#coronavirus #TaiwanCanHelp 🇹🇼
The design is open to everyone in need
With the recent global outbreak of COVID-19, many infected patients develop respiratory failure requiring endotracheal intubation. Since COVID-19 is transmitted via droplets and aerosol, healthcare providers who are intubating these patients are at high risk of contracting this deadly virus during the intubation process
Ideally, the provider should wear PAPRs (powered air-purifying respirators) while intubating patients, which would provide the highest level of protection. Unfortunately, due to the soaring number of infected patients in this pandemic, there is a shortage of PAPRs around the world. Therefore, a lot of providers are only donning face shields and N95 masks. In some hospitals that have run out of N95 masks, some providers are either reusing N95 masks or wearing surgical masks. This puts them at a much higher risk of contracting COVID-19.
To protect healthcare providers from this virus during the intubation process, Dr. Hsien Yung Lai, an anesthesiologist from Mennonite Christian Hospital in Hua Lian, Taiwan, has designed the Aerosol Box that effectively shields a provider’s face from a patient’s airway, while allowing the provider to move his/her arms freely to perform all necessary tasks during endotracheal intubation
The Aerosol Box can be rapidly and cheaply made to be deployed for field use in the current crisis. He hopes that his invention would help protect the thousands of healthcare providers around the world who are caring for COVID-19-infected patients in this unprecedented crisis.
The design is open to everyone in need. You can find the detail of the design here 👉 https://sites.google.com/view/aerosolbox/overview?authuser=0
And more information here 👉
Relative News👉 https://pse.is/RDGPW
Photo Credit: Dr. Lai 🏥
#COVID-19 #outbreak
mennonite 在 徐榛蔚 Facebook 的最佳解答
1968年,加拿大基督教門諾會(Mennonite)羅樂道牧師、羅愛蓮師母來到台灣投入宣教傳福音的服事,1973年第一任宣教5年期滿返國,1975年從第二次海外宣教委員會指派夫婦兩人到後山花蓮開拓教會,同時也發現有許多智能不足的兒童被忽視遺棄,於1977年3月17日成立「黎明啟智中心」,1994年啟用大樓,1996年更名為「黎明教養院」。40多年來黎明團隊積極走入社區,逐漸完整綠自然照顧(green care)理念的身心障礙者機構、社區、居家與職業重建整合服務系統。現今台灣肯納(自閉)者快速增加,黎明致力建置肯納專業服務網絡。未來10年黎明將努力建設位於花蓮壽豐的黎明喜樂園,以陪伴支持心智障礙者與其家庭邁向「自立益人」的道路,活出有盼望的豐盛人生。─摘自花蓮黎明機構網站
mennonite 在 郭台銘 Facebook 的最讚貼文
聽到花蓮基督教門諾醫院創辦人、前院長薄柔纜醫師(Dr. Roland P. Brown)去世的消息,十分難過。
mennonite 在 Mennonite | History, Beliefs, Practices, & Facts - Encyclopedia ... 的相關結果
Mennonite, member of a Protestant church that arose out of the Anabaptists, a radical reform movement of the 16th-century Reformation. ... <看更多>
mennonite 在 臺灣基督教門諾會醫療財團法人門諾醫院Mennonite Christian ... 的相關結果
建議使用瀏覽器IE8或Google Chrome觀看; **臺灣基督教門諾會醫療財團法人門諾醫院Mennonite Christian Hospital; 地址:970 花蓮市民權路44號電話:03-8241234 ... ... <看更多>
mennonite 在 Mennonites - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Mennonites are members of certain Christian groups belonging to the church communities of Anabaptist denominations named after Menno Simons (1496–1561) of ... ... <看更多>