[News] รวมรายละเอียดใหม่ของ Cyberpunk 2077
อันนี้เป็นข้อมูลโดยรวมของ Cyberpunk 2077 จากการสังเกตของเหล่านักข่าวตามสื่อต่างๆ ที่ได้ทดลองเล่นตัวเกม และมีชาว Reddit รวบรวมเอาไว้เป็นข้อๆ ดังนี้ (ขอตัดบางส่วนที่คาดว่าเป็นสปอยล์เนื้อหาออก แต่ยังสามารถเข้าไปอ่านใน Source ได้)
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Continue Reading[News] New details of Cyberpunk 2077
This is the overall information of Cyberpunk 2077 from observation of journalists following the media who have tried to play games and Reddit people gathered as follows. (Let's cut off some that are expected to spoil the content but still can. Check it out in Source)
- No game loading scene except for first loading.
- You can kill people walking the streets in and out of vehicles.
- Killing someone near a police or gang around there or making a big enough problem. Laws and gangs will handle you severely.
- Movement in the game is smoother than The Witcher 3
- Players will be controlling the camera angles almost anytime, even in the conversation scene.
- Lots of discussions.
- The game won't be the same as Grand Theft Auto (in terms of feeling and structure) because this is an RPG game.
- Plenty of customization options and if you choose to have a dul, you can choose whether you want a circumcised or not.
- You can finish the whole game without killing anyone.
- Some in-game mission may produce up to 7 different results depending on how to play.
- The more weapons you use, the more you master in that kind of weapon.
- You can press over time to give mission time to pass.
- 1 hours in real time = 8 hours of game time
- Using Fast Travel in game, there will be no loading scene.
- In addition to the initial game loading, there will be a short loading scene when V sleeps.
- Cyberpunk 2077 fight system is similar to Destiny, but it still confirms that it's not FPS game. This is RPG game.
- Running game smoothly, but there are some cuddle to see.
- In-game mission will have many choices to do and result in changing results.
- In this game, you will not feel that you are the center of the universe. (Similarly, you are not a hero, not a chosen hero, just a cuddle mm doodle living in the city.)
- A companion can use to fight too.
- Your UI will be determined according to the Enhancements you put in Life Path.
- Contributing characters will be very interesting and there will be many characters you will like.
- An open world is amazing. Everyone praised the game world design, environment and lifestyle and semi-future rate sense.
- There will be many interesting Lore that don't tell or tell straight away. Stuffing in our face without the art of telling and everything must be investigated, seek or found themselves, but it will be easily accessible.
- The world in game will be realistic and reliable.
- Characteristics will make you distrust every character you encounter.
- You can buy Braindance or Illegal XBD at black market or some night market.
- Lots of cybernetics devices for you to wear and can improve cuddle upgrade too.
- Focusing on vertical exploration and falling from high will also hurt you.
- There are kids in game but can't kill them
- In case of choosing Corpo in Life Path, you will start at Arasaka Tower. Nomad will start at Badlands and if street kid starts at Night City bar.
- Tutorial will be 6 years after that and will start at demo gameplay events shown at E3 2018
- Trauma Team (Nurses) can electrocute you if you don't follow their orders.
- Conversation is very well written. There will be nowhere that feels like a B grade movie.
- There are animals in the game, but there are very few and all are mechanical.
- Some YouTuber is in this game with the looks and sounds of dubbing.
- On TV on V's apartment elevator, there's a comedy talk show on TV.
- You can talk to anyone and get sub-mission from NPC and Watson area. There are many NPCs to make the city look alive.
- A gun shop maybe has a mission for you to do.
- There will be CyberPsycho in the game. These are NPC who will kill police with high violent snipers.
- Night City has a huge size and 4 hours that the media can only explore the skin of the game.
- There are plenty of choices for you to decide.
- Close-range fights have attack, avoid and protective buttons. If you hit the right beat, it can be parked back. Include sword and knife attack.
- In-game music is great. Both soundtrack and music on radio in game.
- The game feels like playing Tabletop RPG in terms of freedom to answer the cuddle drama formation, options that provide choices and results of various missions and statistic management.
- The option to answer the question will feel that it means everything. Not putting it to you. Just have a lot.
- Character model is very impressive resolution but it doesn't change the world.
- The world in the game will feel that there is life with people breathing and living in it with NPC movement environment, their conversations and lighting and model surfaces.
- Almost everything shown in Trailer is from the introduction of the game.
- B. cuddle K that I found during the show will be fixed before the game is released.
- Blessing Adeoye Jr. Kinda Funny Video thinks the game might be postponed again.
- Driving in the game will feel very good. It's similar to Grand Theft Auto, but it will have more weight.
- There are more than 12 radio stations and rock waves including police reports live on the radio.
- Sub mission in the game will be very diverse.
- Game maps are packed with many things to see and do and you can enter the building almost anywhere.
- There will be a lot of Perks that each of the cuddle th will have their own cuddle th bent cuddle th grade.
- Weapons in the game are very diverse. Even the same weapon will have completely different talents and statistics.
- Some sub-missions will be affected by many things in Golden Path.
- Most Players Love Braindance Range-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXXGS3MGCro But Some Say Boring
- The game is a new definition of what Open World can be and it might change how RPG game.
- It's a 100 % RPG game and there is a higher priority shooting system and media comparing that Cyberpunk 2077 is Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Human Revolution that has been elevated.
- Most players love shooting system in this game.
- Vehicle has all different control room interior patterns.
- You can do a Vigilante mission that helps Night City Police Unit to deal with crime, arrest gangsters and CyberPsychos. It means you can play the role of police in the game.
- There's a bounty hunting mission in the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PS4, XB1 and PC on 19 November. Oh my god. This is it.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/hhmk9t/list_of_observations_by_journalists/
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「ui design reddit」的推薦目錄:
ui design reddit 在 紀老師程式教學網 Facebook 的最佳解答
NetTuts+ 最近發表了一篇文章,訪問了 15 位世界級的網頁工程師,詢問他們下列四個問題:
1. 你主要的工作是什麼?
2. 你用什麼樣的電腦開發程式?
3. 你用什麼樣的軟體來撰寫程式碼?
4. 哪些軟體你不用會死
結果...清一色全部用 Mac 系統啊!我之前也建議,Mac 有比 Windows 更友善的介面,但又使用 FreeBSD 這顆 Unix 家族的強力引擎,兼具 Linux 的強大。真的是軟體工程師的上上之選哪~(個人也已經使用快一年了)。
另外,寫碼工具也由 Sublime Text 獲得壓倒性勝利!我之前也在這個版推薦過好幾次。真的非常鼓勵程式師們去學啊!
Scott Gonzalez: jQuery UI 主要作者之一
* 主要工作:JavaScript & Node.js
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text + TrailingSpaces, Pretty JSON, GitGutter, Markdown Preview 四個外掛
* 必備軟體:Git/GitHub, Apache, Chrome, Linkinus, Skype, Node
Raymond Camden: Adobe 資深工程師,制定各種網頁標準
* 主要工作:制定各種網頁標準
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Brackets
* 必備軟體:Chrome, Brackets, Tweetdeck, Evernote
John-David Dalton: jsPerf 與 Benchmark.js 作者,JavaScript 狂熱愛好者
* 主要工作:撰寫各種函式庫
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Komodo Edit
* 必備軟體:Total Finder, Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari/IE, Node, Ringo, Rhino, Narwhal
Stephanie Sullivan Rewis: HOW Design, UI16, An Event Apart, Microsoft’s MIX, Macworld, SXSW, Adobe Max 等大型研討會策展人
* 主要工作:前端網頁開發(HTML/CSS/JavaScript)
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:CodeKit, Tower, HipChat, Fireworks, Chrome
Christian Heilmann: Web 技術專欄作家
* 主要工作:科技文章撰寫
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:瀏覽器, Git, IRC, Dropbox, Spotify
Ryan Grove: SmugMug 這個 JavaScript 元件的作者
* 主要工作:JavaScript 函式庫撰寫
* 硬體平台:Mac Pro(桌機,工作站等級)
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:Sublime Text, JSHint, Adium, Tower, Dropbox, Rsync, Arg, Gmail, GitHub, Chrome, Google Hangouts...等
Cody Lindley
* 主要工作:前端網頁技術(HTML/CSS/JavaScript)
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:SmartGit, Sublime, Divvy, JumpCut, Skype, Chrome...等。
Luke Smith: YUI 這個 JavaScript 函式庫的主要作者
* 主要工作:JavaScript 函式庫撰寫
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Vim
* 必備軟體:Vim, Git
Chris Williams: SaferAging 副總,JSConf US 與 RobotsConf 會議主席
* 主要工作:各類硬體感知器的程式撰寫
* 硬體平台:Mac Pro, MacBook Air, Mac Mini
* 開發工具:Sublime Text 3
* 必備軟體:Sublime Text, iTerm2, Fish Shell, Wunderlist
Aaron Newton: Thanx 專案經理
* 主要工作:HTML5
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:CloudApp, Jing, Sequel Pro, Jumpcut, Total Terminal, GitX
Ben Cherry: Pushd 工程師
* 主要工作:Ruby, iOS, JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:Sublime Text 2, iTerm 2, Chrome, 1Password, Gmail, Flipboard, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit
Jacob Thornton: @medium, Bootstrap, Bower 等知名 JavaScript 函式庫作者
* 主要工作:HTML, CSS, JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text 2
* 必備軟體:Rdio
Lea Verou: W3C 委員會開發者
* 主要工作:HTML, CSS, JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Espresso
* 必備軟體:Espresso, Transmit, CodeKit, Adobe Illustrator, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, WebKit nightlies, Chrome Canary
Jonathan Snook: Shopify 工程師
* 主要工作:HTML/CSS/JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Vim
* 必備軟體:Vim, Chrome,
Peter Wagenet: Ember 這個 JavaScript 函式庫的主要成員
* 主要工作:JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Sublime Text 3
* 必備軟體:Chrome, Firefox, Adium, GTalk, Twitter, Divvy, 1Password, Bartender
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