好歹該喝過 #帖帕契 吧
帖帕契(#Tepache)是一款由鳳梨釀造,再以黑糖、肉桂、丁香等香料調味的水果酒,也是在墨西哥人手一袋、無人不喝的 #國民飲料。
這次我們找上鳳梨界無人不知的 @微熱山丘 SunnyHills,把來自南投八卦山的土鳳梨,以紅甘蔗汁取代傳統的調味作法,釀出在地版本的 #臺式Tepache。
【#熱虎旺旺來 鳳梨酒 - TE-PACHE AMO】
🍺 ABV:3.7%
🍺 風味:土鳳梨、紅甘蔗、#天然a尚好
👉 這裡喝它:7-Eleven 、 全家FamilyMart 、 家樂福Carrefour
tepache 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最讚貼文
#throwback #手工啤酒 其實可以好複雜!之前仲未禁酒吧,試咗COA x Young Master 少爺啤 製作嘅La Niña Fresa Tepache陳釀野生發酵酸啤,酒底採用於比利時式橡木桶釀製嘅混合發酵酸啤,與新鮮菠蘿一同發酵,最後更陳釀於Chardonnay酒桶之中,添上陣陣雲呢拿及椰子香氣,與tepache(發酵菠蘿)微微肉桂滋味配合得天衣無縫,飲落有d natural wine嘅feel。同場加映3位mixologists以這特別版啤酒製作雞尾酒,杯杯都各有特色!希望疫情快啲受控,大家可以正常地出街!加油!🍻🍸💪🏻
#throwback Craft Beer can be very complicated! Before the new ban, I tried the newly launched limited COA x Young Master - La Niña Fresa Barrel Aged Wild Ale with Pineapple Tepache! Starting with the brewery’s foeder aged sour ale & co-fermented it with fresh pineapples. Extensive ageing in Chardonnay barrels with more vanilla and coconut flavours & completed with a light Tepache-inspired cinnamon touch. It tastes a bit like natural wine. We also had 3 renowned mixologists creating a cocktail based on the new craft beer. They r all very nice! Hope the coronavirus can be under control soon and we can get back to normal soon! All the best! 🍻🍸💪🏻
#coahk #youngmaster #youngmasterbrewery #少爺啤 #Tepache #LaNiñaFresa #craftbeer #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #TGIF
tepache 在 黃大鈞 Alan Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
少爺啤嘅新產品La Nina Freda,一款啓發自墨西哥tepache、以天然酵母釀製的ale,入樽前放入Chardonnay酒桶,淨飲有菠蘿、椰子、雲呢拿嘅味道,帶酸味,fruity又夠dry,好適合飲開wine但又鍾意飲啤酒嘅我。而用來整cocktail也大開眼界!