【超完美互補攻略:印度台商 ✖️ 台灣印生】
身邊有印度朋友的請舉手 🙋♀️🙋♂️
哇嗚~好多人!好的... 請放下
也難怪 🇮🇳
這 3 年來印度來台就學的人數狂增 3 倍!
去年人數還多達近 3000 人呢~😲
昨天 #魔法部 委託 #台印協會 舉辦
「台商前進印度的尖兵 ─
India Taipei Association - 印度 台北協會
戴國瀾 (Gourangalal Das) 會長也出席致詞
表示 #印度是機會的土地
更是 #充滿實現夢想的契機 ✨
因應後疫情時代 #全球供應鏈重組
當前是我國深化 #新南向政策
並強化 #印太戰略 連結的最好時機 👊🏻
魔法部會持續協助台商 #前進印度
一起加入這波 #台印友好 的行列吧!😉
本部新聞稿 https://reurl.cc/avjWNG
At the recent #Diwali celebration at the #Taipei Guest House, we were impressed to meet many of the talented #IndianStudents in #Taiwan. Many of them were among the 70 attendees at the “New Southbound Policy - Indians Students as Market Navigators” forum held recently by MOFA in cooperation with the India-Taiwan Business Association in Taipei.
In his opening address to the forum, MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang pointed out that these highly-skilled students, whose numbers have increased from 857 in 2014 to 2783 last year, have valuable knowledge of the languages and cultures of both countries and can be indispensable in helping Taiwanese firms in navigating the vast Indian market, as well as introducing possible tie ups between Indian and Taiwanese firms.
Representative Gourangalal Das from the India Taipei Association - 印度 台北協會 explained that India is a #LandOfOpportunity and that Taiwan-India cooperation can be mutually beneficial for both countries, with Indian students being able to pursue their dreams abroad and Taiwanese businesses being given a foothold in the Indian market.
#CulturalBridge #NewSouthboundPolicy