//New on Yutopia CLog: #YSLOrientalExperience//
Do you remember I was the ambassador of YSL Beauty before? Here are the reportage by Elle.it and our video for the event! To find out more about what product I was using just go to bottom of the post:)
前陣子作為米蘭東方女子代表,代言YSL彩妝中國新年系列的文章來了!關於活動相信大家看照片或影片皆能略微了解,但文內我寫了些身為東方女子的觀感,有興趣不妨一看:) 彩妝用品明細在文章底部,我知道有一定有人要問唇彩,那是YSL最經典到不行的Rogue Pur Couture No.19。
yslorientalexperience 在 Yutopia Facebook 的精選貼文
This will be my last happy new year post because today is the last day after work! Keep calm and maybe buy a new lipstick after work!(?)
開工了是吧?讓我再來拜個最後的年!如果你覺得今天很鬱悶,也可以拿紅包(如果有的話以及如果還有的話)再去買支口紅。明星彩妝師Valter先生特別告訴我,影片中那隻rouge pur couture 19(記得要用法文發音),生產於1978年,是80年代時最暢銷,也是最代表YSL的唇彩。其實每次給外國人化妝我都挺緊張的,但Valter先生應該是至今合作過的彩妝師中,算是掌控的最好的,不愧是義大利牛爾老師,雖然眼線拉得不尖,但眼影畫的真是太美了,我終於能上完眼影後看起來不像被揍過一頓。
Yutopia Production x YSL Beauty
Video by BingYing Yang
Full Reportage will soon be on theYutopia.com and Elle.it
yslorientalexperience 在 Yutopia Facebook 的最佳貼文
Happy Chinese New Year! (Yes I know you've been hearing this for too many times recently but this is how we do lol) Anyway, if you are in Milan tonight, come and celebrate CNY with me and YSL Beautyand Elle.it at La Rinascente from 17:30-19:00 :)
有沒有人今天在米蘭呀?今天傍晚五點半到七點,我會在文藝復興百貨代表YSL彩妝,與大家共慶新年喔!屆時將會發表我與YSL共同創作的彩妝,由義大利彩妝大師Valter Gazzano為我上妝後,再與讀者們聊天同樂。雖然在這有點講心酸的因為你們大多數都不在這,但就當與你們分享喜悅吧!還有新年限量的眼影盤~
#YSLOrientalExperience #Ambassador #誰比我更Oriental