#格格便当 27/2/17
- #芒果蝦
- #豆腐花园
- #长豆萝卜樱花蝦
- #紫米饭_发芽糙米
- #自制有机黑豆浆
- Mango Prawns
- Tofu Garden
- Sautéed Long Beans w Carrot and Sakura Shirmps
- Purple Rice / Germinated Brown Rice
- Homemade Organic Black Soya Milk
I was trying to follow 'My Healthy Plate' portions guidelines today. Well, I guess it was a little too heavy on protein and need to add more veg and fruit to achieve the balance. The Tofu Garden was surprisingly easy to make! They tasted yummy!Crispy on both sides and still soft and tender in between. They added so much fun to the bento too. Simply cut the tofu using cookies cutter and pan fry them in pan with a little oil. You may refer to comments column below for more pictures.
The Mango Prawns on the other hand, was not perfect. Let's blame it on the over riped mango?? Haha...
It has been a while since I wrote anything in English. It simply takes up too much time to do bilingual at certain days when I have to juggle between work, being a mum and at the same time doing research for my Page. The Diet and Nutrition course is taking up much of my time and I am pleased to complete Food Hygiene Audit course last week! Almost everyone is my class are in F&B and I am the only one making bento at home!
这个星期没有藉口,御膳房便当部重新启动!雄心勃勃做了芒果蝦,咳咳咳,失败哦,应该不能用太熟的芒果吧,是一道需要很有爱心才能包容的料理!(掩面哭泣)大家千万不要跟我要食谱啊…… 幸好可爱的豆腐花园好好吃,外脆里嫩,剩下的豆腐可以加在肉碎里晚餐做丸子,不会浪费的。留言栏有更多照片。