又一年擔任朱宗慶打擊樂團2018台北國際打擊樂夏令營的翻譯。今年對我來說也是全新的體驗,對非洲鼓樂相當不熟的我,竟然擔任非洲鼓大師Paschal Younge老師的小助教。從一開始在課堂上幫不上忙,到後來可以一起同樂,感謝Paschal老師的包容。更謝謝朱宗慶老師、黃堃儼老師一次一次的給我機會,擔任夏令營的翻譯。最後,恭喜所有學員完成一星期艱難的各種挑戰!
Once again, I had the honor to be part of Ju Percussion “Taipei International Summer Camp”. This year I was honored to translate and teach for Professor Paschal Younge’s African Drumming class! The amazing thing is that I was at Paschal’s class when he came to teach the summer camp 20 years ago. To my surprise, Paschal still remember my face!!
Thank you Paschal, I learned so much from you! And thank you Mr. Ju and Larry for having me again this year. Congrats to all the students completing in the courses. I have seen how much you all have grown into better musicians and human beings.
#TIPSC #percussion #summercamp #paschalyounge #JuPercussion #LoveWhatIDo
#OfLoveandLoss #最近有大事要公佈 #明天注意⚠️
#BigNewsCommingSoon #TuneInTomorrow
#yunjupan #alicepan #KeepBusy #BusyWoman