* 歐洲女王曾經是梅克爾的眾多稱號之一。但現在,這位強大的德國總理,本月選舉後,將遠離政治,永遠離開她女王的標籤。
梅克爾是現任歐盟領導人中任職時間最長的領袖。她參加了大約 100 次歐盟峰會,經常被描述為“房間裡唯一的成年人”。
在她的家鄉,她仍受到批評——她掌舵德國的 16 年裡,她是一名 遲疑著Krisenmanagerin,或危機經理,經常等到最後一刻才採取行動;一個務實主義者,沒有遠見卓識——包括她在歐洲舞台上的記錄。
以 2015 年歐元區危機為例。
希臘總理瓦魯法基斯 (Yanis Varoufakis) 引用了她強加於希臘的重大緊縮措施,批評她。
在雅典,2015 年反德和反歐盟的不滿情緒蔓延街頭。抗議者揮舞著梅克爾的標語牌,留著希特勒的小鬍子,有些人焚燒歐盟旗幟。
在難民危機期間和 Covid 大流行開始時,這樣的分裂危機再次出現——南歐人感到被遺棄,他們總是首當其沖地面對這些緊急情況,而且孤立無援。
與之前的處理歐元危機慢吞吞不同,Covid-19 危機對像德國這樣的富裕國家,承擔了較貧窮的歐盟國家的疫苗需求及經濟債務。
法國經濟部長Bruno Le Maire是歐盟 Covid 復甦基金的主要設計師,該基金由德國梅克爾夫人和法國總統馬克洪Emmanuel Macron) 共同向歐盟領導人提議。
因此,危機經理梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 挽起袖子,採取了戲劇性、務實的行動。
2015 年夏末,梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 向超過 100 萬難民和尋求庇護者開放德國邊境時,她登上了全世界的頭版——有人稱讚,有人嘲笑。
回到家鄉,一些人自豪地吹噓自己國家的 Willkommenkultur,他們歡迎他人的文化,以梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 為標誌。
其他人被這些難民的到來激怒,湧向極右翼 AfD,促使其成為自第二次世界大戰結束以來第一個在德國聯邦議會中贏得席位的極右翼政黨。
歐盟在 2012 年獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。然而,僅僅三年後,其成員國就開始相互封鎖邊境,以阻止難民進入,其中許多人是為了逃離曾經是英法分割殖民的敘利亞戰爭。
這位德國領導人的行動幫助恢復了歐盟作為歐盟創始原則第 2 條規定,人權捍衛者的聲譽。
羅德斯先生說,到 2016 年底,歐巴馬先生開始相信梅克爾和柏林現在必將成為“自由民主秩序的重心”。
另一方面,你可能會問,為什麼梅克爾沒有向歐盟領導人施壓,讓他們在 2015 年移民危機之前做好更好的準備?
先是人道主義,之後又是務實主義,梅克爾總理後來因在代表歐盟與土耳其獨裁總統埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)達成有爭議的協議中發揮的關鍵作用而受到國際特赦組織和難民組織的抨擊。
還有更多“是的,但是”的例子,當談到梅克爾(Angela Merkel)時,所謂的歐盟捍衛人權的堡壘,已經是她的名字。
是的,今年夏天,她和其他 16 位歐盟領導人簽署了一封聯名信,以捍衛 LGBTQ+ 社區,當時就成員國匈牙利的一項新法律引發了激烈的爭議。
匈牙利自封為“非自由派”的總理維克托·奧爾班直到最近還是梅克爾總理在布魯塞爾的中右翼 EPP 小組的成員,保證了它在歐洲議會中的更多席位和影響力。疏遠他是有問題的,她再次沒有採取果斷行動。
西班牙前外交部長兼世界銀行集團前副行長安娜·帕拉西奧(Ana Palacio)最近指責德國有效地領導了她所說的歐洲控制其非自由成員的“非戰略”。她說,如果德國想採取行動維護歐盟保護人權和法治的創始原則,它就會發生。
帕拉西奧女士還抨擊了歐盟的外交政策,將缺乏方向和“可疑決定”歸咎於梅克爾(Angela Merkel)的大門:從歐盟與土耳其的交易到與中國的全面投資協議。該協議於去年 12 月在德國擔任歐盟 6 個月輪值主席國結束時簽署,令當時即將上任的華盛頓拜登政府感到震驚。
安格拉·梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 經常受到抨擊,因為她似乎允許德國的貿易利益決定其國家的外交政策,從而對歐盟產生影響。
通過在俄羅斯和德國之間建造北溪 2 管道以確保更便宜的能源,她被指責削弱了歐盟的政治團結和戰略一致性,並讓普丁不感到他必須面對強大的歐盟影響力。
她的另一面,她一直是對烏克蘭制裁俄羅斯的熱情倡導者。 2020 年 8 月,當著名的俄羅斯反對派政治家阿列克謝·納瓦爾尼 (Alexei Navalny) 被毒死時,這位德國領導人讓他飛往柏林的一家醫院,在那裡她採取了非常不尋常的步驟,突然拜訪了他。
這篇文章的目的並不是要求梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 面對歐盟的所有弊病。
相比之下,安格拉·梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 的歐洲王冠就不那麼好了。危機時期的關鍵歐盟人物?她只是讓幫派團結在一起的膠水?
法國的埃馬紐埃爾·馬克洪 (Emmanuel Macron) 渴望獲得這個頭銜。
幫助為所謂的歐洲法德發動機注入活力 - 並幫助德國納稅人的錢投資,使他的 21 世紀歐盟願景成為現實。
這在德國並不是最流行的想法,因為安吉拉·梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 非常清楚。
多年來,她一再的反擊和無休止的拖延戰術,直到 Covid 復甦基金,導致她被悄悄地稱為 Nein 總理。
埃馬紐埃爾·馬克洪(Emmanuel Macron)看到了歐盟議席頭上的默克爾形狀的洞,並希望填補它。
For her part, Angela Merkel insists the EU will impose further sanctions on Moscow if it abuses the pipeline.
She has been a passionate advocate of sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. And when prominent Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny was poisoned in August 2020, the German leader had him flown to a Berlin hospital, where she took the highly unusual step of paying him a surprise visit.
A mixed legacy once again.
The aim of this article is not, of course, to lay all EU ills at Angela Merkel's door.
But when it comes to EU legacies, it's worth taking a look, as German journalists have been doing, at her late political mentor, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
In Brussels, he is viewed as a founding father of the modern-day European Union. He supported the idea of the euro, against majority public opinion in Germany at the time. His reasons were political, rather than economic. Helmut Kohl believed a common currency would prevent further wars between European neighbours.
Kohl also pushed for German reunification, to the cost of taxpayers in western Germany. In so doing, he brought Eastern and Central Europe that much closer to the EU, even if membership was still a far-off prospect.
同時也有70部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅itsAmanda!,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本來以為這兩週不會有新片 但莫名其妙還是拍了一支影片哈哈 總而言之這支就是~我燙頭髮的影片xd 沒什麼好特別講的!簡單粗暴! 🎵 The Flower We Saw That Day - Sage https://soundcloud.com/sage-the-band/flower Easie...
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毋忘五大訴求 公民抗命有理
(案件編號:DCCC 535/2020)
在整個反修例運動如火如荼之際,我正承擔另一宗公民抗命案件的刑責。雖然身在獄中,但仍然心繫手足。我在獄中電視機前見證6月9日、6月16日及8月18日三次百萬港人大遊行,幾多熱愛和平的港人冒天雨冒彈雨走上街頭,抗議不義惡法,今日關於10月20日的案件,亦是如此。可能有人會問,政府已在6月暫緩修例,更在9月正式撤回修例,我等仍然繼續示威,豈非無理取鬧?我相信法官閣下肯定聽過「遲來的正義並非正義」(Justice delayed is justice denied)這句格言。當過百萬群眾走上街頭,和平表達不滿的時候,林鄭政府沒有理睬,反而獨行獨斷,粗暴踐踏港人的意願,結果製造出後來連綿不絕的爭拗,甚至你死我活的對抗。經歷眾多衝突痛苦之後,所謂暫緩撤回,已經微不足道,我們只是更加清楚:沒有民主,就連基本人權都不會擁有!
法官閣下,我對於當日的所作所為,不感羞恥,毫無悔意。我能夠在出獄後與群眾同行一路,與戰友同繫一獄,實是莫大榮幸。若法治失去民主基石,將使法庭無奈地接受專制政權所訂立解釋的法律限制,隨時變成政治工具掃除異見,因此爭取民主普選,建設真正法治,追求公平正義,仍然是我的理想。在這條路上,如有必要,我仍然會公民抗命,正如終審法院海外非常任法官賀輔明(Lord Hoffmann)所言,發自良知的公民抗命有悠久及光榮的傳統,歷史將證明我們是正確的。我期望,曾與我一起遊行抗命的手足戰友要堅持信念,在艱難歲月裡毋忘初衷,活在愛和真實之中。
最後,如9年前一樣,我想借用美國民權領袖馬丁路德金牧師的一番話對我們的反對者說:「我們將以自己忍受苦難的能力,來較量你們製造苦難的能力。我們將用我們靈魂的力量,來抵禦你們物質的暴力。對我們做你們想做的事吧,我們仍然愛你們。我們不能憑良心服從你們不公正的法律,因為拒惡與為善一樣是道德責任。將我們送入監獄吧,我們仍然愛你們。」(We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Throw us in jail and we shall still love you.)
Lest we forget the five demands: civil disobedience is morally justified
- Statement on 10‧20 Kowloon Rally
(Case No.: DCCC 535/2020)
Your Honour Judge Woodcock
In 2012, I stood before the court and admitted to violating the "Public Security Evil Law". I expressed my hope for universal suffrage, criticized the evil law as unjust, and willingly accepted the penalty for civil disobedience. Back then, I said that if the small-circle election had not been abolished and the draconian law had not disappeared, I would still be as determined as I was, and I believe that more students and citizens would join this movement. Today, universal suffrage is still a long way off, and I have been brought before the court again for trial. But in just seven years, hundreds of thousands of people have already risen up in civil disobedience against tyranny. Today, I plead guilty to "unauthorised assembly" under an unapproved evil law enacted by an unauthorised government. I do not intend to seek the court's mercy, but please allow me to take up a little time in court to present my case so that the court can consider all aspects before sentencing me.
The roots of violence
At the time when the whole anti-extradition law movement was in full-swing, I was taking responsibility for another civil disobedience case. Although I was in prison, my heart was still with the people. I witnessed the three million-person rallies on 9 June, 16 June and 18 August on television in prison, when many peace-loving people took to the streets despite the rain and bullets, to protest against unjust laws. Some people may ask, "The Government has already suspended the legislative amendments in June and formally withdrew the bill in September, but we are still demonstrating, are we not being unreasonable?" I am sure your Honour has heard of the adage "Justice delayed is justice denied". When more than a million people took to the streets to express their discontent peacefully, the Lam administration ignored them and instead acted arbitrarily, brutally trampling on the wishes of the people of Hong Kong, resulting in endless arguments and even confrontations. After so many conflicts and painful experiences, the so-called moratorium is no longer meaningful. We only know better: without democracy, we cannot even have basic human rights!
In this case, although we did not instigate or commit acts of violence, I believe that in the eyes of the prosecution and the court, the violence on the day of the incident can still be counted against us, based on the August 18 and October 1 case. And now I must ask - If Hong Kong had a fair and just universal election, and the public could directly veto laws they did not approve of at the Legislative Council, then how could the violent clashes of 2019 have come about? If the violence we see is so heinous, how do we feel about the institutional violence that insists on the imposition of draconian laws even after millions of people have taken to the streets? If we cannot accept violent rebellion, how can we remain silent in the face of even greater and more oppressive institutional violence? The true and frequent violence is the kind of violence that ignores people's demands, that tramples on their opinions, that deprives them of their right to express themselves. People who truly hate violence and abhor it cannot accuse violent resistance on the one hand and tolerate institutional violence on the other. If I have to bear the criminal responsibility for the violence caused by the peaceful demonstration, then who should bear the criminal responsibility for the social unrest caused by failed administration?
The roots of society's problems
From a court's point of view, it may be that what happened in 2019 was just a series of social unrest, and that those who broke the law must be held personally accountable. What happened in 2019 was not something that I alone or the defendants could have made possible, and the crux of the social problem was not the 'criminals' but the 'causes of crime'. I understand the concept of " applying severe punishment to a troubled world", but if "decimation" was really the solution, there would not have been more violent rebellions in 2019 after the Mongkok "riot" in 2016 and the heavy sentences handed down to protesters by the Court of Appeal in 2017.
If we do not want social unrest, we must get to the root of the problem and implement the "five demands" step by step, so as to achieve fundamental reforms and win back the hearts of the people. 2019's anti-revision movement is indeed a continuation of 2014's Umbrella Movement, and even though the court may think that both movements are caused by a "perverse wind", I must clarify that the core of both movements is the pursuit of democracy and universal suffrage, and the people being the masters of their own house. In the District Council election on 24 November 2019, which is the closest thing to universal suffrage, nearly 3 million people voted, and the democratic camp won a huge victory, winning majority in 17 District Councils. As canaries in the monetary coal mine, we have repeatedly reminded the government to withdraw the extradition bill and fundamentally reform the system, and the march in Kowloon on 20 October was certainly an opportunity to reflect public opinion. Now, by imposing heavy penalties on us, the court is only punishing public opinion, trapping the canaries in a birdcage, or even stifling them in the palm of their hands, suffocating the freedom of expression.
The importance of persistence
As a result of the crackdown after the mass movement, we lost Apple Daily, the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union, and the Civil Human Rights Front. Many of our democratic leaders and comrades who had contributed to the movement were imprisoned, and many of our friends who had been passionately involved in the movement had been forced to lay low under the threat of the National Security Law. I still believe that the faith of Hong Kong people and the glory of humanity seen in 2019 will remain unchanged. I will never forget the millions of people who braved the rain and the heat to resist tyranny and evil laws, demonstrating our unity of purpose; I will never forget the crowds of people who gave way to ambulances, demonstrating our civility; I will never forget the young people who sacrificed their lives, demonstrating our courage and bravery; I will never forget the silver-haired who took to the streets to protect the youth, demonstrating our care for each other; I will never forget the "five demands" and the 2019 District Council election, demonstrating our rationality and decency.
Your Honour, I have nothing to be ashamed of and no remorse for what I did on that day. It is my great honour to be in prison with my comrades and to be able to walk with the public after my release. If the rule of law were to lose its democratic foundation, the courts would have no choice but to accept the legal restrictions set by the autocratic regime and become a political tool to eliminate dissent at any time. As Lord Hoffmann, a non-permanent overseas judge of the Court of Final Appeal, said, civil disobedience from the conscience has a long and honourable tradition, and history will prove us right. I hope that my comrades in arms who walked with me in protests will keep their faith and live in love and truth in the midst of this difficult time.
Finally, as I did nine years ago, I would like to say something to those who oppose us, borrowing the words of American civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King: "We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Throw us in jail and we shall still love you."
Peace be with me and my family, with Your Honour, and with the people of Hong Kong. There are no thugs, only tyranny; five demands, not one less! To god be the glory and to people be the glory!
The Fifth Defendant
Wong Ho Ming
19 August 2021
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本來以為這兩週不會有新片 但莫名其妙還是拍了一支影片哈哈
總而言之這支就是~我燙頭髮的影片xd 沒什麼好特別講的!簡單粗暴!
The Flower We Saw That Day - Sage https://soundcloud.com/sage-the-band/flower
Easier as us - Michael Mceachern
Music by CFEQ - Over the top - https://thmatc.co/?l=7E27FCBE
Lay it all on me - Johnny Stimson
*FTC: This video is NOT sponsored.
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・卵黄 2個
・グラニュー糖(卵黄用) 15g
・卵白 2個
・グラニュー糖(卵白用) 30g
・薄力粉 50g
・粉糖 適量
・卵黄 2個
・グラニュー糖 25g
・マルサラ酒(甘口) 40g
・マスカルポーネチーズ 200g
・グラニュー糖 50g
・ホワイトチョコ(お好み) 20g
・ザバイオーネ 全量
・マルサラ酒 お好みの量
・生クリーム 150g
・グラニュー糖 お好みの量
・マルサラ酒 お好みの量
・ココアパウダーやコーヒーパウダー 適量
1. 【サヴォイアルディ/180℃に予熱】ボウルに卵黄2個・グラニュー糖15gを泡立て器ですり混ぜる
2. 別のボウルに卵白2個を入れて白っぽくなるまで泡だて、グラニュー糖30gのうち半分を入れて泡立てる
3. ツヤが出てきたら残りのグラニュー糖を加え、角が立つまで泡立てメレンゲを作る
4. 卵黄の方にメレンゲの半量を入れてざっと馴染むまで混ぜ、薄力粉50gをふるい入れる
5. ヘラに持ち替えて粉っぽさが無くなる直前くらいまでさっくり切り混ぜ、残りのメレンゲを加える
6. あまり泡を潰さないように切り混ぜ、なめらかに混ざったら丸口金をつけた絞り袋に入れる
7. オーブン用シートを敷いた天板に棒状に絞り出し、粉糖を全体にふるいかけ、消えた頃にもう1回粉糖をふるいかける
8. 180℃に予熱したオーブンで20~25分を目安に、軽く色づくまで焼いて冷ましておく
9. 【ザバイオーネ】ボウルに卵黄2個・グラニュー糖25g・マルサラ酒40gを合わせて混ぜる
10. 鍋で加熱した沸騰しないくらいのお湯で湯煎にかけ、混ぜながら70℃程度まで温める(より殺菌を意識するなら80℃)
11. 温度が上がると泡が消えとろみつく、湯煎から外し好みでふんわり泡立ててもOK
12. 【ザバイオーネ・クリーム】ボウルにマスカルポーネチーズ200gをほぐし、グラニュー糖50gをすり混ぜる
13. 溶かしたホワイトチョコ20g・ザバイオーネをなめらかに混ぜ、好みでマルサラ酒も加え混ぜる
14. 生クリーム150gを軽く角が立つまで泡だて、↑に半量ずつ加えてなめらかに切り混ぜる
15. 【エスプレッソ液】エスプレッソor濃い目に作ったコーヒーに、好みでグラニュー糖・マルサラ酒を混ぜておく
16. 【仕上げ】容器にサヴォイアルディ(ビスケット)を敷き、エスプレッソ液を染み込ませる(もしくは染み込ませてから容器に入れる)
17. ザバイオーネ・クリームを入れて均し、エスプレッソ液を染み込ませたサヴォイアルディ→ザバイオーネ・クリームと重ねていく
18. 冷蔵庫で冷やし固め、仕上げにココアパウダーやコーヒーパウダーをふるいかけて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
Savoie Ardi (store-bought biscuits can be substituted)
・Two egg yolks
・Granulated sugar (for the egg yolk) 15 g
・Egg whites 2 pieces
・Granulated sugar (for egg whites) 30 g
・Cake flour 50 g
・Powdered sugar as needed
・Two egg yolks
・Granulated sugar 25 g
・Marusara Sake (sweet) 40 g
(You can also use other foreign liquors such as rum or amaretto.)
Sabaione Cream
・Mascarpone cheese 200 g
・Granulated sugar 50 g
・White chocolate (optional) 20 g
・Sabaione total amount
・Marsala Sake, as much as you like
・Heavy cream 150 g
espresso solution
・Espresso (strong instant or drip coffee can be substituted)
・Granulated sugar as much as you like
・Marsala Sake, as much as you like
・Appropriate amount of cocoa powder or coffee powder
[How to make]
1. [Savoie Hardy/Preheat to 180 °C] Mix 2 egg yolks and 15 g of granulated sugar with a whisk.
2. Add 2 egg whites in a different bowl and whip it until it becomes whitish. Add half of 30 g of granulated sugar and whip it.
3. Add the rest of the granulated sugar when it glazes. Whip it until it peaks to make a meringue.
4. Add half of the meringue to the egg yolk and mix it until it blends in. Sift in 50 g of weak flour.
5. Switch to a spatula and lightly mix it until the powdery feel is gone. Add the rest of the meringue.
6. Mix it so it doesn't crush the bubbles too much. Add it in a piping bag with a round cap when it mixes smoothly.
7. Squeeze it out into a stick shape on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Sift the powdered sugar entirely. Sift it once again when it disappears.
8.Bake it in the oven preheated to 180 °C for around 20 to 25 minutes until it lightly browns then let it cool.
9. [The Baione] Mix 2 egg yolks, 25 g of granulated sugar, and 40 g of marsala sake in a bowl.
10. Boil it in hot water heated in a pot until it doesn't boil. Warm it to around 70 °C as you mix it (80 °C if you want to sterilize more).
11. The bubbles will disappear and thicken when the temperature rises. You can remove it from the hot water and whip it softly if you'd like.
12. [The Baione Cream] Loosen 200 g of mascarpone cheese in a bowl and mix in 50 g of granulated sugar.
13. Mix 20 g of melted white chocolate and zabaione smoothly. Add marsala sake if you'd like and mix it.
14. Whisk 150 g of whipped cream until it lightly forms peaks. Add half of it at a time to ↑ and mix it smoothly.
15. [Espresso liquid] Mix granulated sugar and marsala sake to your liking with espresso or strong coffee.
16. [Finish] Lay out the savoie aldi (biscuit) in the container and let it soak in the espresso liquid (or let it soak then put it in the container).
17. Add the Xabione cream and flatten it. Layer it with Savoiardi soaked with espresso then Xabione cream.
18. Chill it in the fridge to harden it. Finish it off by sifting cocoa powder or coffee powder and it will be complete.
lay off 在 Ms Kuan Youtube 的最佳解答
For this week’s video, I thought of doing something fun, which is following Kylie Jenner’s diet for a week.
I couldn’t find everything exactly the same as the ones she had, so I had to improvise from some of the food that I already have at home / available in Malaysia ?❤️
Fingers crossed after this pandemic when I get to travel again I’ll be able to go to some of her favourite dine-in places ✨
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1) Salted Caramel Macadamia Granola - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2718/Salted_Caramel_Macadamia_Granola.html
2) Omega-3 Trail Mix - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2771/Limited_Time_Offer_Omega_3_Trail_Mix_Usual_Pack_2_Daily_Pack.html
3) Spicy Garlic Braised Chicken Breast - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2752/Spicy_Garlic_Braised_Chicken_Breast.html
4) Premix Avocado Honey Multigrain Smoothie - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2499/Avocado_Honey_Multigrain_Smoothie.html
5) Shizuoka Matcha Milk Spread - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2373/Shizuoka_Matcha_Milk_Spread.html
6) Dried Strawberries - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/1504/Dried_Strawberries.html
7) Mini Sun Dried Apricot - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/1243/Mini_Sun_Dried_Apricot.html
8) Real Veggie Crisps - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2471/Real_Veggie_Crisps.html
9) Simply Natural Yoghurt Drink - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/2711/Simply_Natural_Yoghurt_Drink.html
10) Organic Energy Soy Milk Powder (No Added Sugar) - https://www.signaturemarket.co/my/marketplace/snack/988/Organic_Energy_Soy_Milk_Powder_No_Added_Sugar.html
? Music credits:
I Know (No Oohs & Ahhs) by Red Licorice (License by Musicbed)
Music by andreas owens - not much (better than before) - https://thmatc.co/?l=957634FD
Music by Remil - Evening Tea - https://thmatc.co/?l=32A8307A
Music by love val - lay me down slowly - https://thmatc.co/?l=75189B12
Music by Naomi - Love Confession - https://thmatc.co/?l=BB863807
Music by Gil Wanders - Dreams - https://thmatc.co/?l=EB9871ED
Music by Chinsaku - Blossom - https://thmatc.co/?l=D5F30C23
Songs credit: Prod. by Lukrembo
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Thank you for watching. Please subscribe, like & share this video! Stay safe ?
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