Find out how you can SAVE $$$ on monthly instalments for your home! ⬇️
Did you know that you can significantly reduce your monthly instalment by refinancing with a bank with a lower interest rate?
I found out recently that we CAN! What's more, @propertyguru allows me to compare refinancing options from all major banks.
👉🏻 You can also sign up for a free (yes, absolutely free!) consultation with a PropertyGuru Finance Home Loan Advisor. I booked a #Switch2Save session and Marcus from PropertyGuru Finance showed us how we could save up to $5,000 in a year. 🤩
Not only did he answer all my queries about refinancing, he even pointed out some of the clauses that I should look out for, such as penalty lock-in period (which normally goes up to 3 years) and be aware of possible lawyer and revaluation fees. Also, current fixed and floating rates are between 1.05% and 1.3%. So we’ve definitely been paying above the rates! 😞
If only we'd known this earlier - that could’ve saved us a fortune! So don't wait, find out how you can pay less and save more at 🤩
#Switch2Save #PropertyGuruFinance #Refinance #sp #PropertyGuruHomeLoans #Partipost @ Singapore