Talent Department of Hua Xia, led by the local artist – Ms. Xiao Miao (小喵) and her magnificent team of talent instructors, is determined to hone students' talents through different activities, i.e. Modern and Traditional dance, Hip-Hop dance, Chinese Martial Arts, musical instruments, drama, and singing. We believe that these activities can help to sharpen students' personality development, communication skills, and promote a sense of belonging. #AwesomeHuaXia #privateschool #HuaXiaTalents #HuaXiaSprits #Growthmindset #Parents #Education #TalentsClub #localartist #飞艺班工作室
学术学习固然重要,而艺术文化的熏陶对学生们也扮演了十分重要的角色,本地知名艺人–小喵老师和她的才华横溢的团队,共同组成了多元化的才艺训练班,他们倾力于研究现代和传统舞蹈,街舞,武术课,乐器,戏剧和歌唱等等。通过这些才艺学习,有效地提升学生们的沟通技巧,表达能力,并提升他们的参与和归属感,进而促进学生的性格优势发展。 #华夏精神#私立学校#华夏文化 #华夏才艺班 #家长 #教育 #本地艺人#飞艺班工作室