優勝團隊將有機會前往美國奇點大學,參加 SU Global Startup Program 培訓課程,解決「人類面臨的重大挑戰」,TTA 也將遴選 4 個團隊提供 3 個月進駐 TTA 的機會!
【《2019 TTA 奇點亞太創業競賽》改變 10 億人的生活!🔥】(English below)
TTA 與美國奇點大學,廣邀亞太地區創業家🚀,#前進全球最聰明學校培訓,運用🤖 #AI人工智慧 #改變十億人未來十年的生活!🌎
優勝團隊將有機會前往美國奇點大學,參加 SU Global Startup Program 培訓課程,TTA 也將遴選 4 個團隊提供 3 個月進駐 TTA 的機會!
2019 SingularityU APAC Global Impact Challenge 🔥
"The more people solving problems, the better 🌎the world gets."
Details and registration: https://su.org/gic/apac-2019/
Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) and Singularity University are partnering for 🌍the Global Impact Challenge to identify innovators within the APAC region with projects that can solve global challenges utilizing #AI🤖 technology.
"Singularity University is a place that teaches about exponentially growing technologies. Those technologies doubling in power year on year...these are the technologies that will be changing our world."
🏆The winner of the Singularity APAC Global Impact Challenge will win a seat to attend 🚀SU's Global Startup Program, and the TTA Special Award winner will gain qualification as a TTA member and access to TTA’s facilities for 3 months.
Application Deadline: September 30, 2019
👉Details and registration: https://su.org/gic/apac-2019/
Empowering Global Tech Startups at Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA)
Visit us: www.taiwanarena.tech
#SingularityUniversity #APAC #SU_APAC #Startup #TaiwanTechArena #TTA #TTAatCES 科技部 陳良基的創新筆記
ttaatces 在 創新創業激勵計畫 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#FITI學長團】今年的 #美國CES 雖然結束了,不過代表出國參展的團隊都成功吸引了不少國際廠商的目光,並展示出台灣的科創潛力 ✨ 44組新創團隊中,有9隊是FITI學長團喔~
#SkinProbiotics #梵納斯科技 #AgriTalk #MagCure #Medjade #eBus #TFT台灣優勢感測 #SkinElec #ChaseWind #FlipWeb #3drens #BrilliantOptronics #中山液晶
With the 44 teams winning more than US$179 million in business opportunities at CES 2019 and Silicon Valley events, Taiwan proved its technology strength and innovation capabilities to the world again.
#CES2019 #Startup #TaiwanTechArena #TTA #TTAatCES 科技部 陳良基的創新筆記
ttaatces 在 創新創業激勵計畫 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#FITI學長團】科技部將率領44家頂尖科技新創公司參加今年美國拉斯維加斯消費性電子展(Consumer Electronics Show,#CES)‼️當中更有FITI的學長團,其中Brilliant Optronics 更是107年第一梯次榮獲 #創業傑出獎 的團隊之一,主要開發 #多功能軟性智慧窗戶薄膜 經APP可隨時調控透明、亮度及遮蔽等功能✨
[TEAM INTRO #8] - Brilliant Optronics
''Enjoy light, enjoy life!''
Brilliant Optronics specialises in the R&D, process integration, and production of flexible smart window film which can be directly attached to glass to easily adjust transparency, privacy, tint and image display.
C.E.S 2019 #Taiwan #startup #TaiwanTechArena #TTA #Talent #TTAatCES #SandsExpo52443 科技部 陳良基的創新筆記