2009年2月在維多利亞省發生的「黑色星期六」造成173人身亡,是澳洲有紀錄以來最致命的野火。野火每年都會發生,然而今年情況格外嚴峻,受災最劇的新南威爾斯省、其次的維多利亞省,澳洲東南方遍布起火點,其中部分隨強風擴散,釀成巨型火災;而事實上在全國範圍,先後都有火災發生。這一系列的大火肇因於破紀錄的高溫、長期乾旱及強風,可以說,加劇野火情勢的主因是 #氣候變遷。
臺灣有超過六成土地為森林所覆蓋,每年的林火好發季節,我們的 #國家森林救火隊 都默默地撲滅了許多場林火,避免火情擴大釀災。在氣候變遷加劇的威脅下,極端天氣事件更加頻繁,感謝他們付出的同時,請大家同時注意保衛家園安全,也別忘了 #節能減碳、 #關心環境生態、 #選擇環境友善的生活方式,一起守護共同的地球家園。
Australia fires: A visual guide to the bushfire crisis (BBC):https://bbc.in/2QunwXr
澳洲野火肆虐袋鼠島 重要無尾熊族群受重創(中央社):
澳洲野火燒掉1.5個台灣!這原因太要命 恐再燒2個月(聯合新聞網):
Following the Amazon wildfires, another ecological catastrophe has been occurring since the last September. Starting from South East Australia, the fires intensified over the past week, causing 24 people killed and a number of towns evacuated. In New South Wales alone, over 1,300 houses were destroyed.
According to Prof. Chris Dickman, an expert on Australian biodiversity at the University of Sydney, almost half a billion animals have been affected by the fires.
Record-breaking heat, persistent drought and the strong wind fueled the scale of the bushfires. Many have pointed out that #ClimateChange is the major factor to worsen the natural disasters.
In Taiwan, where forests cover more than 60% of the land, also has a team of National Forest Firefighters. They silently protect the forests for everyone, and push out wildfires in every fire season. As we thank them for their efforts, don’t forget to cut carbon emission, pay attention to the environment, and practice eco-friendly ways of living. We're all part of the Earth and need to protect it together.
major bushfire in australia 在 Past bushfires - Forest Fire Management Victoria 的相關結果
The Black Saturday bushfires were the worst in Australia's history, killing 173 people. Almost 80 communities and entire towns were left ... ... <看更多>
major bushfire in australia 在 The worst bushfires in Australia's history - Australian Geographic 的相關結果
Deadliest bushfires on record · 1. Black Summer, July 2019 – March 2020 · 2. Black Saturday (VIC), 7-8 Feb 2009 · 3. Ash Wednesday (VIC, SA), 16-18 ... ... <看更多>
major bushfire in australia 在 Bushfires in Australia - Wikipedia 的相關結果
In the summer of 1974-1975 (southern hemisphere), Australia suffered its worst recorded bushfire, when 15% of Australia's ... ... <看更多>