Getting our home Raya-ready with these Unilever Home Care products - CIF multipurpose cleaner, Sunlight dishwashing liquid, Breeze detergent and Comfort fabric conditioner. Even tho it’s MCO, I still want to celebrate Raya with my own little family and eat Raya dishes and wear baju Raya (at least on the first day of Raya). 🥳
Unilever is having a promotion right now, where you can get a set of Hello Kitty bowls with a minimum purchase of RM25 on any Unilever Home Care products at your nearest super/hyper market. It’s super cute, you pink/Hello Kitty lovers don’t wanna miss this!
Selamat Hari Raya, guys. I hope everyone is staying safe and let’s keep our home nice and clean (we have plenty of time to do that now).😊
#RayawithUnileverHomeCare #BreezeMY #SunlightMY #ComfortMY #CifMY #izareviews