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#OCT2002 *250
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過100萬的網紅Taiwan Bar,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#歡迎光臨臺灣吧 #人類世界的八大秘密 #性教育 你知道嗎? 「G點不是一個點」! 「處女膜本來就是破的」! 還有還有「女生竟然也會勃起」! 你希望讓陰道健康又性福嗎? 還是你正為陰道發炎而煩惱呢? 女性身體,到底還有什麼秘密 是我們不知道的? 人類世界陰道的八大秘密,一起來揭秘! 想要支持臺...
- 關於oct2002 在 MTYC 美國加拿大代購連線 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於oct2002 在 MTYC 美國加拿大代購連線 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於oct2002 在 Taiwan Bar Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於oct2002 在 Post76影音玩樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於oct2002 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於oct2002 在 Kent live Gjøvik 18 Oct 2002 - full show - YouTube 的評價
- 關於oct2002 在 Barbara Katz-Chobert (oct2002) - Profile | Pinterest 的評價
oct2002 在 MTYC 美國加拿大代購連線 Facebook 的精選貼文
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[ Tommy Hilfiger 專櫃款棉質圓領Logo大學T衛衣]
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oct2002 在 Taiwan Bar Youtube 的最佳解答
#歡迎光臨臺灣吧 #人類世界的八大秘密 #性教育
🍺 快加入臺灣吧「灣吧好捧油」:https://lihi1.com/CizZn
00:24 秘密一:welcome my 縫
01:49 秘密二:陰道裡面沒感覺?
02:43 秘密三:女生也會勃起?
03:27 秘密四:G點到底在哪裡
04:29 秘密五:處女膜本來就是破的!
05:39 秘密六:法國人騎小馬洗陰部
06:37 秘密七:愛吃甜食讓陰道發炎?
➡️ https://bella.pse.is/3dj773
07:35 秘密八:健康作業要畫自己的陰部
◤ 感謝本集乾爸乾媽,一起認識他們 ◢
🙋♀️ 婦科疾病困擾?TFC臺北婦產科診所 生殖中心
🩸 還在猶豫嗎?加入棉條的世界(凱娜棉條,月經一姐凡妮莎)
⛏ 秘密一:
1. 陰道的大小:Human Reproduction, Volume 21, Issue 6, June 2006, Pages 1618–1622
⛏ 秘密二:
1. 生理用品使用比例:Kantar Insights Division 凱度洞察台灣/ LifePoints
2. 陰道內的神經:Female Genital Anatomy, Boston University School of Medicine, 2002 November 26
3. 美國衛生棉條使用比例:Tampon use in young women, J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 1998 Aug;11(3)
4. 美國女性衛生調查:Variation in Feminine Hygiene Practices ‐ as a Function of Age, Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 2006 July 28
⛏ 秘密四:
1. G點是什麼:Beyond the G-spot: clitourethrovaginal complex anatomy in female orgasm, Nat Rev Urol. 2014 Sep;11(9):531-8
⛏ 秘密五:
1. 陰道冠結構:Hymen: facts and conceptions, theHealth 2012; 3(4): 109-115
2. 處女情結:Honor Killings and the Construction of Gender in Arab Societies, Am. J. Comp. L.,2010
3. 陰道冠正名:Vaginal corona Myths surrounding virginity – your questions answered, RFSU
⛏ 秘密六:
1. 坐浴盆的歷史:The Bidet's Revival, the Atlantic, MARCH 18, 2018
2. 臺灣的披衣菌感染情況:不孕症的共犯─披衣菌,臺北市立聯合醫院
3. 披衣菌是美國感染最多的性病:Chlamydia - CDC Fact Sheet
⛏ 秘密七:
1. 高糖份造成陰道炎:Determination of factors affecting relapse of vaginitis among reproductive-aged women: An experimental study, Electron Physician. 2017 Jan; 9(1): 3499–3507
2. 益生菌減緩陰道炎:Efficacy of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GR-1 and of Lactobacillus Reuteri RC-14 in the treatment and prevention of vaginoses and bacterial vaginitis relapses, Minerva Ginecol
. 2008 Oct;60(5):369-76.
Efficacy of vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent bacterial vaginosis: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME 203, ISSUE 2, P120.E1-120.E6, AUGUST 01, 2010
口服益生菌用於反覆性黴菌陰道炎輔助治療臨床實證探討,家庭醫學與基層醫療 第三十五卷 第三期
🍺 想了解 #臺灣吧 多一點點
訂閱YouTube,新片不漏追| https://lihi.cc/0SEYv
🍺 想了解 #黑啤 多一點點
oct2002 在 Post76影音玩樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Denon AVC-A110 8K AV擴音機到港 |《幽靈刺客》4K 藍光修復版 | Sony 電視可睇 Apple TV !? | 大單元 1More 全新無線耳機【本週熱話 | 24-Oct】
00:00 Paris開場
00:18《幽靈刺客》將於 12 月初推出 4K 藍光修復版影碟【藍光資訊】
由華納發行,改編自 Marvel 旗下嘅角色動作片《幽靈刺客》係90年代尾推出嘅電影作品, 1998年上映時全球票房勁收1億3千萬美金。由於電影大收,之後更加喺 2002 同 2004年推出第二同第三集,當時聲勢可謂一時無兩。近期都好多舊片會重新再做 4K 影碟,華納亦都宣佈將會喺 12月初推出《幽靈刺客》4K 藍光版,用上 4K HDR 影像規格同埋 Dolby Atmos 音效,而花絮部分就沿用之前所有嘅幕後訪談。由於華納早前已經放出咗一條修復版預告片,而且佢哋之前嘅 4K 修復藍光系列都一直保持住極高評價,預計呢套戲喺影音效果上都會值得大家期待!
01:17 傳 Sony 將為美國地區指定電視型號追加 Apple TV App 支援【電視資訊】
有美國媒體指出,Sony 電視最近宣布將會為指定型號嘅 Android 電視系列,推出 Apple TV App 功能支援。其實加入 Apple TV App 並非新鮮事,最先加入呢個功能包括有 Samsung 電視系列,之後 LG 電視系列亦喺支援名單之中。值得留意嘅係今次首次有 Android TV 可以對應 Apple TV 嘅功能,大家可直接利用電視上嘅 App 收睇 Apple TV+(Plus) 嘅原創内容,仲可以用到 Apple ID 帳戶買戲或者租戲睇添。如果係真嘅話,Sony TV 用家應該會好開心喇!
02:01《狂野時速》系列將以11集作終結 盛傳奇洛李維斯將加盟外傳續章【電影資訊】
原定會喺今年上映嘅新一集《狂野時速》因為受新冠疫情影響,將會推遲至下年4月2日。而導演亦都把握時間做後期製作,更盛傳《狂野時速》正傳將會以第11集作大結局!另外電影公司已經為外傳《狂野時速:雙雄聯盟》加開續集同埋添食作,為未來十年嘅系列發展作部署。而上個月女主角 Michelle 接受訪問時仲透露,《狂野時速 9》會加入飛車出「外太空」嘅場口添。而演員陣容除咗有元組班底外,兩位奧斯卡影后:查理絲花朗 同埋 海倫米蘭 都會繼續歸隊。而最近更傳出電影公司正密切考慮邀請《殺神 John Wick 》男星 奇洛李維加入添!令外傳故事更加具可觀性。
02:57 1More 全新無線耳機 ComfoBuds 13.4mm 單元聽出嚟係咩感覺?!【耳機資訊】
提到 1More 呢個品牌嘅耳機,第一時間應該會諗起「電競」喇!而最近佢哋再向大家日常使用嘅無線耳機入手, 推出全新 ComfoBuds!採用咗比一般無線耳機更大尺寸嘅單元。以往一般藍牙耳機都只有 5mm-6mm 甚或 8mm 嘅單元,大家已經相當滿意。但今次 ComfoBuds 用上更大嘅 13.4mm 單元,令到低音更澎湃,而人聲理論上亦都會更飽滿,聽感應該都會更有動態添!建議零售價只係 $429,真係非常有競爭力呀!
03:42 Denon AVC-A110 8K AV 擴音機 天龍 110週年家庭影院矚目第一擊【影音資訊】
天龍 Fans 要注意喇!110週年慶典已經嚟到香港喇!今次一嚟就一門四傑,你又會睇中邊件呢?小瑟日前就出席咗天龍嘅發佈會,佢哋仲請咗威廉Sir 講吓點睇今次四部唔同嘅 A110添!如果大家睇過啲網上資料,都知道今次週年版嘅新產品都係採用咗石墨銀配色,當眼處更加有 110週年慶標誌,用嚟突出特別版嘅特殊身份。由於四件新產品都經過品牌嘅專業團隊 Denon Sound Masters 作調音,並且全程喺日本製作,所以喺音質、用料、造工甚至係調音上都有另一番體會。大家最留意嘅一定係 AVC-A110 呢部 2020年 A1版本㗎喇,香港嘅定價係 $42,800,110週年只得一次,如果你係 Fans又會唔會入手呢?
⚡️圖文片 : https://post76.hk/news/2020/10/denon-a110-sony-apple-tv-blade-weekly-news/
⚡️討論帖 : https://bit.ly/3dPX6tk
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#Post76玩樂網 #Denon #Sony #1More #狂野時速 #幽靈刺客 #今期熱話
oct2002 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
The Philadelphia 76ers watched their second-half
lead shrink from 19 points to one, and they endured five changes of
possession in the final 20 seconds.
Somehow they hung on, surviving their second frantic finish in
as many nights to beat the Miami Heat 93-90 Friday.
"We had them on the ropes, but we couldn't knock them out,"
said Allen Iverson, who scored 35 points.
Miami missed three 3-pointers down the stretch that would have
tied the score, including an uncontested 24-footer by Lamar Odom
with two seconds to go.
"We played with guts, heart and determination," Odom said.
"But you can't get down 19 points against Philadelphia."
Iverson, who scored the game's final points on a basket with 21
seconds left, had a strange shooting night. He went 5-for-9 from
3-point range, 2-for-14 on two-point shots and 16-for-17 at the
free-throw line.
"I couldn't hit anything inside the arc," Iverson said. "But
fortunately I was able to get to the line and have a big night."
The NBA scoring leader is averaging 38.8 points in his past four
The 76ers, who defeated Chicago 83-82 on Thursday, lead the
Atlantic Division at 11-10 even though they've been hampered by
injuries. Philadelphia snapped a three-game road losing streak and
beat the Heat for the sixth time in a row.
"The fact that we're above .500 and leading our division says a
lot," guard Eric Snow said. "We've been through a lot, been
through the tough times, and we've survived."
They barely withstood a comeback by the Heat, who fell behind
73-54 with three minutes left in the third period before rallying.
Eddie Jones missed a 3-pointer that would have tied the game with
2:50 left, and another with 43 seconds to go. Miami's Brian Grant
rebounded the second miss and scored to cut the 76ers' lead to
Iverson's 18-footer made it 93-90. Then came a furious sequence.
Odom missed a running scoop shot, and Snow missed a breakaway
layup. Grant grabbed the rebound and threw the ball out of bounds
with five seconds left, but a bad pass by Philadelphia's Aaron
McKie gave the ball back to Miami.
Odom then missed from the top of the arc, and the 76ers' John
Salmons rebounded with one second left to clinch the victory.
"You can't let the comeback obscure the things we did wrong the
first 30 minutes," Miami coach Stan Van Gundy said. "The first
half was obviously the worst we've played all year."
Dwyane Wade scored 21 points for Miami. Jones, who missed his
first 10 shots and finished 7-for-22, scored 20. Odom went 5-for-17
and scored 19.
Philadelphia's Derrick Coleman, who has missed nine games with a
strained knee, played the entire fourth quarter and finished with
12 points and seven rebounds.
"I could have surgery," Coleman said. "But that would put me
out for a year, and I'm already 36 years old. I don't want to do
that. The pain is not that bad, although the back-to-back games are
The 76ers have won 13 of their past 15 games against Miami,
including two victories this season. They've won five straight at
The Heat had won four home games in a row.
Game notes
Miami's Caron Butler, who has struggled in limited duty
since undergoing knee surgery Oct. 4, didn't dress. Butler might be
ready to return to the starting lineup next week, Van Gundy said.
... Iverson's 35 points were the most against the Heat this season.
... The 76ers improved to 6-0 when leading at halftime. ... Iverson
had a steal in the fourth quarter to extend his streak to 44
consecutive games, the longest active streak in the NBA. ... Miami
center Loren Woods made his first start since Nov. 16, 2002,
replacing Udonis Haslem. Woods missed his first six free-throw
attempts. ... The Heat fell to 1-11 when their opponent shoots more
free throws.
oct2002 在 Barbara Katz-Chobert (oct2002) - Profile | Pinterest 的推薦與評價
See what Barbara Katz-Chobert (oct2002) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. ... <看更多>
oct2002 在 Kent live Gjøvik 18 Oct 2002 - full show - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Kent live at Fjellhall, Gjøvik 18 October 2002. Full show from the 1st generation dvd copy & MD master. For fans only never sell. ... <看更多>