北卡羅來納大學助理教授Zeynep Tufekci寫道,在印度發現的新變種病毒比此前的英國變種更容易傳播,全球需要立即採取行動:在威脅最大的地方對最脆弱的人進行廣泛的疫苗接種。
紐約州的Excelsior Pass,它於3月推出,是美國第一個也是唯一一個政府頒發的疫苗護照,目前僅對在該州接種過疫苗的人開放。官員們希望它可以幫助紐約人對企業的安全充滿信心,並啟動仍在大流行期間遭受損失的全州經濟。但為了實現這一點,他們需要更多的人和企業開始使用它,並需要疫苗護照被更普遍地接受。
#Moderna成為最新一家向美國食品和藥物管理局申請完全批准其 Covid-19 疫苗用於18歲及以上人群的製藥公司。FDA的批准將允許該公司直接向消費者銷售疫苗,並有助於提高公眾對疫苗的信心。
#隨著新的冠狀病毒病例降至每天 20 例以下,以色列週二停用了其綠色通行證系統,現在將允許接種疫苗和未接種疫苗的公民,都能進入餐廳、體育賽事、文化活動等。對聚會規模的限制也已取消。
#冠狀病毒已奪走剛果民主共和國 32名立法者的性命,超過其議會的5%,這反映了冠狀病毒如何繼續在世界某些地區構成廣泛威脅。
*【歐洲七國簽發Covid數據旅行“簽證” 】
據工會稱,有網路駭客週二對全球最大肉類加工商進行攻擊,迫使美國 9 家牛肉工廠關閉,並中斷了家禽和豬肉工廠的生產。JBS 公司表示,其大部分工廠將於週三重新開放。但據Daily Livestock Report 的分析師稱,即使是 JBS 的一天中斷也可能“顯著影響”批發牛肉價格。白宮表示,JBS遭勒索軟件攻擊,而這也是近來第二起破壞美國關鍵業務運營的駭客攻擊事件。
1921年,白人暴徒襲擊了奧克拉荷馬州塔爾薩一個繁榮的非裔美國人社區,造成多達300人死亡,1250 多所房屋被毀。塔爾薩大屠殺是美國歷史上最嚴重的種族主義暴力事件之一,卻在很大程度上被歷史書所忽視。拜登是100年來首位就這一事件訪問該地區的美國總統。
「ship certificate」的推薦目錄:
ship certificate 在 海洋首都中的航海家 Facebook 的最讚貼文
國際船長協會(IFSMA)於今晨發布重磅消息,籲請各船船長為遵守各項國際公約(SOLAS,MLO,MARPOL,ISM,SMS….)發函給船旗國及公司主管(DPA): 在船員遣返,醫療救護,船員情緒,等影響安全之問題未獲解決之前, 船舶將於到達第一港口之後,不在開航!!!Dear Shipmaster, NOTICE TO ALL SHIPMASTERS We, the members of the IFSMA Executive Council and the IFSMA Secretariat do hope that this letter finds you, your crews and all your families safe and well wherever you are. This global COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on all the maritime industry, but it is you the seafarer who must not be forgotten. We hope you are all aware of the work that the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) together with IFSMA and other key non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are putting in on your behalf to enable crew changes to take place. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), supported by its affiliated unions, have been working closely with IFSMA to put pressure on Governments to start taking measures to ensure this happens to keep you, the seafarers, safe and for ships to trade safely around the world. To date, a relatively small number of steps have been taken by relatively few nations, since most are only concentrating on their internal domestic struggles against the global COVID-19 pandemic and are sometimes seemingly oblivious to your plight at sea. Since the pandemic was declared by WHO in February, many Governments and International Organisations rightly declared Force Majeure for keeping you at sea. IFSMA wishes to reiterate that it now considers this no longer appropriate. Shipmasters, their crews and all in authority in the Shipping Industry remain subject to normal contractual conditions in accordance with the ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention and all IMO Codes, Conventions, Rules and Regulations. Easing of Restrictions NOT being Extended Shipmasters share the responsibility of their ship owners and ship operator employers for the safety and welfare of their crew and for the protection of the marine environment and it is for this reason IFSMA writes personally to you today. The IMO has issued industry developed Crew Change Protocols for the guidance of nations. Despite many nations starting to ease lockdown restrictions, not all have been extended to facilitate crew changes; those that have been implemented have been driven by shipowners, crew managers and unions, with little help from nations. Notwithstanding that a recent small number of repatriations and crew changes are showing some signs of becoming easier, IFSMA is increasingly concerned that there is now clear potential for the wholly unwarranted criminalisation of the Shipmaster if a maritime incident takes place in which tiredness and the mental health of their officers and crew are subsequently found to have undermined the safe operation of their ship.
International Federation of Shipmasters‘ Associations IFSMA • IMarEST • 1 Birdcage Walk • London SW1H 9JJ • United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 7261 0450 • Fax: +44 20 3468 2134 • Email: HQ@ifsma.org • Website: www.ifsma.org Beware Fatigue IFSMA wishes to remind all Shipmasters of their responsibility to protect themselves and their crew against attempts of suicides, fatigue, caused by long working days and extended tours of duty, as enshrined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978 and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (as amended). Your attention is also drawn to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 Regulation 34-1 which clearly states:- “The owner, the charterer, the company operating the ship as defined in regulation IX/1, or any other person shall not prevent or restrict the master of the ship from taking or executing any decision which, in the master’s professional judgement, is necessary for the safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment” ISM Code/SMS/MLC The International Safety Management (ISM) Code also states that the Company should ensure that the Safety Management System (SMS) operating on board the ship contains a clear statement emphasising the master's authority. The Company should establish in the SMS that the master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the Company's assistance as and when may be necessary. Finally, IFSMA draws your attention to MLC Regulation 5.1.5, On-board complaints procedures. If, despite your best efforts as master, you feel the safety of your ship and crew is compromised due to lack of support from the shipowner or other factors, because: 1. Your crew is significantly beyond their contract term 2. Your crew is fatigued 3. You are short handed 4. You are concerned about the safe operation of your ship 5. You do not have sufficient PPE including sanitisers/testing (etc) 6. You do not have access to appropriate supplies including medicines 7. You cannot get access to urgent medical and urgent dental services ashore 8. Your crew is not provided free wifi/internet contact with home 9. Your crew want to go home Then: You have a duty and responsibility to report this to the shipowner (whose name and address must be stated on your seafarers’ employment agreement and the MLC Certificate carried onboard). Put the interests of your crew first. If they are not being granted their full MLC entitlements, such as: repatriation, access to medical care, entitlement to nutritious food, water and other supplies, then register their complaints with the shipowner.
International Federation of Shipmasters‘ Associations IFSMA • IMarEST • 1 Birdcage Walk • London SW1H 9JJ • United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 7261 0450 • Fax: +44 20 3468 2134 • Email: HQ@ifsma.org • Website: www.ifsma.org Under both SOLAS and the ISM Code you also have an obligation to report significant safety issues to the Shipowner (DPA) and the flag State and ensure you advise your Associations and Unions of what you are doing. You need to do this for your own protection from possible criminalisation in the event of a maritime incident, and for the safety of your crew and others. In the event that the issues you raise are not satisfactorily resolved you are entitled to refuse to sail on entry into your next port. Enclosed with this letter is a list of some of the points you might also wish to consider including in any Report/Complaint to your DPA or Administration Take care and keep safe and remember that IFSMA, the ITF and your unions stand behind you and are here to give you full support. On behalf of the IFSMA Executive Council and the IFSMA Secretariat,
ship certificate 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【⚠️ #防疫入境 FAQs】
FAQ concerning visa and immigration control measures taken in response to the #NovelCoronavirus outbreak
(🇬🇧 English version 👇👇👇)
🔺 簽證及居留證類
Q1⃣:外籍人士如果過去14天內曾入境或居住於 #中國、#香港 或 #澳門,即使適用免簽、落地簽證、電子簽證待遇,或已持有有效簽證,是否仍無法入境我國?
A2⃣:不可以。#中央流行疫情指揮中心 公告自 #2月6日 起中國、香港及澳門均列為 #二級以上流行地區,駐外館也不再受理簽證申請。
Q3⃣:已有 #外僑居留證 的外籍人士,如果過去14天內曾經入境或居住於中國、香港或澳門,還可以返回臺灣嗎?
A3⃣:可以。但過去14天內曾經入境或居住於中國、香港、澳門者,入境後必須遵守中央流行疫情指揮中心公布的「具感染風險民眾追蹤管理機制」,配合 #居家檢疫 14天。
🔺 入出境及查驗類
A4⃣:曾在中國大陸、香港、澳門過境轉機的外國人士,可以入境我國。但轉機日期在入境我國前14天內的,入境後均須作 #14天居家檢疫。
Q6⃣:入境限制相關規定中,#14天 如何計算?
🔺 其他
A🔟:相關規範是參考世界衛生組織發布的疫情訊息,以及歐美和鄰近國家所採取的入境管制措施所訂定的,並將 #視疫情發展隨時調整。
最新的簽證及入境規定,將公告於外交部、#外交部領事事務局,以及我國各 #駐外館處 的官方網站。
疫情相關諮詢與回報請打 #防疫專線1922
🔺 Visas and residency
Q1⃣: If foreign nationals have entered or resided in the People’s Republic of China, including Hong Kong and Macao, within the past 14 days, and are eligible for visa-free, landing visa, or e-visa treatment, or are in possession of a valid visa, are they still barred from entry into the Republic of China (Taiwan)?
A1⃣: They are barred. Any foreign national who has entered or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, within the past 14 days may not enter the Republic of China (Taiwan) even if eligible for visa-free, landing visa, or e-visa treatment or if in possession of a valid visa.
Q2⃣: If foreign nationals have entered or resided in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, over the past 14 days but have a special reason to enter Taiwan, may they apply at ROC missions abroad for a visa?
A2⃣: They may not. The Central Epidemic Command Center has announced that from February 6, all areas of the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, are listed as being severely affected by the novel coronavirus outbreak (areas of level 2 or higher). Thus, even where special circumstances exist, ROC missions abroad will not accept visa applications for anyone having entered or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, within the last 14 days.
Q3⃣: May foreign nationals in possession of a valid Taiwan Resident Certificate who have entered or resided in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, over the past 14 days return to Taiwan?
A3⃣: They may. However, as all areas of the PRC are now designated level 2 or higher—severely affected by the novel coronavirus outbreak—anyone who has entered or resided in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, shall, after passing through immigration, abide by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) Measures for Following Up on Persons at Risk of Infection and self-quarantine at home for 14 days.
※ Notes concerning home self-quarantine: (CECC Feb. 5 update)
🔸 Where the relevant authority has issued a Novel Coronavirus Health Declaration and Home Quarantine Notice, the individual is to wear a surgical mask and return home for home quarantine.
🔸 The local borough chief or borough clerk shall call the individual every day during the 14-day period to ask about the individual’s health status, and shall record the information obtained on a Health Status Record.
🔸 During the quarantine period, the individual is to stay at home (or designated location) and not go out, and may not leave the country or use public transport.
🔸 Symptomatic individuals will be sent to designated medical facilities for tests; the relevant health authority will also begin active monitoring.
🔸 Individuals not adhering to the CECC’s prevention measures will be penalized under the Communicable Disease Control Act and, where circumstances warrant, be forcibly placed.
For other information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website at https://www.cdc.gov.tw or call the Communicable Disease Prevention and Reporting Hotline at 1922.
🔺 Immigration and inspection
Q4⃣: May foreign nationals, who ever transited through the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, be allowed to enter Taiwan?
A4⃣: They may. However, foreign nationals who ever transited through the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the past 14 days before arriving in Taiwan shall self-isolate at their home and be under home quarantine for a period of 14 days.
Q5⃣: May foreigners who have entered or resided in China enter Taiwan if they have stayed in one or more other countries for 14 days or longer since leaving China?
A5⃣: The current temporary visa and entry restrictions apply to foreigners who have entered or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, within the past 14 days. If, upon arrival in Taiwan, a foreigner has not entered or resided in the aforementioned regions in the last 14 days, the original regulations shall apply.
Q6⃣: How is the 14-day window calculated with respect to these entry restrictions?
A6⃣: The 14-day window refers to the 14 days prior to entering Taiwan. For instance, if one were to enter Taiwan on February 15, the 14-day window would extend from February 1 to February 14.
Q7⃣: How will the government determine whether or not a foreigner has visited the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the past 14 days?
A7⃣: This will be determined based on the foreign traveler’s passport entry/exit stamps or airplane/ship ticket(s) from the previous trip(s).
Q8⃣: May ROC citizens who possess dual citizenship and have entered or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the past 14 days enter Taiwan using a foreign passport?
A8⃣: No. Foreign passport holders who have entered or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the past 14 days and do not possess a valid Taiwan Resident Certificate may not enter Taiwan.
Q9⃣: Will foreign travelers be stopped from entering Taiwan and deported at the airport if they have entered or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the past 14 days? And if the airlines mistakenly allowed them to take their flight, or the travelers were unaware of the current restrictions, will such foreign travelers be allowed to travel to a third location?
A9⃣: All foreigners failing to abide by related ROC (Taiwan) regulations shall be deported to the country from which they arrived. They may be deported to a third location depending on airline arrangements and their own eligibility.
🔺 Other questions
Q🔟: Were these measures based on those of another country? If not, what standards were used in their formulation?
A🔟: When formulating these regulations, epidemic information released by the World Health Organization and the border control measures taken by European countries, the United States, and neighboring countries were taken into consideration. These regulations may be adjusted as the situation evolves.
Q1⃣1⃣: How will foreigners traveling to Taiwan be notified about these regulations? Where can the latest updates be found? If foreigners have related questions, what telephone numbers can be used to obtain information?
🔸 The latest updates on visa and border control measures will be announced on the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bureau of Consular Affairs, and ROC missions abroad.
🔸 For questions about the coronavirus, callers in Taiwan may use the 1922 hotline to obtain information. For questions about visa and border control regulations, callers may use the following numbers to obtain information (callers from abroad should add 866 to the number and not include 0 in front of the 2): (02) 2343-2921, (02) 2343-2895, (02) 2343-2850, (02) 2343-2876, and (02) 2343-2900.
Q1⃣2⃣: Should the current situation worsen, will further steps be taken regarding foreigners traveling to Taiwan?
A1⃣2⃣: The related regulations will be adjusted as the situation evolves. Should the coronavirus outbreak worsen, the government will take whatever border control measures necessary regarding the countries in question.
ship certificate 在 Ship certificates - Validity, Issuer, and Requirements - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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