獲Wolf Blass Wines邀請,去台北出席Wolf Blass全球頂級醞釀葡萄酒品鑒會,由首席釀酒師Chris Hatcher 帶領數十位傳媒、KOL、業內人士一齊盲品12款2016年嘅頂級醞釀葡萄酒,當中有著名酒莊如波爾多 Château Lafite Rothschild,還有意大利Sassicaia、智利@Almaviva及美國@Dominus 等,當然也有來自澳洲嘅Wolf Blass以盲品形式去評分,然後大家一齊開估!出嚟結果係好驚喜,Wolf Blass Grey Label 同Black Label在2個flight內都排頭2名!而我覺得自己味蕾都唔錯,2個flight都選咗Lafite第一、Wolf Blass第二或三!😆😆🍷
Got invited by Wolf Blass Wines & attended the Wolf Blass Blend Classification Comparative Tasting with media, KOL & wine trade representatives, guided by master winemaker Chris Hatcher, to blind taste 12 renowned blended wines together & compare which one we like most. The 2 flights include world renowned wines like Chateau Lafite Rothschild from Bordeaux, @Sassiccaia from Italy, Almaviva from Chile & @Dominus from US as well as Wolf Blass from Australia. We all blind tasted them and gave our own marks and revealed the results together! It’s very impressive to see that Wolf Blass Grey Label & Black Label being ranked in the first 2 spots in both flights! I’m also so delighted that my palate is actually not bad, as I ranked Lafite as No.1 & Wolf Blass on the top 3 in both flights! 😆😆🍷
#wine #winetasting #blindtasting #taipei #travel #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園
#WolfBlassMBC #TPE #WolfBlassHK #WolfBlass天賦之味 #lafite #sassicaia #pichonlalande #dominus #almaviva Dominus Estate Sassicaia Almaviva Winery Chateau Lafite Rothschild Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse De Lalande Wolf Blass Wines
pichonlalande 在 畢明 Facebook 的精選貼文
近日在面書上見兩位朋友先後都開了82 Pichon Lalande來喝,都說是頂峰表現,不應再等了,我心癢癢便又開一瓶來喝。35歲,很久不見了。
//從來我對Pichon Lalande有感情分,它是我的芝麻開門,令我愛上葡萄酒的是它,82年的Pichon Lalande更是無人不知的絕作,早獲得Robert Parker給了整整的100分(先後七次):“One of the monumental wines of the last century is the 1982 Pichon Lalande. Since bottling, it has flirted with perfection”。//