自細有睡眠問題 - 晚睡,早上醒不來。失眠倒還好。看過不同的建議,也知道很多名人早起得很,但我偶像是邱吉爾當年完全是亂來的,於是我也亂來。
他的建議很離地,但有些誤解的解釋讓我對睡眠理解了很多。雖然沒辦法真的跟足 - 因為這類書通常的誤區在於assume我們在有睡意時能夠保持理性,但至少以後對睡覺能敢到更安心。具體做法很簡單:必須有固定起床時間,然後晚上以每90分鐘為單位往前倒,7:30 醒的話就12點睡,爭取5個cycle,一個禮拜就35cycles。每超過一個cycle時間還沒睡或睡醒了,就等下一個cycle時間到再睡。總之要睡完整cycles,哪怕只有兩個。睡醒和睡前各需要90分鐘準備,不做什麼事情。
7 weeks to adjust
Quality not quantity
Most effective sleeping period is 2-3 am
Dont start your day immediately upon waking up. Get outside
Sleep in 90-min cycles
So be in bed by 11:45, sleep from 12 - 7:30 for 5 full cycles. Aim for 35 cycles a week.
But remember to adjust it - not everyone needs 35 cycles. Some need more.
If you miss one cycle, no need to sleep straight away. Try and hit the next one at 1:30, or even 3am.
90 mins pre and post-sleep periods
Cool bedroom at night
Declutter ur mind at night by doing the cleaning, packing etc chore work. Simple, non-stimulating work.
Keep a 'whats on my mind' list too.
Eat a little breakfast even if you dont feel like it. Even just a few bites would do.
On holidays, you should still wake up at the same time. Get some daylight and have breakfast, then can go back to bed.
1-3pm is a good time for a 30-min or 90-min nap. Even sitting up is fine. You just need to close your eyes and disconnect for a while. 5-7pm is good for a 30 min nap too. They make up for your sleep cycles.
Sleep on your non-dominant side.
If you sleep with a partner, a super-king is the minimal size
No water no nothing apart from tour bed in the bedroom. It is for sleep only.
If you wake up mid-cycle or cannot sleep into the right cycle, always chill and wait for the next cycle.