【Give State Theatre the best heritage conservation outcome】
Walk in Hong Kong learns that New World Development Group has today applied for a compulsory sale order on State Theatre Building in North Point “with a view to conserve” the part of the complex that is the former State Theatre. In welcoming this development, Walk in Hong Kong, which has consistently campaigned for State Theatre since 2016, urges New World Development Group to make the conservation of the landmark a reality, and that it will do so by following the highest international heritage conservation standards. Furthermore, the company should protect and enhance the heritage value of State Theatre when converting the use of the building (it currently functions as a snooker hall and includes a G/F shopping arcade), so that the legacy of the landmark can live on.
Specifically, Walk in Hong Kong calls for the exterior of State Theatre, which includes the building's iconic "arch bridge" roof structure, to be kept. The building's internal two-level structure should also stay. In addition, Walk in Hong Kong urges New World Development Group to respect the history of the cultural landmark and factor in local community needs when deciding the future use of the building, so that it can once again be a place to be enjoyed by many.
Walk in Hong Kong would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the public for their support for State Theatre in the past couple of years. We will closely watch New World Development Group's plans for the conservation of State Theatre. We also stand ready to offer any assistance or support in this process; the aim is this gem of our city will receive the best heritage conservation outcome.
#保育皇都戲院 #保育香港娛樂史 #活現皇都 #活現香港 #真保育 #SaveOurState #StateTheatre #HeritageConservation #HKEntertainmentHistory #WalkinHK
saveourstate 在 Making Film 正在電影 Facebook 的最佳解答
[MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN!] State Theatre has today been proposed to be a Grade 1 historic building in Hong Kong! We wholeheartedly thank the public for the great interest, support and affection you’ve shown for this wonderful treasure of Hong Kong over the past year. We are also very pleased the Antiquities Advisory Board made a professional and fair decision that does justice to the exemplary value of State Theatre. Reason wins the day.
A Grade 1 historic building in Hong Kong is one “of outstanding merit, which every effort should be made to preserve if possible”. This status will give State Theatre a better chance of protection. There is still plenty to do in the days and months ahead for good heritage conservation of the theatre. But together we can try to make it happen. Stay tuned.
#活現皇都 #關注皇都戲院 #感動中 #皇都戲院 #活現香港 #SaveOurState #StateTheatre #ReasonWinsTheDay
saveourstate 在 黃耀明 Anthony Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
那邊廂“牛頭角紅館”即將逝去,北角這邊其實可以重新將它變回作劇院或live house的用途,就像London 的 O2 Brixton Academy 或者 Shepherd Bush Empire, 它的地點,氛圍與容量正好作這用途。試想想如果皇都加上新光,那北角就會變成一個小小 West End。How Cool!
【活現皇都,立體呈現!】9月8日古物諮詢委員會舉行公開會議,議程未有提及皇都戲院,但古物古蹟辦事處卻背離會議常規,突然在會議中提交皇都戲院研究報告及討論。大家慨嘆,何以古蹟辦連這樣都要如此閃縮「玩突襲」,不能有規有矩、光明磊落?而平情而論,報告實在先入為主,輕輕帶過皇都戲院社會價值,並指改裝成桌球室令皇都「失去戲院氛圍」,卻迴避指出「戲院結構尚存」這個關鍵事實。有賴一班 #香港公開大學 動畫及視覺特效四年級生仗義幫助,我們特別製作了這條精彩短片,以3D模型方法呈現皇都,作為民間最直接的回應。
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1. 聯署促請古物諮詢委員會委員將皇都戲院評為一級歷史建築,並確保這香港瑰寶能得以保育。聯署網頁:http://goo.gl/HDy2RJ
2. 加入「民間保育隊」,我們需要大量人手製圖、做資料搜集及口述歷史,並為籌備成立「民間古蹟辦」提供支援。有興趣請電郵: saveourstate@walkin.hk , 標題請註明:民間保育隊
3. 與我們分享皇都戲院的故事、物件、相片或任何藏品。請電郵: saveourstate@walkin.hk
#活現皇都 #活現香港 #關注皇都戲院 #SaveOurState #StateTheatre #NorthPoint #3D呈現 #暗角玩突襲