You are the Light of the World
“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither did this man sin, nor his parents; but, that the works of God might be revealed in him. I must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” When he had said this, he spat on the ground, made mud with the saliva, anointed the blind man’s eyes with the mud, and said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means “Sent”). So he went away, washed, and came back seeing.” (John 9:1-7 WEB)
The disciples who did not have the power to heal, were discussing why the man was born blind.
Sometimes people have a tendency to talk as if they know what is going on, assuming things that they know nothing about.
We make up all sorts of smart-sounding explanations for why things happen, when only God knows the truth.
The disciples asked whether the man sinned such that he was blind from birth. It is either that they believed in reincarnation (the false concept of past lives), or acting smart has just made them really foolish. How can an unborn person sin so that they are born blind?
Jesus was not interested to discuss about sin. He wanted to talk about God and to release God’s power.
In stark contrast to the disciples, Jesus is solution oriented. He knew He had the power to heal the man and doing that was His priority.
Jesus gave us a pattern to follow. Night is coming upon this world—a time of great tribulation. The church won’t be here to do the works of God to restrain the power of evil.
“You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill can’t be hidden. Neither do you light a lamp, and put it under a measuring basket, but on a stand; and it shines to all who are in the house. Even so, let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16 WEB)
While we are still in the world, we are the light of the world. Say this now: “I am the light of the world, for the Spirit of Christ dwells in me.”
You have the responsibility to shine since you have this light. God has sent you to be a bearer of His light. Pray for people and be a conduit for God’s power to flow through to the world. Do good whenever God gives you the opportunity. Be solution-focused like Jesus!
See God’s love and grace for you in all the 37 recorded miracles of Jesus Christ, and receive bold faith for more miracles in your own life:
stand in stark contrast to 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
2011 年,從賓大到哥大時,我幻想著休閒時間,就要到 SOHO 的咖啡廳看看書,感受被小說家跟 #紐約時報 的 editors 們包圍著工作的氣氛。放假時,要到中央公園吃著在 Plaza Hotel 地下街買的龍蝦堡享受一下午的悠閒。
沒想到一開學,我的生活變瞬間變成了:「不是在圖書館,就是往圖書館的路上。」過程當中,好強的我,為了「英文寫作要比哥大的美國學生更好」這個目標,我開始整理了「 #英文寫作資料庫」。
✔︎ 在指出 research gap 時,學者們不約而同地使用 “Relatively little is known about sth…”
✔︎ 在指出證據越來越多時,他們不約而同地使用 “Evidence is growing that…”(絕對不是 There're more and more evidences 喔)
如果我們可以掌握這些高頻、模組化的寫作特性,其實很多時候不需要拼命地用中文組裝,最後反而製造出了多 #奇形怪狀的中式英文 寫法。
✔︎ 這套我一直以來 #整理英文寫作語料 的方式(我叫它 #3D英文筆記術 ),我會在這次與 #Hahow 合作的線上課程當中與你們分享。
► 表達目的時,我們需要注意「#文法搭配」,才能用的出來
X is intended to… / X is aimed at… / X is consistent with Y
► 有了 #詞義搭配 (lexical collocation) 這個模組,我們才能很自然地使用 a handful of studies / a wealth of research / a suite of questions 這樣的用法。
► 對 #慣用句頭、#慣用句中 的熟悉、整理,寫作時才能夠輕鬆用出:
・The past decade has witnessed XXX
・There has been much controversy surrounding…
・X stand in stark contrast to Y
・X is subject to Y
・X has grown in importance / popularity
如果你也想增進你的英文寫作能力(不管是要考檢定考、還是商用寫作),在 3D 英文筆記術課程中你會學到「如何在閱讀時,抄出對寫作有益的筆記」,我也教會你一套可以受用一輩子的筆記方法。歡迎加入我們:)
✔︎ 3D 英文筆記術課程:
stand in stark contrast to 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最佳解答
「哥本哈根民主高峰會」就「從香港戰場為民主奮鬥(Fighting for Democracy – From the Battlegrounds of Hong Kong)」發表演說,有幸成為峰會首位發言嘉賓。
US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo
President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Dr. Tsai Ing-wen
European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova
NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoana
68th US Secretary of State (2013-2017) John Kerry
64th US Secretary of State (1997-2001) Madeleine Albright
29th Australian Prime Minister (2015-2018) Malcolm Turnbull
2020 Copenhagen Democracy Summit
Fighting for Democracy – From the Battlegrounds of Hong Kong
Joshua Wong
18 June 2020
Thank you so much for inviting me to speak, Ryan. I say this knowing I might not have the chance to do so again in the future, and this is not an exaggeration. Many of you still recall the scene when millions of Hong Kongers took to the street last year. We opposed the extradition arrangements that would’ve essentially allowed legalized kidnapping: Hong Kongers found guilty of breaking Chinese law could be sent to stand trial in a Chinese court. The authorities eventually withdrew the bill under tremendous pressure, but they also responded our demand to full democracy with oppressive policing forces. The number of arrested protested since last summer is already more than the number of prisoners in Hong Kong right now. More than thousands were arrested and charged with rioting. Many more injured or even went missing.
New Crackdown
This prolonged struggle with the Chinese Communist Party for years now. The Umbrella Movement broke out in 2014 demanding that Beijing lived up to its promises of democracy. But rather than doing so in honour of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984, Xi Jinping’s crackdown on our autonomy has only intensified over time.
What Xi Jinping learnt from Hong Kong’s democratic movement last year is to become more draconic and oppressive. It would be best to have me sent across the border to stand trial directly than to engage in dynamic diplomatic talks and negotiation. Therefore, precisely one year afterwards, when I am attending this summit, Beijing's legislature, the NPCSC, at the same time holds meetings, finalizing a sweeping national security law that targets democratic activists like myself.
Under the pretext of ‘national security’, this law purports to target acts of “collusion with foreign forces’’. Beijing did not define what is ‘’collusion’’, but it will wield massive discretionary power to punish activists and electoral candidates on the one hand, and cut off Hong Kong from the international society and their crucial support, on the other. Take this occasion as an example, I’m convinced that every word comes from my mouth today could well become proof of crime at the Chinese courtroom in the near future. Worse still, not only can democratic activists and legislators who have participated in international advocacy efforts be barred from running elections or even imprisoned, INGOs and other organizations, including their personnel and assets, can also be subject to legal persecution.
So the developments in Hong Kong have changed quite swiftly. Large-scale protests defying the communist government may no longer be an option. It could be my last testimony when I am still free, yet prosecuted and put behind bars under the sweeping security law. Our long march to democracy will be forced into a prolonged period of fierce crackdown, perhaps similar to what Poland experienced in the Communist era, with secret police agency stationed in the city.
The Wounds of Hong Kong are Proof of Defying Beijing’s Oppression
These scenarios may create a stark contrast with the impression we usually have to a cosmopolitan Hong Kong famous for its international financial centre. The economic freedom, free flow of capital and freedom to information we used to enjoy in Hong Kong, will fade away after the law imposed. It is also the Sword of Damocles over all investors and ex-pats living and working on this island. When geopolitical tension intensifies, ex-pats can fall victim to the ill-defined law and China's hostage diplomacy. In the past, two Canadian nationals were detained for nearly two years as retaliation to Huawei's executive Meng Wanzhou's arrest, let alone Swedish NGO worker Peter Dahlin, Australian writer Yang Hengjun and Taiwanese NGO activist Lee Ming-che. Foreign journalists, human rights workers and academics were barred from Hong Kong. When China makes national security its priority, no one is safe.
Citizen journalists, booksellers, NGO workers, religious groups, online bloggers, booksellers, writers, human rights defenders or even critics of government policies are put behind bars. Amnesty International also raised concerns about its spill-out effects on economic activities and online speech. Once the law reaches out its claw to this beacon of liberty on China's soul, this vibrant civil society is on the brink of collapse.
Certainly, I would devote whatever efforts I can to defy this new round of oppression. But Beijing’s continued moves to crush democracy in Xinjiang and in Hong Kong also explain the Goliath we are facing is not as fierce as it looks like. In the past two decades, Beijing’s aggressive expansion in Europe, Asia and Africa has given a warning signal to democratic states all over the world. The world is awakening from the Chinese Nightmare. If we are determined to safeguard democratic aspirations, we must act to defy China's dictatoral grip.
Towards Democracy: Pain, Tears and Compassion.
In Hong Kong, we had experienced many depressing moments last year when state-mobilized mobs attacked passengers in the metro station, when police forcefully entered the university campus to arrest and to torture protestors, when witnessing countless students younger than me were put behind bars. What drives us to continue our struggle? My answer is compassion.
As my dear friend, Brian Leung said, ‘’Hong Kong Belongs to Everyone Who Shares Its Pain’’. In the previous year, we burst into tears mourning the death of protestors, we shared boxes of surgical masks to one another to defend ourselves from the Coronavirus. I also pray for protesters who are forced to leave our home because of their sacrifice in the movement. I pray for brothers who are struggled in jail now and I pray for those who will become political refugees soon. They are the reasons I’m still fighting in this battle. As we grow in pain, in tears and in compassion, I believe we shall succeed one day.
Thank you.