panicle 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

A panicle is a branched raceme in which the branches are themselves racemes (e.g., yuccas, Yucca). In a compound umbel, all the umbel inflorescences arise ... ... <看更多>
圓錐花序. panicle. 以panicle 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物, panicle, 圓錐花序. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物 ... <看更多>
A panicle is a much-branched inflorescence. ... Some authors distinguish it from a compound spike inflorescence, by requiring that the flowers (and fruit) be ...
#2. panicle | plant anatomy | Britannica
A panicle is a branched raceme in which the branches are themselves racemes (e.g., yuccas, Yucca). In a compound umbel, all the umbel inflorescences arise ...
#3. panicle - 圓錐花序 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
圓錐花序. panicle. 以panicle 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物, panicle, 圓錐花序. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物
#4. Panicle Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of panicle is a compound racemose inflorescence.
#5. Panicle Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Panicle definition, a compound raceme. See more.
Panicle \Pan"i*cle\, n. [L. panicula a tuft on plants, dim. of panus the thread wound upon the bobbin in a shuttle; cf. Gr. ?, ?; prob. akin to E. pane: cf.
#7. Panicle definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Word lists with. panicle · the part of a plant that bears the reproductive organs · an inflorescence consisting of a spike, usually hanging, of much reduced ...
#8. Best 5 Definitions of Panicle - YourDictionary
Panicle meaning · A branched indeterminate inflorescence in which the branches are racemes, so that each flower has its own stalk (called a pedicel) attached to ...
#9. panicle | 例句
We asked whether computational analysis would be useful for the representation of panicle topology and asynchronous and differential processes involved with ...
Inflorescence terminal, erect, a panicle of heads; primary axis 50-150 cm, secondary axes 15-40 cm, peduncles 6-15 mm, with heads of hermaphroditic flowers.
#11. Panicle and seed image preparation. (a) The ... - ResearchGate
This type of image is used for panicle structure, spikelet/grain counting and ... For example, rice panicles vary considerably in the number and order of ...
#12. Panicle:|:圓錐花序:|:圆锥花序
Archives. Tag: #Panicle:|:圓錐花序:|:圆锥花序. June 20, 2017. james. -. Ormosia pachycarpa A1:Champ. ex Benth.:A1|茸莢紅豆|茸荚红豆. June 20, 2017.
#13. Diverse panicle architecture results from various combinations ...
Panicle architecture directly affects crop productivity and is a key target of high-yield rice breeding. Panicle length strongly affects ...
#14. Novel Imaging Techniques to Analyze Panicle Architecture
Panicle architecture is known to directly influence grain yield in rice, and thus is an important trait for rice varietal improvement.
#15. panicle-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: (botany) having a panicle.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"panicle"
#16. Genetic control of panicle architecture in rice - ScienceDirect
The rice panicle belongs to a kind of inflorescence with limited growth, consisting of primary branches, secondary branches, and spikelets on the branches. The ...
#17. Fire Light® - Panicle Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata
Proven Winners - Fire Light® - Panicle Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata pink red white white changing to pink-red plant details, information and resources.
#18. Bacterial Panicle Blight - CropLife Latin America
Bacterial Panicle Blight, the disease with the greatest impact on rice crops. Bacterial panicle blight (Donald Groth, 2011 and Cristo Pérez, 2011).
#19. definition of panicle by The Free Dictionary
n. A loosely branched inflorescence, especially a branching raceme. [Latin pānicula, feminine diminutive of pānus, a swelling, main stalk of a panicle.] ...
#20. APICAL SPIKELET ABORTION (ASA) Controls Apical Panicle ...
Panicle degradation causes severe yield reduction in rice. There are two main types of panicle degradation: apical spikelet abortion and ...
#21. Weed Gallery—Grasses - Panicle flower heads - UC IPM
Panicle flower heads. Roll over photos for more images. Click on the photos for more information on identification and biology.
#22. panicle - Wiktionary
Doublet of panocha. NounEdit. panicle (plural panicles). (botany) A compound raceme.
#23. Panicle Initiation | Trillium
Panicle Initiation. Embrace everlasting change to attain growth, for it's the stages along this mortal maize that define one's spirit.
#24. Oat yield through panicle components and growth regulator
In addition, this study aimed to identify potential variables of the panicle to compose the multiple linear regression model and the simulation of grain yield ...
#25. A quantitative staging system for describing rice panicle ...
Abstract Understanding panicle development in Oryza sativa L. is vital for agricultural management, but accurate identification of this ...
#26. Growth and Panicle Characters of Wheat with a Single ...
The number of panicles, panicle length, the number of grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight, the percentage of ripened grains (using a 2mm sieve), and the ...
#27. Panicle Worldwide
At Panicle Worldwide, we understand that we live in the fast-moving and rapidly changing world of Food and Travel business.
#28. Active Learning with Point Supervision for Cost ... - arXiv
Panicle density of cereal crops such as wheat and sorghum is one of the main components for plant breeders and agronomists in understanding the ...
#29. panicle在線翻譯 - 海词词典
panicle 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: compound raceme or branched cluster of flowers. panicle的用法和樣例:. 辭彙搭配.
#30. Guide to Growing Panicle Hydrangeas
This is why we recommend that you do not add any kind of potting mix, topsoil, compost, etc., when you plant a panicle hydrangea. As for pH, they can grow well ...
#31. Knowledge Bank | Panicle Rice Mites - Plantwise
The panicle rice mite (PRM) feeds on rice from seedling to grain maturity. PRM infests panicles, leaf veins and leaf sheaths (and so is also sometimes known ...
#32. 經驗證的贏家- 繡球花鍋。「Limelight」(Panicle ... - Amazon.com
Amazon.com: 經驗證的贏家- 繡球花鍋。「Limelight」(Panicle Hydrangea)灌木,白色/萊姆到粉紅色花朵,#3 - 尺寸容器: 露臺、草皮與花園.
#33. Environmental Influences on Panicle Differentiation and ...
Abstract. Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) has a juvenile phase after which the time to panicle initiation is reduced by short daylengths.
#34. Automated Counting of Rice Panicle by Applying Deep ... - MDPI
The number of panicles per unit area is a common indicator of rice yield and is of great significance to yield estimation, breeding, and phenotype analysis.
#35. Panicle Morphology Mutant 1 (PMM1) determines the ...
Panicle architecture is one of the main important agronomical traits that determine branch number and grain number in rice.
#36. Identifying panicle initiation in rice - NSW Department of ...
Panicle initiation (PI) is a growth stage that represents the start of the reproductive phase in rice development. It is when the.
#37. Panicle jointvetch | Business Queensland
Panicle jointvetch (Aeschynomene paniculata) is an invasive plant in Queensland and is not a restricted or prohibited plant under Queensland legislation.
#38. Rice Panicle Morphogenesis: Intercommunication Between ...
Its yield depends on tiller number, grain (seed) weight, and the number of grains per panicle. Grain number per panicle is determined by the ...
#39. Analysis of rice panicle traits and detection of QTLs using an ...
Controlling the grain number in rice panicles is essential for increasing the yield potential. Because this trait depends on some complicated panicle ...
#40. Panicle: Total Lawn Care & Plant Maintenance Glossary
Panicle. Definition: A loose branch cluster of flowers that bloom from the center or bottom of the stem. Common panicles are lilacs or baby's ...
#41. Inflorescences - Digital Flowers - University of Illinois
Panicle - a compound raceme; an indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on branches of the main axis or on further branches of these.
#42. Bacterial Panicle Blight and Burkholderia glumae - APS ...
Bacterial panicle blight (BPB), caused by the bacterium Burkholderia glumae, has affected rice production worldwide.
#43. Panicle Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find panicle stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#44. Panicle | Encyclopedia.com
panicle * A type of flowering shoot common in the grass family. The primary axis bears groups of racemes [1] and is itself racemose, as the youngest groups ...
#45. Bacterial panicle blight - SlideShare
The severely affected y panicles remain upright, as the grain does not fill. The term “panicle blight” has been used in the United States for more than 50 years ...
#46. Word of the Week: Panicle - High Park Nature Centre
Panicle [PAN-i-kuh l] (botany noun): A loose branching cluster of flowers. Panicles are recognized as much-branched inflorescence, ...
#47. panicle 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
The characteristics of vascular bundle in the first internode and grain-filling of heavy panicle hybrid rice (hphr) were studied. 摘要對重穗型雜交稻穗頸節間維 ...
#48. Hydrangea paniculata - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical ...
Larger flower panicles can be obtained by thinning the plants to 5-10 primary ... Hydrangea paniculata, commonly called panicle hydrangea, is a vigorous, ...
#49. Panicle Hydrangea 'Rensun' STRAWBERRY SUNDAE ...
Panicle Hydrangea 'Rensun' STRAWBERRY SUNDAE™ (Hydrangea paniculata) is a popular hybrid deciduous shrub. It typically grows 4 to 5 feet tall and 3 to 4 ...
#50. panicle - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
panicle · Botanya compound raceme. See illus. under inflorescence. · Botanyany loose, diversely branching flower cluster.
#51. Other Panicle-Feeding Bugs - Insect Pests of Sorghum - Texas ...
Other Panicle-Feeding Bugs. Rice Stink Bug, Oebalus pugnax (Fabricius); Southern Green Stink Bug, Nezara viridula (L.); Conchuela, Chlorochroa ligata (Say); ...
#52. panicle - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
panicle. KK[ˋpænɪk!] DJ[ˋpænikl]. 美式. n. 【植】圓錐花(序). Dr.eye 譯典通. panicle. 圓錐花序. PyDict. 所在位置未知更新疑難排解 · 會員登入.
#53. Panicle - ECW Press
In Panicle, Gillian Sze makes her readers look and, more importantly, look again. It's a collection that challenges our notion of seeing as a passive or ...
#54. Panicle - UC Davis
A panicle is where "all inflorescences in which the spikelets are not borne on the main axis but occur on branches." (Jones, 1985; pg. 92) Some observeable ...
#55. Panicle Differentiation and Spikelet Number Related to - jstor
ABSTRACT. The size of the developing panicle of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leek during panicle differentiation (from panicle initiation to the ...
#56. panicle - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
panicle Add to list Share. Definitions of panicle. noun. compound raceme or branched cluster of ... Word Family. paniclepanicles · the "panicle" family ...
#57. Effect of temperature on time to panicle initiation and leaf ...
Leaf-tip appearance and duration from planting to panicle initiation (PI) are important developmental processes in cereals.
#58. Bacterial Panicle Blight | Pests & Diseases - Plantix
Light- to medium-brown discoloration of grains. Later, grains may turn gray, black or pink, from other bacteria or fungi. Panicles remain upright.
#59. PANICLE | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
A loose branching cluster of flowers, as in oats. 'It is a shrub or small tree with simple, alternate, unlobed leaves, panicles of white flowers in the spring ...
#60. What is a Panicle Hydrangea Flower? - Cutting Edge Plants
Botanically, a panicle is an inflorescence made up of many smaller "branches". Simply defined in botany texts as a much-branched or many- ...
#61. How to Grow and Care for Panicle Hydrangea - Gardener's Path
Panicle hydrangeas are cold-tolerant shrubs that produce huge, showy clusters of blooms. Learn how to grow Hydrangea paniculata now on ...
#62. miR156f integrates panicle architecture through genetic ...
Rice (Oryza sativa) panicle architecture is the major determinant of the ideal plant architecture that directly influence yield potential.
#63. panicle - Meaning in Hindi - Shabdkosh
A panicle is a much-branched inflorescence. Some authors distinguish it from a compound spike inflorescence, by requiring that the flowers be pedicellate.
#64. panicle - Victoria College
Panicle - compound inflorescence; a cluster of associated spikes, racemes or corymbs (Fig 5).
#65. Sorghum panicle extraction from unmanned aerial system data
Attributes of sorghum panicle is a very important to assess overall crop condition, irrigation, and estimation of terminal yield.
#66. Overview - for PANICLE LIMITED (07535262) - Companies ...
PANICLE LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, ...
#67. Some Panicle Characters of Sorgo - 第 7 頁 - Google 圖書結果
I. Panicle Toose , open , branches spreading to horizontal or drooping . Rachis two - thirds as long as to equaling the panicle ; spikelets usually awned .
#68. Pastel Pink Panicle Grass – Rose Clover
Pastel Pink Panicle Grass. £8.50. Default Title. Quantity: Minus Plus. Add to Cart. Sold per stem. Stem length - approx 60cm. Pastel Pink Panicle Grass.
#69. Hydrangea paniculata - Environmental Horticulture
Mature Panicle Hydrangea. Panicle Hydrangea. 1. Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 ... blooms appear in six to eight-inch-long panicles, the.
#70. Panicle Pictures, Images and Stock Photos - iStock
Search from 10813 Panicle stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else.
#71. Panicle | Topic | Microsoft Academic
A panicle is a much-branched inflorescence. Some authors distinguish it from a compound spike inflorescence, by requiring that the flowers (and fruit) be ...
#72. Panicle | CBC Books
In Panicle, Gillian Sze makes her readers look and, more importantly, look again. It's a collection that challenges our notion of seeing as ...
#73. FRIZZY PANICLE is required to prevent the formation of ...
FRIZZY PANICLE is required to prevent the formation of axillary meristems and to establish floral meristem identity in rice spikelets.
#74. 400+ Free Panicle & Tomatoes Images - Pixabay
Related Images: tomatoesfoodvegetablestomato paniclevine tomatoeshealthygardenclose upred. Panicle images for free download. Browse or use the filters to ...
#75. What is a Panicle? (with pictures) - HomeQuestionsAnswered
A panicle is a cluster of flowers which grows on the end of a branch or shoot. Panicles are a type of flower cluster known as a raceme.
#76. Eminent panicle hydrangeas - Arnold Arboretum
and the magnificent panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata). With temperatures high and the sun intense, now is the perfect time to breathe ...
#77. Panicle Hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata - Mount Auburn ...
One late-blooming plant, that always extends the lushness of summer flowers, well past Labor Day, is the Panicle Hydrangea, ...
#78. P-TRAP: a Panicle Trait Phenotyping tool - Sapientia
For example, rice panicles vary considerably in the number and order of branches, elongation of the axis, and the shape and size of the seed.
#79. 'Limelight' Panicle Hydrangea – Great Garden Plants
'Limelight' Panicle Hydrangea. $19.99. (23) View reviews & questions. Description. Humongous, football-sized blooms last over 16 weeks!
#80. Discovery that Connects - Cornell Blogs
High resolution phenotyping reveals genetic sources of panicle structure in rice. rice-lab Susan McCouch (SIPS Section ...
#81. Hydrangea paniculata (Panicle Hydrangea) - Gardenia.net
Native to China and Japan, Hydrangea paniculata (Panicle Hydrangea) is a deservedly popular deciduous shrub. Tough, cold-hardy, easy-care, long-lived, ...
#82. Botany of Paddy - TNAU Agritech Portal
Varieties differ in the number of leaves produced. The topmost leaf below the panicle is the flag leaf. The flag leaf contributes largely to the filling of ...
#83. Panicle hydrangeas: 3 no-fail choices for reliable blooms
Commonly called panicle hydrangeas, there's a lot to love about Hydrangea paniculata. Here are just a few of the things that make this species so darn ...
#84. panicle - Englisch-Italienisch Übersetzung | PONS
Übersetzungen für panicle im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Englisch»Italienisch). Weitere Übersetzungen und typische Wortverbindungen mit dem ...
#85. Panicle Hydrangea | The Joy of Plants
Panicle Hydrangeas work anywhere in pots, provided that the pot is spacious enough: the plants need space to grow and enough room in the soil to retain moisture ...
#86. How to Prune Panicle Hydrangeas - FineGardening
Pruning Basics for Panicle Hydrangeas. (Hydrangea paniculata and cvs., Zones 3–8). You may have purchased a panicle hydrangea either as a shrub or as a ...
#87. P-Trap - Quantitative Plant
P-TRAP: a Panicle Trait Phenotyping tool ... P-TRAP software (for Panicle TRAits Phenotyping), is a free and new open source software that automatically ...
#88. 28. Interaction between genes for panicle density in rice
In order to elucidate the interaction between two different genes controlling panicle density, the dense panicle mutant, carrying a single recessive gene, dn-3, ...
#89. Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice Observed in Multiple Delta Fields
Bacterial panicle blight has been a rare disease in MS rice production systems. Over the past several years, bacterial panicle blight has ...
#90. The OsOXO2, OsOXO3 and OsOXO4 Positively Regulate Panicle ...
BACKGROUND: Although panicle blast is more destructive to yield loss than leaf blast in rice, the cloned genes that function in panicle blast resistance are ...
#91. panicle是什么意思? panicle翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
panicle 的解释是:圆锥花序… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:panicle的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#92. Browsing Staff publications (CDS) by Subject "Panicle counting"
In-field assessment of rice panicle yields accurately and automatically has been one of the key ways to realize high-throughput rice breeding in the modern ...
#93. Panicle Architecture of Rice and its Relationship with Grain ...
Poor starch synthesis in inferior basal spikelets of panicle in the post-anthesis stage of grain development results in the accumulation of unused soluble ...
#94. Inheritance of Panicle Type, Height, and Straw Strength of ...
SCOTLAND Club spring oat (C.I. 75\8),3Avena saliva. L., is a short type with stiff straw and a dense panicle. Murphy et al. (6) reported this variety best ...
#95. Definition and synonyms of panicle in the English dictionary
A panicle is a much-branched inflorescence. Some authors distinguish it from a compound spike, by requiring that the flowers are pedicellate.
#96. DEP1 - Dense and erect panicle 1 - Triticum sphaerococcum - DEP1 ...
Dense and erect panicle 1Imported. <p>Information which has been imported from another database using automatic procedures.
#97. White Leaf and Panicle 2, encoding a PEP-associated protein,is ...
White Leaf and Panicle 2, encoding a PEP-associated protein,is required for chloroplast biogenesis under heat stress in rice. October 24 th, 2017.
panicle 在 Panicle - Wikipedia 的相關結果
A panicle is a much-branched inflorescence. ... Some authors distinguish it from a compound spike inflorescence, by requiring that the flowers (and fruit) be ... ... <看更多>