迎接光輝的4月26日 #世界智慧財產權日,美國在台協會舉辦網路投票活動,邀請粉絲測試 #我們與惡的距離 🤪 由於題目實在出得太好了,小編讚嘆之餘,也忍不住要推薦大家一起投票去‼️
#台美友好 #拒絕山寨
In the run up to #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay on April 26, the American Institute in #Taiwan has launched an internet poll to raise awareness for #IP protections, encouraging people to watch TV shows like Taiwanese hit show 我們與惡的距離 The World Between Us by legal means, rather than streaming or downloading them illegally. Why not take part?
#RespectArtists #PiracyIsTheft
《#智慧財產權週 小測驗》
台灣優質戲劇《我們與惡的距離》迎來精采大結局,相信當天晚上很多網友都守在電視機、手機前,或利用正版影音平台收看,但是大家知道在上禮拜,中國網站上竟然早就有完結篇的影片流傳嗎? 這是嚴重侵犯智慧財產權的行為,無視劇組和演員的用心。在智慧財產權週,我們呼籲大家堅決抵制盜版,一起支持台灣好戲,並避免觸法。#我們與侵權的距離 #IntellectualPropertyWeek #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay #IntellectualProperty #世界智慧財產權日
A: 堅決不點,支持正版
B: 點進去,不看白不看
The World Between Us” is a popular Taiwan TV series that ended last Sunday night. Many of you were probably watching it on TV, on your phones, or on original video platforms. But did you know that the final episode was already leaked sometime last week on Chinese websites? This is an infringement of intellectual property rights. During the IP Week, we urge everyone to counter piracy, support Taiwan’s film industry, and avoid violating the law. #TheIPBetweenUs
If you happen to see a link to a pirated video online, you should:
A: NOT click on it and instead support the original version
B: Click and watch it since it’s free and you’re not the one who pirated it