近期聖文森國近期發生蘇富瑞(La Soufrière)火山噴發,我國對聖國表達關懷與慰問。
災難沒有國界,台灣有豐富的防災合作及緊急應變經驗,「臺灣國際醫衛行動團隊」(TaiwanIHA)的專家未來在新備忘錄的機制下,將會協助聖文森國政府評估國家災害應變機制,對聖文森 #地震預警系統 及 #火山監測設施 的建置與強化進行先期評估,另也分享台灣豐富的科技防災經驗,期待協助聖國降低緊急醫療負擔。
「臺灣國際醫衛行動團隊」(TaiwanIHA)是由外交部與衛生福利部共同籌組,於4/13和財團法人國際合作發展基金會、財團法人國家實驗研究院及行政法人國家災害防救科技中心,共同簽署「聖文森國災害管理降低緊急醫療負擔發展計畫前期研究專案」策略性合作備忘錄。聖文森國駐台大使 Embassy of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, ROC, (Taiwan) 柏安卓(Andrea Bowman)受邀出席見證簽約儀式。
After the recent eruption of La Soufrière volcano in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, we'd like to express our concern for the country in this time of need.
Natural disasters know no borders and Taiwan is happy to share its experience and expertise in disaster prevention and response with our friends and partners around the world.
A long-planned memorandum of understanding on a consultancy project for disaster management and medical capacity building was signed with the country earlier this week. Under the agreement, Taiwan will help the country assess its disaster response capability, particularly when it comes to earthquake early-warning systems and volcanic activity monitoring equipment. We also hope to lower the medical costs of future disasters by sharing our disaster prevention technology.
#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping #SDG17 #PartnershipForTheGoals #TaiwanIHA
st vincent volcano 在 La Soufrière (volcano) - Wikipedia 的相關結果
La Soufrière or Soufrière Saint Vincent is an active stratovolcano on the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. ... <看更多>
st vincent volcano 在 Soufrière St. Vincent - Global Volcanism Program 的相關結果
Soufrière St. Vincent (also referred to as “La Soufrière”) is the northernmost stratovolcano on St. Vincent Island in the southern part of the Lesser Antilles. ... <看更多>
st vincent volcano 在 'Heartbreaking' return to St Vincent's volcano-hit 'red zone' - BBC 的相關結果
It is three weeks since La Soufriere volcano erupted on the Caribbean island of St Vincent. Around 15 per cent of the island's population remain in ... ... <看更多>