敬自由 / 性別平權
外交部在今年聯合國推案影片《敬 自由》中
『在這裡 各種想法進步得很快
Ingrained gender roles have taken a heavy toll on previous generations in #Taiwan and the greater Asia region. Many brilliant women were forced out of their careers and had to undertake the lion’s share of childcare duties, while men were denied the opportunity to be the primary care-giver to their children. Things are changing here in Taiwan and the government is trying to make this change easier, allowing both men and women to take up to six months parental leave to care for their child, with subsidies available allowing them to collect around 80% of their salary.
In the recent promotional short, "To Freedom," as part of MOFA’s #UNGA76 campaign, we feature the story of one such young parent, who represents many young men taking advantage of the recent changes to parental leave allowance:
“It’s quite progressive here. My wife and I have the same choices and opportunities. As I wanted to spend time with my child, I took six months parental leave from work and so his first word was “Daddy!” Family and career carry equal importance and require equal strength.”
If the UN states part of its mission as encouraging countries around the world to respect the rights of their people, Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference.
#GenderEquality #WomensEmpowerment
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- 關於womensempowerment 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
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womensempowerment 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
【台灣攜手土耳其 協助敘利亞難民】
最近 Taiwan in Turkey 駐土耳其代表處、 臺灣雷伊漢勒世界公民中心、台灣世界公民中心學會與土耳其雷伊漢勒市四方簽署 #合作備忘錄,台灣將捐贈20萬美元繼續支持 #臺灣雷伊漢勒世界公民中心 初期運作,協助敘利亞 #弱勢婦女 成立工作坊,並提供職業訓練課程讓她們邁向經濟自主及融入土耳其社會。簽署儀式由我國外交部婦女賦權無任所大使 林靜儀醫師 及土耳其國會議員桑菲帝共同見證。
Reyhanli is a small town on #Turkey’s border with #Syria. It has seen an influx of Syrian refugees since the Syrian Civil War broke out in 2011.
An MOU was signed recently by four parties on accelerating the operations of the Taiwan - Reyhanli Centre for World Citizens which is currently under the final stages of construction.
The Taiwanese government has donated US$200,000 in additional support for the center. The money will go towards the center's initial operations, aimed at improving the quality of life for women from both refugee and Turkish backgrounds in the city and providing career training for them.
Representative Huang Chih-yang, the center’s CEO, architect Chiu Chen-yu, Reyhanli Mayor Mehmet Hacioğlu and the Head of the Association of Taiwan Centre for World Citizens signed the MOU witnessed by Taiwan’s Ambassador-at-large for Women’s Empowerment Lin Ching-yi and Turkish MP Hüseyin Şanverdi.
#TaiwanCanHelp #WomensEmpowerment
womensempowerment 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
【台捷連線 2021性別平等臉書線上論壇】
行政院性別平等處將與捷克布拉格市政府,合體舉辦 #2021性別平等臉書線上論壇,針對 #女性參政 #性別主流化 #研究創新中的性別平等 #婚姻平權相關議題,邀請台捷重量級講者,暢聊性別平等:
👉台灣婦女賦權無任所大使 林靜儀醫師
👉彩虹平權大平台執行長 呂欣潔 Jennifer Lu
👉捷克眾議員暨TOP09政黨主席 Markéta Pekarová Adamová
👉捷克布拉格市長 Zdeněk Hřib - primátor Prahy
活動詳情/ Event details here:https://fb.me/e/YY8oqKRk
After hearing about the donation from #CzechRepublic yesterday, we're sure you’re as pumped as we are to help strengthen #PeopleToPeople ties with the country and work with them to realize the United Nations sustainable development goals. An upcoming #Czech-#Taiwan online forum on progress towards #GenderEquality will give you just such an opportunity, so why not take part?
Among the many high-profile speakers will be Czech MP Markéta Pekarová Adamová and friend of our Page Prague Mayor Zdeněk Hřib - primátor Prahy as well as Taiwan's Ambassador-at-Large for #WomensEmpowerment Lin Ching-yi! Link in comments!
#SDG5 #GenderEquality #WomenInPolitics #GenderMainstreaming #SameSexMarriage