之前做facial至怕就係塊面又紅又油,呢部皮秒機做完之後雖然乾乾哋,但即刻敷個補濕孖子就舒服好多啦😌 啱晒怕癡笠笠又怕麻煩嘅人😎
#為咗效果好啲我返去都有勤力敷mask #保濕保濕保濕 #見到有效果動力會大啲 #皮秒蜂巢鏡 #enlighten二代皮秒 #LaBrise
labrise 在 90後哈日人妻 Facebook 的最佳解答
labrise 在 周家蔚 Janet Chow Facebook 的最佳解答
做女人一定要保持最佳狀態。做咗 La Brise 煥妍醫學美容集團 代言人令我感受到保養好緊要。特別生完兩個仔之後真係唔會比時間打理自己。依家有身邊朋友同我老公嘅讚賞真係回覆自信心。仲開心過買衫褲鞋襪同手袋!我嘅戰利品就係完美肌膚同埋美好身材😬😬😬!有心唔怕遲.不過越年輕做keep得越耐。我奶奶係韓國人佢都係咁講。18歲就開始要keep架啦。所以我不斷要提自己keep住!加油!
Being the spokesperson for La Brise made me realise the importance of beauty. It's true that beauty comes from within, but lack of confidence can be shown on the face. And there are many things you want to hide. Especially after being a mother of two I didn't really want to give myself much time to get back to my old self. Thanks to La Brise for getting my old self back. I'm now a confident mother that can tell anyone now that shopping is not the most important. It's not as satisfying as people complimenting on your skin and shape. With all the new tech beauty machines, anyone can have great skin. And learning from Korean mother in law, it's good to start young. You will be more long lasting. Don't wait until it's too late. 😘
【周家蔚 X La Brise】
靚媽媽周家蔚小姐正式成為La Brise代言人,一齊睇下拍攝當日嘅花絮啦! La Brise 嘅「enLIGHTEN ™ 二代皮秒激光去斑儀」,幫你一次過解決色斑、毛孔問題,仲可以美白嫩膚!即以震撼價HK$1080 試做Pico Laser enLIGHTEN ™ 完美去斑療程,仲有機會得到CHANEL COCO香水(100ml)一瓶!
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