《ICON》拉队前往新加坡进行一月刊封面拍摄,请来了台湾模特 張瑜秦 Jolie 担任封面人物,而Cartier也特别安排了一系列价值非凡的高级珠宝,搭配来自Vaughn Tan的华丽礼服,上演一场高贵优雅的奢华珠宝大片。
#ICONcover Cartier Vaughn Tan #张瑜秦 #JolieChang Ascott Orchard Singapore #AscottSingapore #Cartier #VaughnTan #Luxury #Jewellery #CoverShoot #ICONmsia #ICONmy #Singapore
vaughntan 在 Karena Teo Facebook 的最佳貼文
这个video无论我看多少篇脑里总是浮现当晚满满的感动与喜悦,欢愉的眼泪会不竟在眼眶里打转,多个月后回头看回我和他的回忆,播完只能对着他说,谢谢你老公!心里os着女儿是我们的结晶,也是我给你最好的礼物了~ 或许在举办婚礼前,大多数的人都会说婚礼是做给父母的,就连我也不例外,但当看完影片后,我想到的是他们是成就我们办了一场让我们都是主角也会在我们彼此心中留下的一个过程和美好的回忆。筹备一场能让大家欢愉的婚礼的确耗尽了我们的心思,毕竟我们希望大家出席的不仅仅是一场yumseng完就拍拍屁股走了的婚礼,而是大伙的见证,见证了我们的爱情,陪着我们成长的每一位一起enjoy我们最好的moment!当婚礼结束后,大家还纷纷寄上祝福,大家的面子书上载我们婚礼的照片并称赞与分享我们的喜悦时,我们是感动的~ 谢谢所有当天到场的亲戚朋友!工作人员!所有造就我们这场婚礼的你们!谢谢~
#chopard #centrohairsalon #divaproduction #hollavi #kengstudio #vaughntan #islewedding
vaughntan 在 Karena Teo Facebook 的最佳解答
Unforgettable proposal and wedding dinner! How blissful I am to have you coming into my life, you are such my guardian prince tat always guide me, surprise me, protect me and lead me to a better future~ when other girls headache for their wedding dinner, you are the groom tat arrange everything, throw out all these unexpected and stunning ideas out in this wonderful fairytale wedding dinner just to surprise all of us as I told you before our wedding not just a traditional wedding tat all guest come and send greeting ,simple dinner then say byebye ! We need everyone to enjoy , to immersed in this wonderful love story, share our happiness!
Hubby, you make it! How blessed im to have you in my life ~ thanks for let me be your princess! As I'm the queen tat night! My king ~ ❤️
#FrankandKarena #fairytalewedding #chopard #chopardhappybride #vaughntan #redgown #centrohairsalon #divaproduction