"Dr. Vodder® MLD徒手淋巴引流Level 1證照課" ✨✨✨
2019年10月5號~6號, 2019年10月11號~13號 (共5天)
🔸每天上課時間: 8:30~12:30; 13:30~17:30
🔸報名人數限制: 6人 (本課程採小班制)
🔸資格限制: 醫療人員,須提供合格醫事人員証
書or執業 執照or醫院工作證等照片
Dr. Vodder® School,是全世界最早開始教授正統徒手淋巴引流技術的學院;許多其他國際淋巴學派也都是師承Dr. Vodder. Dr. Vodder徒手淋巴引流技術廣受國際醫療界肯定, 在全世界20 多個國家由學院認證講師授課, 包括歐洲,北美南美,澳洲紐西蘭以及新加坡和亞洲各地都有持續培訓學員. 而目前Dr. Vodder® School也是舉世聞名的淋巴引流研究單位。
Dr. Vodder®的運用
Dr. Vodder® MLD經典淋巴引流在歐美廣受臨床認可的手法,與一般運動按摩及重壓式按摩不同,MLD是針對真皮及皮下組織的淺層淋巴做引流,因此手法非常輕柔有節奏且有良好效果。臨床上更是一項很好的治療技術之一.
1. 臨床大多可運用在關節術後的早期復健
2. 在德國是骨科手術後最早介入的治療之一,減
3. 改善淋巴系統或循環系統造成的阻塞、滯
4. 維持淋巴管流通
5. 對於部分燒燙傷復健,避開傷口位置,在離開
6. 舒緩運動過後肌肉張力過大及局部腫脹
7. 對肌肉有顯著的放鬆效果
8. 提升自主神經系統與免疫系統活化
9. 幫助軟化疤痕或減輕橘皮組織
10. 醫學美容術後
11. 偏頭痛,緊張型頭痛,耳鳴
12. 中風後肢體腫脹
【Dr. Vodder® is a registered trademark of the Vodder Schools International Ltd】
📝欲報名者請私訊索取報名表單: m.me/PTPingchun
This is the first segment of the classes.
This is an intensive course involving extensive hands-on work. The basic strokes and their application to each body part are taught. The theory covers anatomy and physiology of the lymph vessel system, connective tissue, effects of MLD, pathology, the clinical picture of edema and contraindications. Lymphedemas are described with an emphasis on how Manual Lymph Drainage can affect them. Upon completion of the course, you will have a thorough understanding of the lymph vessel system and the impact of MLD.
Learn in a supportive environment with one-on-one teaching in small class sizes that will take you through the steps to become proficient in Dr. Vodder’s MLD. We spend 80% of the course time in individual, hands-on training.
At the end of this course you will be able to perform full body MLD on people with an intact lymph vessel system.
「vodder strokes」的推薦目錄:
vodder strokes 在 manual lymphdrainage vodder Scoop Technique - YouTube 的推薦與評價

This is the original scoop technique of the Manual Lymphdrainage , invented from Dr. Vodder in the early Twenties of the last Century. ... <看更多>
vodder strokes 在 manual lymphdrainage vodder pump technique - YouTube 的推薦與評價

This Video shows the original Pump technique of Dr. Vodders Manual Lymphdrainage or Lymphatic Drainage. ... <看更多>
vodder strokes 在 Lymphatic Vodder Technique - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Vodder technique comes from the massage world based on the model from osteopath F.P. Millard, D.O.. ... <看更多>