Q: Have you ever felt shamed because of your body size? As it's not 'normal' girl size, no offense.
I was asked this question a while back on Instagram and think it's a great question to open discussion on what a healthy body image is. To me there's no such thing as ‘normal’ size for a girl or guy. The perception of normal is based on what we have been told is normal and that comes from what you consume/watch in the media and who you’re associating with. In my earlier years, I used to think I didn't fit in because I was perhaps not what some may think as ‘normal’ for a girl = small, slender, dainty. I was a chubby kid growing up and when I got into the entertainment line, i was critiqued further cause I didn’t "fit" to what media wanted. I remember on a hosting job, someone said to me "Oh Linora, she isn’t your typical 'beauty queen' but she has a great personality". This sure did wonders for my self worth. ?
I'm glad I have now redefined beauty for myself. It comes with self acceptance, educating oneself and making zero comparisons.
I'm glad the media space is changing on how we view beauty but remember to always feed your mind with positive messages and be wise with what content you consume.
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