I'm a self-confessed workaholic who LOVES her job😍
I genuinely DO wake up every day looking forward to what I can create every day, whether it's a show, event, resort or attraction - whenever I sense the magic in a place, a concept or a story, my mind doesn't stop working till I make it happen.
What drives me is that IMAGE of the finished product, and picturing the JOY and excitement on the faces of other people sharing this experience. And that's enough to inspire me to work day and night to make it happen.
Team Enfiniti (M) Sdn Bhd is hustling hard to bounce back post 2020, with a vengeance.
#entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #inspiration #workaholic #Pivot #Hustle #TeamEnfinitiAtWork #StayCurious #StayHungry #RisingFromTheAshes #ilovemyjob #EnfinitiMakesMagic