In this line Is not about how fast or how high one can go, is about how far and how much differences one can make to the people around ! Back then when I was being crowned as Miss World Malaysia, all laughed at my dreams and most disheartening was people tried to stop me from pursuing my 1st PhD, I just keep working hard while studying, well this is my 11th anniversary as Miss World Malaysia and yeah I am announcing that I am continuing my 2nd PhD in Artistic Production at the top 1 technological university in Spain ranked by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), University Polytechnic of Valencia @instaupv thank u for accepting me !!! Thank you all for your support and hope to produce more art for u all !!!
在这个行业不是拼最快或最高而是谁可以去更远更久还有可以影响更多的人迈向成功道路!还记得刚刚获得马来西亚世界小姐时,所有人都笑我的梦想,很多也骂我疯去念博士,但是我还是坚持做对的事,一步一脚印去实现自己的梦想,今年是我当选马来西亚世界小姐的第十一周年,也正式公布会正式在西班牙最顶级的科技大学 @instaupv 秀我的第二个艺术博士 !感谢感恩大家的支持,希望接下来可以制作更多作品给大家!!!
Dalam bidang seni bukanlah hanya utk populariti sementara atau utk hanya berbanding tapi ia utk bimbingan kpd semua utk pergi lebih dalam dan jauh !!! Masa dulu bila dinobat dengan Miss World Malaysia , banyak yg perli impianku malah ada yg Cuba menghalang perjalanan PhD pertamaku , tapi Wincci masih berjuang secara diam, tahun ni merupakan tahun ke 11 sebagai Miss World Malaysia, dan secara rasminya Wincci umumkan Wincci akan sambung PhD ke2 Wincci kat top 1 technologi Uni kat Spain iaitu @instaupv utk PhD Dalam Produksi Seni =) jutaan penghargaan kpe semua yg sentiasa menyokong perjalanan impian Wincci =)