似不錯,其實時薪比一個麥當勞的員工還不如。」
我:「你會唔會做到manager 先走?」
她只是比我做多兩年的時間,但卻有看透世事的感覺。第一天入職,聽到的卻是連SIC 都想resign 的消息,但這確實是行業的生態。留著的人拼命想離開,留著只因為還未有更好的offer。
及後我在工作,看到task allocation list 那超多的testing (check supporting document)已經傻了眼,目測至少有100 samples,代表有100 份文件要看,但我才只有4天的booking,那如何是好呢?
我問SIC:「所有的testing 你assign 給我的,全部都要4 日內完成嗎?」
SIC淡然地說:「當然,完了4 日booking,不會再有額外的人幫你完成未完成的。」
我:「但我只係搵憑証都要4日啦,更不用說要查看憑証,還有要做working 呢?」
SIC指一指出面的員工:「你send 個excel 給他,他會幫你填上你所需要的資料。」
我:「所以我是sample 以上的sample?」
我:「那所謂的專業呢?在大學讀三年會計,用三年的時間考會計師牌,難道只為了所有為做而做的working嗎? (註:審計師的工作,包括所有的testing, 解fluctuation,review forecast等等)」
SIC若有所思的看着我:「先不要想這些有的沒有的。如果你想在這裡生存,最好聽話一點,我叫你做什麼,你就做什麼,這裡不容許下屬有反駁的機會,希望你明白這裡的遊戲規則。你一定覺得我好harsh,但你之後會明白沒有人好像我那麼誠實,教你生存的規則。不要再說了,工作吧,不然,連pre-final 也要OT。(註: pre-final 本身是分擔final 的工作量,讓審計師先處理9至10個月的financial,當然亦會做internal control 和understanding 的workdone)
4 日的booking,𣊬間即逝,那所有的testing/workdone 我亦輕輕鬆鬆完成了,而怎樣完成?我不會告訴你囉!
而那位SIC 確實如她所說,不久就resign 了。在逼科的每一個人,也在找自己的出路,不是做到manager 就是成功,亦不是做到senior year 1 (做了三年) resign 就是失敗,畢竟她的前途永遠也是未知之數。
job allocation 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Lesson #6 - Focus on leveraging strengths, not improving weaknesses】
In the never-ending argument between focusing on maximizing strengths vs improving weaknesses, Chelsea Sim, the former founder and CEO of, which provides chatbot-based productivity solutions for enterprise, has learned to over index on leveraging strengths, instead of correcting weaknesses. Why? Simply put, the world rewards greatness, and the amount of time it takes you to get a skill from bad to good is likely the same amount of time it takes to get a skill from good to great, except the latter scenario yields 10x dividends.
At some point during the early days of Botbot, instead of business development, I somehow found myself spending almost half of my weeks on HR related matters, such as payroll, performance reviews, or 1:1 my employees. So I went out to hire an HR, seeking specifically for someone that could handle both talent development and administration.
After several months of prolonged searching, I ended up settling on a girl that was fantastic at finding candidates and communicating with current and future employees, but often dropped the ball when it came to paperwork and admin functions. Contracts were lost, salaries came out with extra zeros, and paid leave was not accurately calculated. It was a nightmare. While backend, these functions are mission critical, and no founder wants to be brought down by shotty operations. Your team also has a lot less tolerance when it comes to administrative mistakes, especially when they're performing at the speed in which a scaling startup needs to function.
Several performance reviews passed by, and it was clear that she had not demonstrated any notable improvements on the administration front. But this person had also become a critical part of our talent and culture management, extending a bit into marketing based solely on her effective communications alone. So, instead of forcing this person into this arbitrary mold that I created for her, I decided to find someone else to complement her skill sets. Our HR has been split into talent operations and admin and functioning seamlessly ever since.
In an ideal world, we can all focus on improving our weaknesses to make us all more well-rounded individuals. But in startups, it’s a race against time, and as a founder, your sole job is to determine the most optimal allocation of resources to deliver maximum output—but the key is also recognizing that the allocation can and should always change based on new inputs.
Applications for AW#22 are now open to founders targeting SEA, AI/IoT, or Blockchain/Defi ->
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